George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Charles Carter of Ludlow, 30 April 1792

From Charles Carter of Ludlow

Fredericksbg [Va.] April 30th 1792.

My Dear Friend

I am told Major Jackson is about to leave you, and that you have written to yr Nephew Howell Lewis to go up.1 If you shou’d be in want of another, give me leave to mention to you my son Chs L. Carter;2 he has had a good education, is well acquainted with the Greek & Latin languages, writes a good hand and very correct, as a specimen of which I have made him copy this Letter.3

The wheel of fortune has made it necessary, for me, to endeavor, to put my sons, in a way of getting their livelihood. my Eldest Son Walker, is bound in Philadelphia, to a Mr Hunter, a Coachmaker.4 his master speaks well of him. my two youngst, are bound to Farmers. Colo. Meade, Mr Geo. Fitzhugh of Prince Wm5 and if you can take this Boy I shall be happy. If he was not my Son, I shoud say more, but depend on the word, of a sincere Friend. the Boy will please you, in any instance. Mrs Carter joins in compliments to yr good Lady & Famly. I am with every sentiment of regard yr Affe Friend & Hble St

Chs Carter


1For William Jackson’s departure from GW’s official family and Howell Lewis’s employment as recording secretary, see GW to Jackson, 26 Dec. 1791, note 1, and Betty Washington Lewis to GW, 19 April, note 1, and 14 May 1792.

2Charles Landon Carter (1774–1832) had received a classical education from the Rev. Thomas Ryan and worked as an assistant to a Fredericksburg, Va., physician since November 1791 (see Charles Carter to Thomas Jefferson, 21 May 1791, and Elizabeth Chiswell Carter to Jefferson, 3 Nov. 1791, Jefferson Papers, description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. 41 vols. to date. Princeton, N.J., 1950–. description ends 20:473–74, 22:256–57). Carter later completed his medical studies at the College of Philadelphia and served as mayor of Fredericksburg (see Jefferson to Charles Carter, 10, 31 July 1791, and Charles Carter to Jefferson, c.6 Aug. 1791, ibid., 20:613, 705, 22:3).

3This paragraph is in the handwriting of Charles Landon Carter.

4Walker Randolph Carter (born c.1772) began a two-year apprenticeship with Philadelphia coachmaker William Hunter in November 1791 after his earlier failure to obtain a clerkship at the State Department (see Jefferson to Elizabeth Chiswell Carter, 1 Oct. 1790, Elizabeth Chiswell Carter to Jefferson, 3 Nov. 1791, ibid., 17:551–52, 22:256–57).

5Richard Kidder Meade (1746–1805), who had lived in Prince George County, Va., before the Revolutionary War, served as an aide-de-camp to GW with the rank of lieutenant colonel from 1777 until the end of the war. After the war Meade purchased an estate in Frederick County, Va., which he called Lucky Hit.

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