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Results 28351-28400 of 184,431 sorted by author
My son Charles will deliver this letter, who goes on in the stage, in consequence of a letter, by...
By the Death of Doctr. Hutchison my Son Charles, is thrown out of the line of his Medical...
Agreeable with your request, I have deliver’d the Horses to Mr. Eppes’s Servant. He will leave...
When we set out for the upper Country, Mrs Carter and I indulged the pleasing Thoughts of paying...
Your favour without date came to my hands yesterday; from a conversation with Lt Rutherfold I...
Yours of the 4th I duly recieved, and am much pleased, at the acct of my Dr Boys situation, &...
Letter not found: from Charles Carter, 13 July 1788. GW wrote Carter on 1 Aug. acknowledging “the...
I am this moment acquainted by Colo: Ball with yr answer respe[c]ting the proposals he made you...
I have lately receiv’d a letter from my brother William Champe Carter of Albemarle requesting,...
I have examined the records in the clerk’s office of this County & have found a deed from Colo....
I am favoured with yr letter of the 26th ult. indicating a desire of engaging Mr Booker as...
The credit you gave me on the purchase of yr property in this place, expired last spring—It is a...
You will doubtless be much surprized at this address, but, I flatter myself, put the mildest...
With diffidence I now address you, in consequence of having failed, after my first Voyage from...
I am told Major Jackson is about to leave you, and that you have written to yr Nephew Howell...
Nothing but a very particular, and critical circumstance, shoud imbolden me to address you on a...
I by Mr Fitz[hugh] of Chatham, reced your kind and Affectionate Letter. ten thousand times I am...
Letter not found: from Charles Carter (of Ludlow), 21 Dec. 1787. On 20 Jan. 1788 GW wrote Carter...
Your favor of the 19th came to hand last even. I am much obliged by your kind offer, of a Commn...
My Son W. R. Carter, has commenced his business, as a Coach maker, at the shop of Mr Jo....
we will contract with you to make & lay from seven to ten hundred Thousand Brick for the Virginia...
I presume to address you a few lines though not enjoying a personal acquaintance with you which I...
I take the liberty once more, to beg your friendship for my eldest Son Walker Randolph Carter,...
We take the liberty to send you by mail a copy of Arator, written by Col. John Taylor of Caroline...
On a Presumption that this truly distressed State is at length on the Point of joining the Union,...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of a Letter from Mr. Remsen, written by Direction of your...
I receiv d your letter of the 21 st Aug t respecting the land which I sold to Col Monroe , It is...
The Hon. Mr. Adams will herewith receive a volume of Col. Taylor’s Enquiry &c. on the Government...
I send you with this letter a copy of the 2d. edition of Arator, neatly bound, together with a...
Without having the honor of an acquaintance with you I have presumed to obtrude myself upon your...
The favor with which you honored me, in acknowledging the receipt of a copy of Co l Taylor ’s...
21 July 1802, Newburyport. “Inclosed is a Commission recd. from you this day; and which I have...
If any thing could alleviate my feelings for you in your Pro virili retreat indeed! A Small...
If ever friendship gave vigor to the nerves of declining Age it will do it now—to enable me to...
[Sabine Hall] 20 February 1776. Wrote “attacking Paine for publishing ‘Common Sense,’ and urging...
I thought not to have given you any farther trouble with my concerns till I could produce actual...
I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the...
Your warmest well wisher has not more devoutly desired the pleasure of your acquaintance, than I...
Altho the subject of this Letter interests me individually, it yet involves public convenience...
I now pay my respects to you on the subject of a paper which you politely recieved from me, when...
Health is a grand object with man; but it becomes all important when the preservation of it in...
The bearer of this will God willing be my son Landon whose inclinations for the Army have been...
Letter not found : from Landon Carter, 14 Feb. 1797 . GW wrote Carter on 27 Feb. : “Your favor of...
Without further Preface I will proceed to answer your 10th quere, as to the Period to be prefered...
In pursuance to a conversation I had with you at Mt Vernon I have proceeded as near as I could...
I beg your pardon for this intrusion; but indulged by you as I have been in a late correspondence...
I am now to give you some account of an Arrangement which I rather wish to adopt, than one I have...
Captain Peachey calling to give me the Compliment of his departure gives me opportunity of...
I have often set down to entertain Mine and my Countrys fri⟨ends⟩ with what should come upermost,...
Letter not found: from Landon Carter, 27 Sept. 1777. GW on 27 Oct. thanked Carter “for the good...