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Results 28341-28350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Soon after the service of mr Livingston’s writ on me, I applied to the offices at Washington and obtained the letters & papers they possessed respecting our proceedings on the Batture of N. Orleans . I before possessed the printed opinions which had been given on the occasion; and having in my own mind an intimate knolege of the whole transactions, I thought it best to make a full statement of...
I now forward the paper on the Batture promised in my last. It appears by Mr. Pinkney’s last letter that Brown the fugitive was in London & had engaged his attention. As no proceeding, answerg our purpose, can be had agst. him, other than a suit for recovering the debt, will it not be proper to forward to Mr. P. whatever documents may sustain the action, particularly his official Bond; or an...
So far as can be judged from Grymes correspondence and official acts, he has done only what was necessary to save for the United States something from Brown’s property. The Jones’s Clar⟨k’s⟩ and all the bar have as usual been as hostile as possible. It must be added that an intercepted letter from Brown to Jones, whom he thought still alive, informed him that he had at ⟨se⟩a destroyed his...
I do myself the honor to Enclose, an Extract of a letter just recieved from the Havannah. I presume the Person is the same who dined with you last Winter and was introduced by Dr. Thornton to many Gentlemen. I have the honor [to] be sir, Your friend & Servt. RC and enclosure ( DLC ). Postmarked Baltimore, 16 Aug. Enclosure 1 p., in an unidentified hand (see n. 1). Smith enclosed an extract...
17 August 1810, Madeira. The amount of £249 sterling ($1,106.67) is to be paid to James Latimer of Philadelphia. RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Endorsed on verso by JM, “October 8. 1810 / Accepted.”
Towards the latter end of the last year Col o Tho s M. Randolph informed me he had in his possession, on hire, 4 negroes of the property of the late mr Shackleford which he did not mean to keep another year, & knew that they would be to hire, & at the same price of £50. which he had given. I agreed to take them at that price, and they were to come to me after the Christmas h H ollidays when...
I have had the satisfaction to receive your very kind letter of the 12 instant . It is singular enough that I should have before me at the moment, a history of England in 4to, which I take to be the same which you mention. Several years ago you mentioned the same book to me, and through M r G. Erving then in London I obtained the book before me. Having just completed my Military Dictionary...
I forgot to mention in my letter of yesterday, that in addition to the letter designating the agent to Buenos Ayres as commercial agent of the U. States for that place, a passport in the usual form appears necessary. If this also designates him as commercial agent, the usual description of the person might be omitted. Will you have the goodness to give also directions to that effect. You have...
Yours of yesterday was recieved last night. The McGehee who is the subject of it, is an overseer of mine at a place, which on account of it’s importance to me, mr. Randolph takes care of. He employed McGehee, & solely superintends him. We consider him as extremely industrious, active, attentive, and skilful in the old practices, but prejudiced against any thing he is not used to. We have...
16 August 1810. Encloses a letter stating some facts that the president should know. After reading the letter, JM is requested to seal and forward it. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 107, LRUS , S-1810). RC 1 p. Unsigned; undated. Enclosure (6 pp.) is Smyth to William Eustis, 16 Aug. 1810, Wythe, Virginia. In the letter, Smyth states the reasons for his refusal to serve under General Wilkinson and...