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Results 28331-28340 of 184,431 sorted by author
The pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your letter ⟨of t⟩he 8th. of Septr. is much augmented, by having it in my power to congratulate you on the success of republican principles, in the election that was held in this place, yesterday. We carried it by a majority, in the City & Liberties, of twenty two hundred, & I am of opinion, that the collected votes of State, will give to the...
Mr. Joseph Ray a Citizen of this City is desirous of obtaining the appointment of Consul at Pernambuco. I have on enquiry found him a Man of good character & I trust will discharge that duty with honor & integrity to the United States, should you think proper to give him the preference. With sentiments of high esteem I am Your obt. Hble Servt. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under...
an ardent desire so far as is within the compass of my abilities, to Conduce to the prosperity of the United States, as administered, by the present Executive, I hope will excuse the freedom, taken in addressing you on the present occasion. as the death of Genl Peter Mughlenburg, has left this port without a collector, & understanding that Genl John Steel is an applicant, with great deferance...
Mr Thomas White, son of William White, the Commissioner of Loans for the state of Pennsylvania, is desirous to receive a Military education, and for that purpose, wishes to be admitted into the Military Academy at West Point: Should it not interfere with Your arrangements, it will confer a particular favour on me, to have the young man’s wishes gratified; as he is Very deserving. With...
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the Receipt of your favor of the 23rd. of Feby. & the arrival of the Hams, for which accept my sincere thanks. I understand that the Collector of the Customs at New-York has seized some late importations of British Merchandize. It is an act that gives perfect satisfaction to all the regular importers & American Merchants & it is to be hoped that it will not...
I last had the pleasure to address you in March 1810, since which time I have had nothing interesting to communicate. I beg leave to congratulate you, on the decision of the US Bank question, as it is so favorable to the future welfare of this Country, & is another triumph of American Virtue, over British corruption & intrigue. It must be obvious to every one, who has the least knowledge of...
In consequence of a conversation that lately passed, betwixt the post-Master of this place, (Mr. Patton) & myself, I take the liberty, of addressing you at the present time. He says he is fearful, that a late Law of Congress, will compel him, to keep the post-Office open, on the Sabbath. The necessity of enforceing the Law, & the consequences that will result therefrom, are what I purpose to...
Among the numerous applicants who trespass upon your time, the writer of this craves leave to draw your attention, for a few moments to an object of some importance. Your Excellency’s profound knowledge of the sciences and your known good will towards the cultivators of them, embolden me to make the advances. The U.S. of America now flourishing under the happy auspices of your Excellency’s...
In your character of Rector of the University of Virginia, I beg leave to transmit to you the inclosed catalogue, of books which I entreat that that Institution will do me the honor to accept, as a trifling testimonial of the devotion which I cherish, for my native Country, and her Interests—. In making so small a contribution towards an object so highly endowed, by the ardour, and feeling,...
I received a short time since a letter from my relative Mr. C. C. Lee requesting me to make for you, copies of all your letters to his father Gen. Henry Lee, written in the latter part of the last century—I have made them, and send them by to days mail— In doing so, I assure you my good Sir, that it has afforded me real pleasure in having an opportunity of serving you, even in so slight a...