George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Bryan Fairfax, 18 May 1798

To Bryan Fairfax

Mount Vernon, 18th May 1798

Dear Sir,

Having occasion to write another letter to Sir John Sinclair, I take the liberty of giving you the trouble of it, and Mrs Washington begs the favour of you to put her letter, to her old neighbour and friend Mrs Fairfax into a channel for safe delivery, if you should not see her yourself.1

Knowing, from experience, that Masters of Vessels never sail at the time they first appoint, Mrs Washington and I propose to call upon you on our return from the City, in full confidence of seeing you then.2 If however, contrary to expectation, the Captn of the Vessel you embark on should be more punctual than usual, and we should be disappointed in this, we beg you to receive our ardent wishes for a safe and pleasant passage to England—the perfect restoration of your health—and happy meeting with your family and friends when you return. To these wishes, let me add assurances of the Affectionate regard of Dear Sir Your Obedt Servant

Go: Washington

Our Complimts to Mrs Fairfax and the family.

Typescript of ALS, owned (1985) by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holt, Hampton, Va.; printed in Conway, Barons of the Potomack and the Rappahannock, description begins Moncure Daniel Conway. Barons of the Potomack and the Rappahannock. New York, 1892. description ends 251–52.

1Both of GW’s letters to Sir John Sinclair are dated 15 May. For Martha Washington’s letter of 17 May to Mrs. Fairfax, see GW to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 16 May, n.2.

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