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Results 28341-28350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Inclosed is a copy of a Letter lately Sent to the several Collectors of the Customs therein mentioned. I presume the object of it will be agreeable to you, as it will be serviceable to the institution under your direction. I am to request that you will direct your cashier to give duplicate receipts for Such Sum deposited, expressive of its being on account of the united States. The monies...
[ New York, May 26, 1790. On May 29, 1790, the president and directors of the Bank of North America wrote to Hamilton : “We have reced your Letter of the 26th Inst.” Letter not found. ] Thomas Willing was president of the Bank of North America.
Boston, May 27, 1790. “Your circular letter of the 17th. instant on the importance of your receiving the earliest information when breaches of the revenue law should take place came to hand by the tuesday post.… About five weeks since information was given that two trunks of merchandise had been in the night landed from on board the Ship Neptune Capt James Scott from London. On search the two...
The Secretary of the Treasury conceives it to be his duty most respectfully to represent to the President of the United states, that there are, in his judgment, objections of a very serious & weighty nature to the resolutions of the two houses of Congress of the twenty first instant, concerning certain arrears of pay due to the Officers and soldiers of the Lines of Virginia and North Carolina....
Treasury Department, May 28, 1790. Submits “five Contracts made by the superintendant of the Light house, piers &c on the river and Bay of Delaware” and recommends that these Contracts be approved. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have examined the papers which have been transmitted to me relative to the accounts of Messrs. Joseph Gardoqui & Sons, and am fully of opinion that the amount of their account being 10,057 Rs. vellon. 22 Mars. equal to five hundred and two dollars and eighty five Cents ought to be admitted to their credit. Indeed it appears that the whole of their charges except for 1920 Rials vellon have...
In compliance with your request that I would commit to paper and transmit to you the reasons which I conceived would justify me in tendering military rights of land, so far as one seventh part of each payment stipulated to be made by Judge Symmes for his purchase between the Miami rivers, should extend, at the rate of an Acre for every Dollar to be paid, I have herein stated a few facts which...
Mr. Hamilton presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson and returns him the letter from Mr. Writtenhouse on the subject of Mr. Barton. As Mr. Bartons merit is well ascertained, if Mr. H_____ can be of service to him in any other way he will take pleasure in being so. AL , Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress. This letter, which is dated April 20, 1790, and is from David...
[ New York ] May 29, 1790 . “The President of the United States approves of the … Contracts … submitted to him by the Secretary of the Treasury.…” ALS , RG 26, “Segregated” Lighthouse Records, National Archives; LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. See H to Washington, May 28, 1790 .
We have reced your Letter of the 26th. Int. together with a Copy of your Circular to the Collectors of Wilmington & Delaware, those of Burlington & Bridgetown in New Jersey, & to the Collector of this port; Directing them to pay into this Bank from time to time, the Monies which they may receive, and that they take Duplicate recets from our Cashier for all Such payments. As this Arangement...