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Results 28261-28270 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Baltimore, April 6, 1790. “The Brigantine Providence, Arnold Briggs, from Rhode Island, arrived at this port the 22d. February last with a large variegated Cargo, Among the rest thirtytwo Casks of New England rum—an article subject to duty, from Rhode Island, if Manufactured there; and the contrary is not pretended.… A deduction of ten Per Cent was allowed from the duties on the Cargo.… But...
[ New York, April 7, 1790. On April 7, Burke wrote to Hamilton : “Your letter of this day … removes all ground of dissatisfaction.” Letter not found. ]
Your letter of this day in which you explictly declare that you had no intention, in your Eulogium on General Green, to cast any reflection on Militia in general, or on any description of the Citizens of South-Carolina, removes all ground of dissatisfaction on my part. I therefore cheerfully and explicitly retract every thing offensive which I said in the House of Representatives on Wednesday...
I have, by this opportunity, time only to acknowledge your several favors of the 11th, 12th, and 15th, of September, and 7th. of November, to the late Treasury Board, and of the 29th. of December to myself, and to enclose you the first of eight setts of Bills of Exchange, as per list at foot, amounting together to one hundred thousand current Guilders, towards payment of the arrears of...
In our last of the 12th Ulto. we had the honor to tell you, that it was probable we shou’d be in a situation by the middle of this Month to meet your application for a Loan of Fifty Thousand Dollars; but that if it became necessary for you to be accommodated sooner, & it shou’d be in our Power to do it, you might depend on our disposition to render you every facility we cou’d. We are now...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury on the petition of William Finnie, referred to him by an order of the House of Representatives of the 25th. of September last, Respectfully Reports: That the relief sought by the petitioner relates to the following objects: First: An allowance for expences incident to his attendance at the seat of Government, for...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury on the Memorial of James Warren to him referred by an Order of the House of Representatives of the third instant Respectfully reports; That it appears, upon examination of the case of the Memorialist, that in the years 1777 and 1778, several Cargoes of Merchandize, which had been imported for the use of the United...
I have considered the circumstances you state in your Letter of the 6th inst. respecting vessels owned by Citizens of Rhode Island. I am of opinion that those vessels in the case you mention, are Subject to the Same Tonnage to which registered vessels owned by Citizens of the united States without License are liable: because if they were to enjoy all the privileges of coasting vessels, they...
By the 27 Section of the Coasting act it is provided that all vessels therein described & under certain circumstances shall enter within 24 hours after arrival. As no penalty is annexed to a nonperformance of the injunction in the law little attention is now paid to it, & the attention is daily decreasing, indeed it seems to decrease with the knowledge that there is no forfiture on a breach of...
I herewith enclose for your government an Act entitled “an Act to prevent the exportation of goods not duly inspected, according to the laws of the several States.” I observe that the 27th. and 28th. sections of the coasting act have by some of the Collecters of the Customs been so construed as to require, that all licensed vessels of the burthen of twenty tons and upwards bound to any port...