George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Charles Carter of Ludlow, 15 September 1793

From Charles Carter of Ludlow

Fredbg [Va.] Septr 15th 1793

My Dr Sr

Nothing but a very particular, and critical circumstance, shoud imbolden me to address you on a private affair. but tis of such a tender nature to a Parent, that Im certain of your Pardon. I have two Sons, in Philadelphia, in a most critical situation exposed to the raging Fever, that by accts sweeps, all before it. during the month of August I made them a remittance, of 150 Dollars. this accepted Bill was put into the hands of a Gentleman to receive the money, but by a letter from my Son Charles of the 1st of this month, he had not, nor did not expect, to get the money. Chs is a Pupil of Doctr Hutchisons, who is carried off by this malignant Fever & must be in great danger, as he has constantly attendd the Doctor. I coud remit another Bill, but all negotiations, are now stopd, during I hope but a short period. Youl add to the many favors already conferrd, if youl direct 100 Dollars to be paid to Walker Randolph Carter, at Mr Hunters the Coachmakers, or to Charles Landon Carter living, at the late Doctor James Hutchison.1 this is the only method I can devise, for their relief. as soon as business returns into its regular channel the money shall certainly replaced. after wishing you health & Happiness give me leave to assure you I am Yr Affectionate Friend & very Humble Servant

Chs Carter


1Philadelphia coach maker William Hunter (1756–1814) resided at 319 High Street, while Dr. James Hutchinson resided at 155 South Second Street.

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