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Results 2811-2840 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to propose Doctor Oliver H Spencer for your approbation as Surgeon in the Army...
This is the first moments leisure I have had to answer your Letter of the 27th Instant which was...
En réponse à l’honorée vôtre du 18 e. , la clef de votre Secretaire S’est heureusement retrouvée...
I herewith transmit you Copies of a Letter from Genl Schuyler and Its several Inclosures which I...
2815[Diary entry: 31 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday. 31st. Clear pleasand & warm in the forenoon. Towards Noon it grew cold. Wind hard at...
Whereas, the late wicked and treasonable insurrection against the just authority of the United...
Immediatly after the Rect. of your last Hond. favor of the 10th. Novemr. I determin’d (as I had...
281817th. (Adams Papers)
This day a regiment of foot, and a troop of about 60 horse-men paraded, and were review’d by...
I make use of the opportunity afforded by the return of Col. Hoomes to inclose a parcel of the...
Henry Seckel of the City aforesaid Merchant maketh oath that on or about the thirteenth day of...
2821[Diary entry: 23 December 1798] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear—wind at No. West. Mercury at 20 in the Morning.
2822Orders, 6 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
Your 3 favors from G. Town, Bladg. and Balte: have come safe to hand. The accident mentioned in...
My feelings are deeply excited by the Step which I now take in addressing a letter to you, not...
10 September 1801, Philadelphia. Encloses papers pertaining to detention of brig Sally mentioned...
I recieved some time ago a letter from mess rs Brooks and Ashley assignees of Bradford & Inskeep...
2827[Diary entry: 3 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. At Colo. Bassetts all day in Compa. with Mr. Dandridge &ca. Probably Bartholomew Dandridge and...
I have formed an opinion, quite satisfactory to myself, that the adjournments of Congress may be...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 24, 1778 . Asks Sullivan to send news of arrival of British...
Your Excellencys favor of the 24th I had the honor of receiving last Evening. I dind yesterday...
Impress’d with a sense of Gratitude and respect due your Eminent and Conspicuous Situation I pray...
Your letter of the 22d. Ultimo. I Recd. a few days since. I live on the Sadaqueda Patent, three...
Yours of the 16th reached me last evening, and I have this day, agreeable to your request,...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, 3 July 1777. Charles E. Tuttle Co. of New York...
The Pickering, Capt Preeble, arrived at New York two or three Days ago—I expect the George...
I am honoured with your Letters of the 11th & 14th. The sale of the Bills on Amsterdam shall be...
2837General Orders, 21 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I wrote you a line yesterday acknowleging the receipt of your late letters from Albany. I expect...
As it is very seldom that I see M r Randolph’s Harry , I must ask the favor of you to direct him...
I Have the Honor to inclose your Excellency the Report of the Auditors of the Northern Department...