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Results 28161-28170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In a letter to you of Feb. 28. in answer to yours of the 3 d of that month, I acknoleged & thanked you for the parent’s assistant, & expressed a willingness to receive the Tales of fashionable life when published. to a former request of the 7 th & 8 th vols of Scientific dialogues, I added one for Mitford’s history of Greece , if an 8 vo edition could be had, and also for the 4 th
I do myself the pleasure of enclosing to you a paper received this day from New York, the contents of which are very important, and as such, will speak for themselves. I yield to my wishes when I believe that the information may be relied on, and venture to offer to you my congratulations on this dawn of returning justice on the part of the Belligerents of Europe towards us. If this paper...
Letter not found. 25 September 1810. Acknowledged in Erving to JM, 20 Oct. 1810 . Discusses Spanish-American affairs and the policies of Great Britain toward Spain’s colonies.
je profite du départ de M r Warden pour vous donner de mes nouvelles, et pour m’informer de l’état de votre Santé. je le prie de vous remettre un exemplaire de la traduction du Torpedo de M r fulton que j’ai fait faire traduire et insérer dans le bulletin de la Société d’Encouragement. je tache de faire insérer dans nos journeaux les découvertes que vous faite dans les sciences et dans les...
I have the pleasure of transmitting You herewith a copy of the last work of Count John Potocky of which he requests your Acceptance. M r John Spear Smith has lately returned from an interesting tour in the interior, where he has been received & treated by the principal nobility with great destinction. As Mr. Adams since his arrival here, has releived me some what of the burthen of public...
M rs Leigh , who is I believe known to you, sent me some Time ago two Copies of her Book upon Government, with a Request that I would tender them to you on her Behalf as a Mark of her Respect.—I promised that I would do so; but missed the opportunity on which I had calculated.—At Length however I fulfil my promise and send the Books. I have not the Honour to know M rs Leigh personally.—She...
I have to thank you for your kind letter of June 8. and the suggestions it furnished on the question whether Livingston could maintain an action in Richmond for a trespass committed in Orleans . this being a question of Common law, I leave it to my Counsel, so much more recent than I am in that branch of law. I have undertaken to furnish them with the grounds of my defence under the Lex loci ....
The Hague, June 15, 1782—Wrote to Secretary Livingston. “This morning, I made a visit to the grand pensionary of Holland, Mr Van Bleiswick, and had a long conference with him, concerning the plan of a treaty of commerce which is now under consideration, and endeavored to remove some of his objections; and to explain to him the grounds and reasons of certain articles which have been objected to...
Through the protecting hand of a gracious Providence, I am rising from a bed of Sickness, where I have been confined for more than three weeks—Indeed, I did not keep about but a few days after my last letter to you—Lydia was evidently much better her Tongue cleared, & her fever had a proper turn & had got to eating Beef, & drinking wine, but still her Cough hung round, & kept her too weak to...
Mr Thomas Cooper having communicated to me the active part taken by you to assist him, thro’ Mr Warden, in procuring some publications from France, which May be made useful to this Country, has at the same time requested me to inform you, that I am ready at any time & in any mode which can be pointed out be ready to transmit the sum of 100$ for this Object—or to pay at sight, the Amount of the...