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Results 2821-2870 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2821 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 December 1798] 1798-12-23 23. Clear—wind at No. West. Mercury at 20 in the Morning.
2822 Washington, George Orders, 6 May 1756 1756-05-06 LB , DLC:GW .
2823 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 9 October 1792 1792-10-09 Your 3 favors from G. Town, Bladg. and Balte: have come safe to hand. The accident mentioned in...
2824 Polk, Charles Peale Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Peale Polk, 12 October … 1809-10-12 My feelings are deeply excited by the Step which I now take in addressing a letter to you, not...
2825 Murgatroyd, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Murgatroyd, 10 September … 1801-09-10 10 September 1801, Philadelphia. Encloses papers pertaining to detention of brig Sally mentioned...
2826 Jefferson, Thomas Cottom, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Cottom, 7 May 1816 1816-05-07 I recieved some time ago a letter from mess rs Brooks and Ashley assignees of Bradford & Inskeep...
2827 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 June 1774] 1774-06-03 3. At Colo. Bassetts all day in Compa. with Mr. Dandridge &ca. Probably Bartholomew Dandridge and...
2828 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George III. Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 15 July … 1790-07-15 I have formed an opinion, quite satisfactory to myself, that the adjournments of Congress may be...
2829 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 24 … 1778-10-24 Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 24, 1778 . Asks Sullivan to send news of arrival of British...
2830 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1779-04-26 Your Excellencys favor of the 24th I had the honor of receiving last Evening. I dind yesterday...
2831 Swain, Shubael Washington, George To George Washington from Shubael Swain, 3 September … 1790-09-03 Impress’d with a sense of Gratitude and respect due your Eminent and Conspicuous Situation I pray...
2832 Breese, Arthur Madison, James To James Madison from Arthur Breese, 11 April 1794 1794-04-11 Your letter of the 22d. Ultimo. I Recd. a few days since. I live on the Sadaqueda Patent, three...
2833 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 20 March 1825 1825-03-20 Yours of the 16th reached me last evening, and I have this day, agreeable to your request,...
2834 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 3 … 1777-07-03 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 3 July 1777. Charles E. Tuttle Co. of New York...
2835 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 15 June 1799 1799-06-15 The Pickering, Capt Preeble, arrived at New York two or three Days ago—I expect the George...
2836 Seton, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Seton, 17 November … 1791-11-17 I am honoured with your Letters of the 11th & 14th. The sale of the Bills on Amsterdam shall be...
2837 Washington, George General Orders, 21 December 1780 1780-12-21 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
2838 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 15 May 1797 1797-05-15 I wrote you a line yesterday acknowleging the receipt of your late letters from Albany. I expect...
2839 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 23 August 1811 1811-08-23 As it is very seldom that I see M r Randolph’s Harry , I must ask the favor of you to direct him...
2840 Lewis, Morgan Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Morgan Lewis, 4 March … 1779-03-04 I Have the Honor to inclose your Excellency the Report of the Auditors of the Northern Department...
2841 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 10 February … 1792-02-10 [ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 10, 1792. “On the third of this month the Sloop Hannah William...
2842 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 November 1771] 1771-11-27 27. Clear, with the Wind fresh from the Northwest.
2843 Burgomasters and Senators of Bremen Washington, George To George Washington from Burgomasters and Senators of … 1794-10-15 C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au...
2844 Washington, George General Orders, 6 May 1781 1781-05-06 John Powel soldier in the New Hampshire line who was tried by a General Court martial the 27th of...
2845 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 4 September … 1808-09-04 By the last Mail I was honored with your letter of the 20th. ulto. with the communication from...
2846 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 22 … 1797-10-22 I have the honor to submit to your Consideration the inclosed affidavits respecting the English...
2847 Boudinot, Elias Jay, John To John Jay from Elias Boudinot, 1 November 1783 1783-11-01 I was honored by your several private favours, recommending M r . Vaughan and some other...
2848 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Timothy Pickering, 7 … 1777-05-07 I had the honour to receive your Excellency’s letter by Col. Lee, conferring upon me the office...
2849 Hamilton, Alexander Cruger, Nicholas From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Cruger, 4 November … 1771-11-04 I wrote you a few days ago by Capt Codwise to which refer you & should send you Copys by this...
2850 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Major General Nathanael … 1779-06-03 I wish you to dispatch a messinger to Philadelphia with orders to bring up to Trenton fifteen or...
2851 Deakins, William Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., and … 1790-12-09 Immediately after we had the honor of seeing you on your way to Philadelphia, we sent up to Jacob...
2852 Scott, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Scott and Others, Ca. … 1815-01-01 § From John Scott and Others. Ca. January 1815. “We the undersigned members of the legislative...
2853 Adams, John [May 16. 1776. Thursday.] 1776-05-16 May 16. 1776. Thursday. The following Letters were laid before Congress and read. One of the...
2854 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-08-20 I have this day received ⅌ Mr Fessenden the honor of yours of the 5th 10th & 12th Instant, most...
2855 Madison, James Gilpin, Henry D. From James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 14 January 1828 1828-01-14 Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of...
2856 Washington, George Pickering, Timothy From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 3 July … 1797-07-03 The enclosure, contained in Colo. Henleys letter to me (which with the letter itself is...
2857 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 21 April … 1804-04-21 21 April 1804, New Orleans. “I have nothing interesting to communicate, nor would I write you by...
2858 McCutchen, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James McCutchen, 11 January … 1808-01-11 To his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America; the petition of...
2859 Staël von Holstein, Erik Magnus, Baron Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Erik Magnus Staël von … 1783-06-13 LS , copy, and transcript: National Archives Je viens de reçevoir la ratification de Sa Majesté...
2860 Higginson, Stephen Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stephen Higginson, 10 July … 1794-07-10 Boston, July 10, 1794. “I received your Letter of June 24, & have noted your observations...
2861 David, Jean Jefferson, Thomas Jean David to Thomas Jefferson, 1 February 1816 1816-02-01 La bienveillance que vous m’avez temoignée dans les deux lettres que vous avez eu la bonté de...
2862 Franklin, Benjamin Jones, John Paul From Benjamin Franklin to John Paul Jones, 19 July 1779 1779-07-19 LS : National Archives; copy: Library of Congress I have before me your Letters of the 5th. 9th....
2863 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 22 October 1812 1812-10-22 If you had investigated the Question, concerning Possessions or that about matter and Spirit, in...
2864 Adams, John Quincy Adams, George Washington From John Quincy Adams to George Washington Adams, 1 … 1811-09-01 In your letter of 18 January to your Mama, you mentioned that you read to your Aunt Cranch a...
2865 Adams, John Jay, John To John Jay from John Adams, 8 May 1785 1785-05-08 In executing the Instructions of Congress of the Seventh of March last, as well as all former...
2866 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1788-06-04 Walk’d into Newbury in the evening with Thompson; and we returned through Joppé, by a different...
2867 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 3 March … 1773-03-03 ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I had no Line from you per last Packet. But I had the...
2868 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 23 July 1809 1809-07-23 On my arrival at O. C. House on thursday I found your favor of the 12 th inst: with the document...
2869 Van Rensselaer, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Philip Van Rensselaer, 6 … 1778-09-06 Letter not found : from Philip Van Rensselaer, c.6 Sept. 1778. On 14 Sept., Horatio Gates wrote...
2870 Anonymous Washington, George To George Washington from Anonymous, 11 November 1793 1793-11-11 The purport of this Epistle will I presume apologize for the liberty I take in addressing you. By...