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Results 28301-28350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
It is the privelige & the duty of every citizen of the United States to communicate With the...
26 August 1810, Lisbon. Acknowledges the receipt of JM’s two letters of 17 June. Is convinced of...
Letter not found. 26 August 1810. Calendared as a two-page letter in the lists probably made by...
Soon after the petition of Leyden, I transmitted to Congress the following address of thanks with...
By yesterday mail I received your kind letter. It is indeed a great while since we have heard...
We, the undersigned Citizens of the United States, residing within the Province of Lower Canada,...
I Leave it With General Armstrong to inform You of the Happy Repeal of the two Milan and Berlin...
In a Letter from M r Mather Mayor of N w Orleans , under date of the 23 rd of July , he speaks of...
Whatever Be the Situation of my private Concerns, the first Expressions of My Letter, and the...
Your favor of the 20th. has come duly to hand. I well recollect the rect. of the paper you were...
The inclosed are Copies of Letters from Governor Holmes and Mr Robinson relative to the affairs...
24 August 1810, Paris. Introduces “Mr. Jervas” as “a man really attached to his country & to the...
We take the liberty of trespassing upon your notice by sending the enclosed proposal of the...
The bearer M r William G. Arms is on his way to the South, be pleas d to inform him whether there...
I have the honor of enclosing a Copy of Governor Harrison’s Letter addressed to the Department...
I have recd. your several letters of the 15, 16, & 17th. The appointment for the Revenue Cutter...
I had the Honor to write to you the day before yesterday to say that I had not been able to find...
22 August 1810, Tuckabatchee, Mississippi Territory. Offers his services should JM wish to...
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un petit pamplet sous le titre “de Coup de fouet ” ; c’est une...
Amsterdam, March 5, 1782—wrote to Mr. Bergsma: “Sir, I have received from the hand of Mr....
I enclose a letter from Mr Duval on the subject of Brown’s estate. I cannot recollect whether his...
Mr. Gelston declines the service, & Mr. Joel Roberts Poinsett, now in N. York will undertake it;...
I send the inclosed letters to you as one of the executors of our late friend Governor Lewis ....
I have to acknowledge, that I have been a long time in arriere with you for your last letter; the...
I had the Honor yesterday to receive your Letter of the 16th. and have this Morning been...
Mr. Wirt having suggested to me that he thought the explanations in my case of the Batture,...
Your favor of the 8 th was recieved on the 14 th inst. and I now inclose you fifty Dollars, my...
M r Wirt having suggested to me that he thought the explanations, of in my case of the Batture ,...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you an Essay on the history & means of preserving that...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to mr Wirt sends him some short Notes on the several...
Obj. that Joutel’s journal may not be admitted as evidence of the Charter to Crozat . Ans. I...
The liberty I am now about to take, I take on reflection; persuaded that if I am mistaken in my...
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 10th instant. A copy of Colo. Spark’s Letter...
ayant bien voulu témoigner de l’Estime pour mes ouvrages je la prie de vouloir bien agreer le...
I inclose Mr Ladd’s report—I beg leave to invite your attentive perusal, and receive your...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Official letter, as Corresponding Secretary...
No further intelligence from our Children has yet reached us my Dear Madam, than a Letter from mr...
General armstrong having informed me verbally of the appointment of Mr. Russell as Charge...
I have forwarded by this day’s Mail two Packages Containing four volumes of a work given me in...
I am directed, by the Philosophical Society , to acknowledge the reciept (under cover from you)...
Soon after the service of mr Livingston’s writ on me, I applied to the offices at Washington and...
I now forward the paper on the Batture promised in my last. It appears by Mr. Pinkney’s last...
So far as can be judged from Grymes correspondence and official acts, he has done only what was...
I do myself the honor to Enclose, an Extract of a letter just recieved from the Havannah. I...
17 August 1810, Madeira. The amount of £249 sterling ($1,106.67) is to be paid to James Latimer...
Towards the latter end of the last year Col o Tho s M. Randolph informed me he had in his...
I have had the satisfaction to receive your very kind letter of the 12 instant . It is singular...
I forgot to mention in my letter of yesterday, that in addition to the letter designating the...
Yours of yesterday was recieved last night. The McGehee who is the subject of it, is an overseer...
16 August 1810. Encloses a letter stating some facts that the president should know. After...