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Results 28341-28370 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Soon after the service of mr Livingston’s writ on me, I applied to the offices at Washington and...
I now forward the paper on the Batture promised in my last. It appears by Mr. Pinkney’s last...
So far as can be judged from Grymes correspondence and official acts, he has done only what was...
I do myself the honor to Enclose, an Extract of a letter just recieved from the Havannah. I...
17 August 1810, Madeira. The amount of £249 sterling ($1,106.67) is to be paid to James Latimer...
Towards the latter end of the last year Col o Tho s M. Randolph informed me he had in his...
I have had the satisfaction to receive your very kind letter of the 12 instant . It is singular...
I forgot to mention in my letter of yesterday, that in addition to the letter designating the...
Yours of yesterday was recieved last night. The McGehee who is the subject of it, is an overseer...
16 August 1810. Encloses a letter stating some facts that the president should know. After...
Letter not found. 16 August 1810. Acknowledged in Eustis to JM, 26 Aug. 1810 . Inquires about the...
Letter not found. 16 August 1810. Acknowledged in Graham to JM, 20 Aug. 1810 . Requests a paper...
I recieved last night a letter from mr Short dated Liverpool June 19. covering the inclosed...
Yours of July 14. with the welcome paper it covered, has been most thankfully recieved. I had...
Je Respecte vos occupations, même privées, et garde le Silence. Mais mon véritable autant...
Yours of yesterday was recieved last night. the M c Gehee who is the subject of it, is an...
Your letter of the 24th of march, my dear Madam, is but just arrived, and although it was so long...
I have received your Letter of the 1st. instant. Altho’ I have not learned that Mr. Adams has yet...
I have received your letter of the 1st. instant. Altho’ I have not learned that Mr. Adams has yet...
I am offered the services of a Mr. Magee, now living with Mr. Randolph, as an overseer. I have...
Having but this moment returned from Marlbro’ where I went on Saturday even’g on a visit to my...
The instructions for the person to be sent to Buenos Ayres, having been filled with the name of...
I am much mortified that my Letter of the 13th Inst: and more particularly, that the Papers which...
Your friendly & instructive letter has been received and perused with peculier satisfaction &...
I am offered the Services of a M r Magee , now living with M r Randolph , as an overseer . I have...
I understand that the measures taking by the Bank of the U. S. for provisionally winding up its...
Edward Sims, that I was mention to you as your Stuert; or overseer, has this year againe ingadged...
p. 16. form of stating the consultation seems to imply a more elaborate inquiry into the law than...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 10th Inst. yesterday. Th[…] Mr Erwing was with us;...
I return you my sincere Thanks for your friendly Letter of the 23d. of May. Nothing could have...