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Results 28151-28200 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
In answer to your favor of this date give me leave to say that I am well pleased at the...
From my present situation I cannot flatter myself that I shall ever be able to take the field as...
Knowing it to be the intention of Congress to employ no more foreigners except such as come under...
[ Valley Forge ] March 22, 1778 . Demands exchange of Lieutenant Colonel Ethan Allen for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society God Bess liberty! I drunk with all my heart to the republick...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Give me leave to congratulate you upon the great and long...
28157General Orders, 22 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
As a System of easy Manœuvres and Exercise is to be introduced with a view of establishing...
the time Employed by the congress to determine Some thing upon the affairs of the marquis de la...
I am favor’d with yours of the 19th I desire that the British Serjeants, their Horses, arms &...
I received the honor of yours of the 27th Ultimo per Capt. Gooch; shall communicate your advice...
Lieut. Colo. Parker has made application to be appointed to the command of the first Virginia...
Your several Letters of the 15th 19th and 21st Inst. have been duly received. You are under a...
I recd yours of the 19th inclosing proceedings of a Court Martial against Docr Smith. Some of the...
I can never miss an opportunity of rembembering to your excellency the mighty Commander in chief...
Your Excellencys letter of the 17th instt I had the honour to receive. I shall with the greatest...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, c.22 Mar. 1778. On 23 Mar., McIntosh wrote GW...
I have yours of the 19th inclosing sundry papers relating to a dispute between Major Forrest and...
On the 20th Instant I had the honor to receive Your Excellencys letter to the Commissioners for...
Altho’ I have not the honour of being personally acquainted with your Excellency, neverthless I...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 22 Mar. 1778. On 1 April, Lund Washington wrote GW , “By...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I received your favour of the 11th. inst: and have the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Referring to the letter I had the honnor of writing to you...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee presents his most respectful Compliments to Dr....
AL : American Philosophical Society Il faut Mon illustre confrère que je vous importune encore il...
AL : American Philosophical Society I find a Disposition among several of my Friends to lend...
28176General Orders, 23 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
As the Season is approaching fast when everything should be in the most perfect readiness for the...
I recd your favor of the 15th Inst. and think myself well rewarded for doing my duty in having...
I shall be obliged to you to finish the Cloaths herewi⟨th⟩ sent without delay and in the best...
Perhaps upon the representation of our affairs below in the inclosed, your Excellency will think...
I recd your orders ⅌ Express this Morning one o’Clock & in obedience to them returned on my way...
Business has prevented my answering yours of the 18th before this time. If I have given Capt....
I am favd with yours of the 20th informing of the embarkation of Troops at New York—I shall be...
An Express being just setting off for Head Quarters, I cannot help imparting to you some very...
Be Pleased to Pay to the Order of Messrs Peter Whiteside & Co. The Sum of Two hundred Pounds this...
Yorktown, 24 March 1778. FC ( PCC , No. 79, I). This is Instruction No. 3, which probably reached...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress My dear old Friend was in the right not “to call in question the...
L : Maryland Historical Society; copy: Harvard University Library Dr. Franklin’s Compliments to...
(I) and (II): copy and transcript of each letter, National Archives I cannot consent to omit this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: Archives du...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Since my last of 21st Instant I have nothing to inform your...
28191General Orders, 24 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Continental Congress have been pleased to appoint Major General Greene Quarter...
With a view of establishing uniformity of discipline and manœuvres in the army, it is in...
Since the Sealing of my letter of the 23rd Inst. Mrs Morris’s Daughter call’d on me for the Grey...
Yesterday I had the Honour to receive Your Excys favour of the 22d currt, It is not in my power...
The Express just going off I have only Time to do myself the honor to acquaint your Excellency...
I wrote to you about a Week ago respecting the arbitrary Conduct of Genl Howe in confining Capt....
I little expected when I left Camp that Horses were at such an intolerable price there is no such...
Herewith I do myself the honor to inclose copies of a Letter from an Officer of Militia at...
You will form a Judgement upon the following Extract of a Letter from the Honble Thos Cushing by...
I have received your letter of yesterday by Major Duvall—As the principal object of your...