James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 17 August 1810

To Albert Gallatin

Montpelier Aug. 17. 1810

Dear Sir

I now forward the paper on the Batture promised in my last. It appears by Mr. Pinkney’s last letter that Brown1 the fugitive was in London & had engaged his attention. As no proceeding, answerg our purpose, can be had agst. him, other than a suit for recovering the debt, will it not be proper to forward to Mr. P. whatever documents may sustain the action, particularly his official Bond; or an authenticated copy of it, if that be deemed adequate? Accept my esteem & best wishes

James Madison

RC (NHi: Gallatin Papers).

1At the conclusion of his 13 June letter to Robert Smith (a copy of which was forwarded to JM by John Graham on 8 Aug.), Pinkney had mentioned that the defaulting New Orleans collector, William Brown, was in London and that he was endeavoring to have him arrested (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers).

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