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Results 28211-28240 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Being inform’d by Doctor Shippen, the Director General of the Military Hospitals, of an Intention...
I am favoured with yours of the 13th instant. The opinion of the council of your state is so...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 17th by Major Campbell. Our number of effectives is so...
I am favd with yours of the 10th inst. inclosing a petition from Lt Colonel Tudor and Lieut....
how happy I have been in receiving your excellency’s favor of the tenth present I hope you’l be...
I had the honour of writing to Your Excellency on the 21st Inst. by Fred. Weir. This will inclose...
I have been duly honoured with your Excellency’s favors of the 14 18 & 21st. Insts. I am sorry to...
I have strong reasons to suspect a Mr Banksson late a captain of Marines in our service, of being...
I hope this will find you arrived at your quarters upon the North River. By advices recd two days...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, 25 Mar. 1778. On 26 Mar., McIntosh wrote GW ,...
I am informed that Evesham and Springfield back of Mount Holly, particularly the latter, are very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I still Labour under the Disagreeable Necessity of once more...
AL : American Philosophical Society Oui mon ami j’irai demain déjeunér avéc vous, mais je ne puis...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Montargis in the Gâtinois, March 26, 1778, in French: You...
AL : American Philosophical Society A number of letters like this that make concrete and, as far...
ALS : Huntington Library I wrote you a letter from Paris Immediately before I Set out for this...
28227General Orders, 26 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
No scouting party is to be sent out of Camp unless it is by order of the Commander in Chief the...
You are to delay no time in providing a quantity of Indian Meal, as a number of Men are expected...
I recd your two Letters of the 23d & 24th as also 5 Horses, sent to the Q.M. Genl. As to the...
I did Myself the Pleasure to write you two Letters before my Departure for Williams[bur]g by a...
The Enclosed plan is so far from being worthy your attention that I have delayed sending it till...
I received your Excellencys Letter containing a list of the Counties in Virgina where Waggons...
I am sorry to be under the necessity of disingaging Your Excellency’s attention one moment from...
From the Time of my Appointment as Clothier to the Army, to this Day; I have ever made it my...
A Gentleman belonging to Boston Capt. Fritz having arrived from France had intended himself the...
As the time for which you had leave of absence must have expired, I desire that you will...
I wrote yesterday ⅌ return of an Express Sent here. my reconoitering partys returned Yesterday...
It makes me very happy to have it in my power to transmit a piece of information which I am sure...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Smallwood, c.26 Mar. 1778. GW wrote Smallwood on 28...
I was favoured with your letter (without date) yesterday. As you seem to have take it for granted...