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Results 28301-28310 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is the privelige & the duty of every citizen of the United States to communicate With the officers of Government both legislative & executive respecting the public Welfare, & more especially for those Who Are much in public themselves & have a hearty & tender concern for their country. The presidency especially is a high, peculiarly important & responsible office & needs all possible...
26 August 1810, Lisbon. Acknowledges the receipt of JM’s two letters of 17 June. Is convinced of the great value of merino sheep for farming and for domestic manufacturing and has purchased two hundred sheep for his own use. Has also taken the opportunity to purchase more than a thousand sheep with the idea of serving his country by shipping them to the U.S. for sale there. His fears about the...
Letter not found. 26 August 1810. Calendared as a two-page letter in the lists probably made by Peter Force (DLC, series 7, container 2). Foronda had been chargé d’affaires ad interim for Spain in Philadelphia until September 1809.
Soon after the petition of Leyden, I transmitted to Congress the following address of thanks with a further petition. To the noble, great and venerable Lords, the great Counsel of the city of Leyden: The undersigned manufacturers, merchants and other traders interested in the manufactures and fabrics of this city, give respectfully to understand— That a number of the undersigned having taken,...
By yesterday mail I received your kind letter. It is indeed a great while since we have heard from each other, I have thought I would write every day, but have not had a moments leisure & I hoped we should be in better health for I did not wish to send you a doleful ditty of our troubles—for every family seems to have as much as they know how to bear—But for this month past we have been very...
We, the undersigned Citizens of the United States, residing within the Province of Lower Canada, and in the State of New York; beg leave to represent to your Excellency, that the commercial intercourse between the United States and Lower Canada is rapidly increasing; and more security would be given to that intercourse, by the appointment of an Agent from the United States, for the protection...
I Leave it With General Armstrong to inform You of the Happy Repeal of the two Milan and Berlin decrees—a determination Which Gives me Great pleasure and Great Hopes. I don’t See How the British Cabinet Can Avoid imitating the Example. That it Has Been Given By france Greatly Adds to My Satisfaction. While I was Lamenting to find Nothing for me in the Government dispatches Brought By the Flash...
In a Letter from M r Mather Mayor of N w Orleans , under date of the 23 rd of July , he speaks of the request I had made of him, to inform me of the Authority under which the Spanish Governors removed the Intruders from the Batture , and he says— “I have taken the advised steps to procure the information desired; but shall not be able to get answers from Mesrs Blanque and Moreau Lislet before...
Whatever Be the Situation of my private Concerns, the first Expressions of My Letter, and the first feelings of My Heart will Be Consecrated to the Happy Repeal of the Milan and Berlin decrees— it Behoves G al Armstrong on Every Account to Announce this important turn in His Negociation. But I Rejoice in the Opportunities to Congratulate it with You—it Seems Great Britain Cannot now dispence...
Your favor of the 20th. has come duly to hand. I well recollect the rect. of the paper you were searching for, and can not but think that it is somewhere in the office. It would seem, that Barnet either had not recd. the order of Skipwith to deliver the Books, or had disobeyed it. The retention of them is so palpably improper, that it justifies the suspicions entertained of some improper view...