2821III. Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 15 July 1790 (Jefferson Papers)
I have formed an opinion, quite satisfactory to myself, that the adjournments of Congress may be by law, as well as by resolution, without touching the constitution. I am now copying fair what I had written yesterday on the subject and will have the honor of laying it before you by ten aclock.—The address to the President contains a very full digest of all the arguments urged against the bill...
2822George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 24 October 1778 (Hamilton Papers)
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 24, 1778 . Asks Sullivan to send news of arrival of British fleet to Major General Horatio Gates and to Headquarters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress
2823To George Washington from Major General Nathanael Greene, 26 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
Your Excellencys favor of the 24th I had the honor of receiving last Evening. I dind yesterday with the Minister of France and find him still determind to set out for Camp to morrow. He sets out at seven in the morning and intends lodging at Trenton. On Wednesday he will be in Camp, if no accident attends him; but at what hour cannot be assertaind as the place he dines at, is not yet determind...
2824To George Washington from Shubael Swain, 3 September 1790 (Washington Papers)
Impress’d with a sense of Gratitude and respect due your Eminent and Conspicuous Situation I pray leave with all deferance to approach you as an humble Supplicant. Altho’ it might be an Improper Intrusion on the Important time that must Necessarily engage the Attention of the Father of this Riseing and Great Empire; Yet Emboldened by that generous and Unreserved Conduct which have ever been...
2825To James Madison from Arthur Breese, 11 April 1794 (Madison Papers)
Your letter of the 22d. Ultimo. I Recd. a few days since. I live on the Sadaqueda Patent, three Miles from Lot No. 2. and am perfectly well acquainted with its general, situation, quality &ca. It is situated on the Mohawk river, near the confluence of two large Creeks, The Oriskany, & The Nine Mile Creeks—at the Distance of Nine Miles from Fort Stanwix, at which place a Canal, will be cut, so...
2826To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 20 March 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of the 16th reached me last evening, and I have this day, agreeable to your request, forwarded a check, for $15.25 Dollars, to William F. Gray Esq r of Fdksburg, on your a/c—Your dft favor Leitch, for $192—, & in favor of J. & Raphail, for $60, have been presented and paid, & those you now advise of having drawn, will also be duly honor’d, when presented— The Box of engravings of the...
2827To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 3 July 1777 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 3 July 1777. Charles E. Tuttle Co. of New York reportedly sold in 1951 an autograph letter signed “addressed to ‘His Excellency Gen. Washington’, regarding the march of General De Hoar’s brigade to Morristown to join the main army. Washington’s reply (as written by his adjutant T imothy P ickering ) is written at the bottom of Lincoln’s...
2828To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 15 June 1799 (Adams Papers)
The Pickering, Capt Preeble, arrived at New York two or three Days ago—I expect the George Washington, Fletcher, is at New Port by this time. I will take the most decided steps, to get both these Vessels out immediately. Capt Preeble thinks the Pickering may be dispatched in a Week—she will be sent to near Guadaloupe,—where there remain The Ganges—Tingey The Baltimore—Barron The...
2829To Alexander Hamilton from William Seton, 17 November 1791 (Hamilton Papers)
I am honoured with your Letters of the 11th & 14th. The sale of the Bills on Amsterdam shall be arranged at the rate of 6 ⅌ Ct Interest for the term of Credit agreeable to your desire, and furnished in a few days. Mr Hill was this day paid the Seven thousand Dollars, and Inclosed in his receipt for the same which is Charged to the United States. I have the Honor to be &c LC , Bank of New York,...
2830General Orders, 21 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
2831To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 15 May 1797 (Hamilton Papers)
I wrote you a line yesterday acknowleging the receipt of your late letters from Albany. I expect that there will be a quorum of both branches to-day. It appears that the news of the Emp. of Germ. having signified his intention to make peace was unfounded. Had it even been so, it ought to have augmented our endeavours to meet hostility. It is probable that a new character will be given Pinckney...
2832George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 23 August 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
As it is very seldom that I see M r Randolph’s Harry , I must ask the favor of you to direct him to call for the negroes blankets.—They should have been sent up sooner, but the person of whom I bought them did not like to open a bale, for fear of the moth: he has lately been opening some, and called upon me to take yours away.—I had them baled up again, but not so securely perhaps that the...
2833To George Washington from Colonel Morgan Lewis, 4 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
I Have the Honor to inclose your Excellency the Report of the Auditors of the Northern Department on a Settlement of my Account Current with the United States (Copy of which for your Excellency’s more particular Satisfaction I herwith inclose you) by which it will appear they have found a Ballance in my Favor of Fifty One thousand three hundred and nineteen Dollars and two Eights. The reason...
2834To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 10 February 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 10, 1792. “On the third of this month the Sloop Hannah William Corey master from Martinico and destined for the District of Providence arrived in this District, but could not enter the first mentioned district on account of the ice.… Capt. Corey appeared at the Custom House for the first time & reported on the morning of the 7th. of this month. The reason of...
2835[Diary entry: 27 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear, with the Wind fresh from the Northwest.
2836To George Washington from Burgomasters and Senators of Bremen, 15 October 1794 (Washington Papers)
C’est avec la joye la plus vive, que nous avon⟨s⟩ vû par la Copie des patentes, presentées au Bourguemaitre President de cette ville par le Citoÿen Arnold Delius, que Vôtre Excellence, de concert avec le tres Illustre Senat des Etats Unis de l’Amerique, lui a fait expedier les heureuses dispositions, de resserrer les liens, dont les avantages mutuels du Commerce et de la navigation,...
2837General Orders, 6 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
John Powel soldier in the New Hampshire line who was tried by a General Court martial the 27th of April and sentenced to suffer death which Sentence was approved and published in Orders the 30th of April is ordered to be executed on friday next the 11th instant. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
2838To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 4 September 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
By the last Mail I was honored with your letter of the 20th. ulto. with the communication from Govr. Lewis—by the same mail there is a letter published in one of the Newspapers dated St. Louis 12th. of July, stating the arrival of the Sacs. Foxes Iawau &c with the [mur]derers demanded by Govr. Lewis, which indicates a much more favorable termination of the dispute with those Indians than I had...
2839To John Adams from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 22 October 1797 (Adams Papers)
I have the honor to submit to your Consideration the inclosed affidavits respecting the English Ship Oracabessa Burnt on Tuesday last within the Bar of this harbour by a Privateer said to be called the Vortitude commanded by a Captain Jourdain and belonging to Cape Francois, also of the capture of the Ship Pallas belonging to this Port and the Mary of Savannah. By an examination of the...
2840To John Jay from Elias Boudinot, 1 November 1783 (Jay Papers)
I was honored by your several private favours, recommending M r . Vaughan and some other Gentlemen, to whom I have endeavoured to pay every civility in my power— Also one enclosing my Nephew’s Letter from Madeira, for which I am much obliged to you. Congress has thought proper to appoint him their Commercial Agent at that Island. He is a deserving young American, who I doubt not will do honor...
2841To George Washington from Colonel Timothy Pickering, 7 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
I had the honour to receive your Excellency’s letter by Col. Lee, conferring upon me the office of adjutant general: And since, notwithstanding all my objections, ’tis your Excellency’s pleasure, I am happy to declare my acceptance of it. At the same time I am constrained, from my real feelings; again to express my fears that I shall fall short of your Excellency’s expectations. Few people are...
2842From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Cruger, 4 November 1771 (Hamilton Papers)
I wrote you a few days ago by Capt Codwise to which refer you & should send you Copys by this opportunity but I am so unwell that it is with difficulty I make out to write these few lines. Every thing remains as then advisd. I have sold about 30 bbls flour more & Collectd a little more money from different people. The Major lies so ill that no one expects he’ll live till night. I receiv’d a...
2843From George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 3 June 1779 (Washington Papers)
I wish you to dispatch a messinger to Philadelphia with orders to bring up to Trenton fifteen or twenty boats, with as much expedition as the nature of the business will admit. At Trenton you will have them put in a state of the greatest readiness to be transported by land at the shortest notice. Head Quarters will move to day if possible. I am Sr &. Df , in James McHenry’s writing, DLC:GW ;...
2844To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., and Benjamin Stoddert, 9 December 1790 (Washington Papers)
Immediately after we had the honor of seeing you on your way to Philadelphia, we sent up to Jacob Funk in Washington County for a particular state of the situation of the Lotts in Hamburg, and never ’till yesterday received his answer. We find there are 287 Lotts laid out upon 130 Acres of Land; and as far as we can Judge from the Book of Sales kept by Funk which he sent us, the whole of the...
2845To James Madison from John Scott and Others, Ca. January 1815 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
§ From John Scott and Others. Ca. January 1815. “We the undersigned members of the legislative Council and house of Representetives do recommend Bernard pratte Esquire of the Town of St Louis as a proper person to fill the office of Brigadier General of the upper or northern Brigade of the Militia of the Territory of Missouri.” RC ( DNA : RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Pratte”). Signed...
2846[May 16. 1776. Thursday.] (Adams Papers)
May 16. 1776. Thursday. The following Letters were laid before Congress and read. One of the first from the Commissioners of Congress in Canada: one of the 10th from General Schuyler, and one without date from General Washington, inclosing a Letter to him from Dr. Stringer. Resolved That the Letter from Dr. Stringer to General Washington be referred to the Committee appointed to prepare...
2847To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 20 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
I have this day received ⅌ Mr Fessenden the honor of yours of the 5th 10th & 12th Instant, most heartily thank your Excellency for the Intelligence communicated therein, and shall strictly attend to the directions given. We have just received the inclosed Intelligence of the success of our Troops under General Starks near Bennington, upon which I beg leave to congratulate your Excellency. We...
2848From James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 14 January 1828 (Madison Papers)
Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of Independence, some of whom at least, may not share in the partiality which suggested my name for the use proposed in your letter of the 4th. inst: that consideration added to the one conveyed in my answer, induces me to request that, if an inscription of the work going to the Press be intended,...
2849From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 3 July 1797 (Washington Papers)
The enclosure, contained in Colo. Henleys letter to me (which with the letter itself is forwarded) needs no comment. Had it come to me as a confidential communication, the transmission of it to you, might have been attended with some embarrassment; but as it is free from this, I have no hesitation in making the government acquainted with this transaction. The presumption indeed, and I hope the...
2850To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 21 April 1804 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
21 April 1804, New Orleans. “I have nothing interesting to communicate, nor would I write you by this mail, were it not to inform you, that the most perfect good order prevails in this city. I find, the most trifling occurrences here, attract attention to the Northward, and that a disposition exists among some people to give to certain events a consequence they do not merit: To prevent...