George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Charles Carter of Ludlow, 29 September 1793

From Charles Carter of Ludlow

Fredg 29th septr 93

Dr Sr

I by Mr Fitz[hugh] of Chatham, reced your kind and Affectionate Letter.1 ten thousand times I am obliged by this mark of friendship ever greatfully shall I hold it in remembrance. I have the satisfaction to tell you, that by letter of the 15th from my sons, they had got their money, and have by this post, directd them, to let the hundred Dollars you so obligeingly directed the Comptroller Mr Wolcot to pay, lay in case by any unforeseen accident they should be in want, which hope will not be the case. as the sum reced by them of 45£ Va C. this by no means lessens my obligations to you my Friend. I have a letter of the 23d they then were well, but poor Charles, was attending to Mrs Hutchison, & Burgess Ball in the Putrid fever, so that my fears are great.2 I hope for the best, and must submit to the devine will.

My best wishes in which Mrs Carter most affy joins me attend Mrs Washington and all at Mt Vernon & with esteem & regard I am Dr Sr your much obliged Obt & Affectionate Hble St

Chs Carter


2Carter’s son Charles Landon Carter and Sidney Evans Howell Hutchinson (d. 1838), the second wife of Dr. James Hutchinson, survived the epidemic. Burgess Ball, Jr. (1773–1793), a son of Lt. Col. Burgess Ball (1749–1800) by his first wife, Mary Chichester Ball, did not.

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