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Results 28211-28240 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28211 Jefferson, Thomas Evans, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Evans, 1 November 1801 1801-11-01 I recieved some days ago a very fine rock fish by the stage which, by a card of address...
28212 Madison, James Eve, George From James Madison to George Eve, 2 January 1789 1789-01-02 Being informed that reports prevail not only that I am opposed to any amendmends whatever to the...
28213 Washington, George Everard, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Everard, 17 September … 1775-09-17 As I believe it will be three Years next December, since some of my Ohio Lands (under the...
28214 Madison, James Everett, Alexander H. James Madison to Alexander H. Everett, 5 August 1830 1830-08-05 J. Madison has received & returns his thanks for the copy with which he has been favored by Mr....
28215 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 19 July 1813 1813-07-19 I am glad to find you are pleased with the sketches. The exploits of our maratime and naval...
28216 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 14 March … 1814-03-14 If I did not feel “the faintness of declining days” if my eyes could see and my hands be steady;...
28217 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 4 July 1814 1814-07-04 Be pleased to accept my thanks for your Oration, which I read with great pleasure. But as it was...
28218 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 17 March … 1814-03-17 I have received your favour of the 15th. Inclosed with this Letter you will find “A Treatise on...
28219 Adams, John Everett, Alexander Hill From John Adams to Alexander Hill Everett, 24 August … 1811-08-24 The Pamphlet I sent You was written in the Boston Gazette between the first Congress in 1774 and...
28220 Jefferson, Thomas Everett, Alexander Hill Thomas Jefferson to Alexander H. Everett, 19 September … 1816-09-19 Th: Jefferson returns to mr Everett his thanks for the care he has been so good as to take of the...
28221 Adams, Abigail Brown Brooks Everett, Charlotte Gray Brooks From Abigail Brown Brooks Adams to Charlotte Gray … 1826-02-05 I received your letter on Thursday and was delighted to find it so long, for you do not know how...
28222 Jefferson, Thomas Everette, Charles Thomas Jefferson to Charles Everette, 24 June 1811 1811-06-24 My funds lying all in Richmond , I inclose you an order on Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson of that...
28223 Jefferson, Thomas Everette, Charles Thomas Jefferson’s Conveyance of Pouncey’s Tract to … 1821-08-03 This indenture made on the third day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty one between...
28224 Jefferson, Thomas Everette, Charles Thomas Jefferson to Charles Everette, 21 July 1820 1820-07-21 On the preceding page you will see the extract of a letter from Cap t Peyton explaining the want...
28225 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 18 December 1826 1826-12-18 Your letter of the 3d. inst: having come to hand whilst I was at our University, whence I have...
28226 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to [Edward Everett], 28 August 1830 1830-08-28 I have duly received your letter in which you refer to the "nullifying doctrine" advocated, as a...
28227 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 22 October 1834 1834-10-22 (I have received the copy of your Eulogy on Lafayette; and tho’ obliged in my present condition...
28228 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 22 August 1833 1833-08-22 I recd. in due time the copy of your Address at Worcester on the last 4th. of July, and I tender...
28229 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 18 February 1823 1823-02-18 I have received your favour of the 9th. inst: and with it the little pamphlet entitled “Notes...
28230 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 20 September 1824 1824-09-20 [James Madison] presents his respects to Mr. Everett with many thanks for the eloquent and not...
28231 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 14 November 1831 1831-11-14 I return you many thanks for the copy of your late address to the "American Institute of N....
28232 Jefferson, Thomas Everett, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Everett, 21 July 1825 1825-07-21 I thank you for the copies of your two public addresses inclosed in your favor of the 6 th inst....
28233 Jefferson, Thomas Everett, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Everett, 24 February … 1823-02-24 I have read with much satisfaction the reply of mr Everett your brother to the criticisms on his...
28234 Jefferson, Thomas Everett, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Everett, 15 October … 1824-10-15 I have yet to thank you for your Q.C.N. oration delivered in presence of Gen l La Fayette. it is...
28235 Adams, John Everett, Edward From John Adams to Edward Everett, 2 September 1820 1820-09-02 I have received within this hour, the Inclosed letter from Mr. Jefferson—Which, as it is...
28236 Adams, John Everett, Edward From John Adams to Edward Everett, 24 May 1826 1826-05-24 Having after much persuasion prevailed upon my Cousin to remain still longer with us, we were...
28237 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 10 September 1830 1830-09-10 Since my letter in which I expressed a belief that there was no ground for supposing that the...
28238 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 3 June 1827 1827-06-03 I offer for your brother and yourself the thanks I owe for the copy of his work on “America.” It...
28239 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 1 June 1828 1828-06-01 I have recd. the Copy of your Speech on the 1st. of Feby. which led you into the subject of our...
28240 Madison, James Everett, Edward From James Madison to Edward Everett, 19 July 1825 1825-07-19 I have duly received the copy of your Oration at Concord on the 19th. of April last; and have...