James Madison Papers

C. H. Carter to James Madison, 21 May 1834

Washington May 21st 1834

Respected & Dear Sir 

I received a short time since a letter from my relative Mr. C. C. Lee requesting me to make for you, copies of all your letters to his father Gen. Henry Lee, written in the latter part of the last century—I have made them, and send them by to days mail—

In doing so, I assure you my good Sir, that it has afforded me real pleasure in having an opportunity of serving you, even in so slight a degree—and I regret exceedingly, that I have been compelled by the great number of papers which it was necessary to examine, to delay so long, sending them—I hope however, they will reach you in good time—and beg the favor of you to acknowledge the receipt of them—

Be so good my dear Sir to present my compliments to Mrs Madison—and accept for yourself the utmost esteem & sincere regards of your very obt. Servant,

C. H. Carter


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