James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Robley Dunglison, 22 June 1826

From Robley Dunglison

University of Virginia June 22d. 1826

Dear Sir,

Mrs Dunglison and myself have been for some time anxious to avail ourselves of the kind invitation of Mrs Madison and yourself to visit Montpellier; but we have been prevented by the Baby having received, about a month ago, the Contagion of Hooping Cough. She is now, however, so much recovered that we are anxious, if perfectly convenient to you, to pay our visit in the Course of a week or fortnight—but should there be any of your family or any friends residing with you who have never had the Hooping Cough I pray you will inform me of it in order that we may wait until the disease has entirely disappeared or in other words until all fear of infection has ceased.

I have been for some time lecturing daily in order that my class may not experience any loss from my absence and having arrived near the end of one subject I can absent myself more conveniently about the time I mention than at any other.

I beg, however, that you may deal frankly with me & run no risk whatever from our visit. Mrs Dunglison unites with me in respectful remembrances to Mrs. Madison and yourself. Believe me very respectfully yrs

Robley Dunglison

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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