Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Reculès de Basmarein & Raimbaux, 28 March 1778: résumé

From Reculès de Basmarein & Raimbaux4

ALS: American Philosophical Society

<Bordeaux, March 28, in French: Felicitations on being received by the King; the whole nation pays tribute to your character. We were among the first to look forward with confidence to what now astonishes the world; our fate is bound by the strongest ties to that of America,5 and we offer you our complete devotion.>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4For the firm see above, XXIII, 47 n.

5Their fate, whether or not because of those ties, was to go bankrupt the following winter: see our annotation of Montresor’s letter, below, June 23.

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