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Results 2811-2860 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Sous les auspices de M M. Constant, Sanderson & Vallue, chefs d’institution de cette ville, je prends la liberté de recourir à votre obligeance dont chacun ici fait l’éloge. Arrivé de France depuis un mois dans l’intention de professer les langues française latine & italienne, je suis porteur de lettres de recommandation, pour des personnes qui ont quitté Philadelphie depuis 3 ou 4 mois. Seul,...
I have had no information from Dodge & Oxnard but of the time of shipping the wine, the vessel and port. the papers the collector was so kind as to send, never came to my hand, but as he ascertained the duty &c. I have this day desired Col o Peyton to remit him 18 D. and I will give you the further trouble of requesting him to ship the wines to Peyton’s address who will pay all charges. I...
On the eve of the great national jubilee, in which you have providentially been continued to join, permit me to testify my sense of respect by requesting your acceptance of the accompanying chronicle of an interesting event, that once was in our New England Annals—and which occurred not many years before your birth.— I do not know that a copy may not have been some time since transmitted,...
I have received your Letter of the 17th. with deep concern at the purport of its contents—I will endeavour towards the close of the next, or the beginning of then succeeding month to visit you and our ever honoured Parent—In the mean time should any thing further occur to make it necessary for me still more to anticipate the period of my journey, I rely upon your attention and affection to...
My Father’s health not permitting him to answer your letter of last Month in his own hand, he has desired me to acknowledge the receipt of it, together with D r : Holmes’s Memoir & letter which accompanied it. My Father did not know, till informed by your letter, that your Son Henry was a resident in New York, & he requests you to assure him, that should he find it convenient to visit Bedford,...
Yours of this month came to hand, the evidence of your personal good will is duly appreciated. Mrs Browere begs me to tender to yourself and Lady Madison congratulations of health, and to render thanks for her condescension. Our young daughter has been named Dolley Madison Browere. The rehearsal of which will daily remind me of the flattering reception its father met with, while a transient...
I would willingly be useful to you in your proposed visit to Europe for improvement in your professional line were it in my power. but I know not that it is. I have overlived every personal acquaintance which I had on that side of the Atlantic. I think there is not a single one living. with yourself I have had no other than the visit of an hour you were so kind as to make me the last year. but...
The kind invitation I recieve from you on the part of the citizens of the city of Washington, to be present with them at their celebration of the 50 th anniversary of American independance; as one of the surviving signers of an instrument, pregnant with our own, and the fate of the world, is most flattering to myself, and heightened by the honorable accompaniment proposal for the comfort of...
Knowing that all of your pavilions at the university have tin coverings, I write to learn whether they have ever leaked, and if so what method of prevention has been used. our roof here was perfectly close until about mid winter. it then began to leak not in one but a hundred places: and from that time I have endeavoured to discover the cause without effect. For some time I thought that the...
Col House of U.S. Army now stationed at Fort Independence in my neighborhood, has favored me with a call, and communicated your very polite letter, desiring him to offer me a escort to Washington in order to celebrate with your approaching Fiftieth Anniversary of our National Independence I feel very gratefull for this mark of distinguishing and respectful attention on the part of the citizens...
Mrs Dunglison and myself have been for some time anxious to avail ourselves of the kind invitation of Mrs Madison and yourself to visit Montpellier; but we have been prevented by the Baby having received, about a month ago, the Contagion of Hooping Cough. She is now, however, so much recovered that we are anxious, if perfectly convenient to you, to pay our visit in the Course of a week or...
M r Willard undertakes our clock, and, without regard to price, says that it shall be as good a one as the hands of man can make. he will come and set it up, observing that the accuracy of the movement of a clock depends as much on it’s accurate and solid setting it up as on it’s works. he chuses to purchase the bell himself, & says that one of 400.℔. is sufficient for all our purposes. the...
Your letter of Feb. 27. came to hand in due time; that of the 15 th inst. was recieved yesterday. I have this day directed our Proctor to have 250.D. immediately remitted to yourself for mr Willard, to hold 250.D. more ready to be called for at his convenience, & to count on paying the whole balance at the final conclusion. whenever therefore mr Willard’s convenience may make it acceptable to...
I received by yesterday’s Mail your letter of the 14th. inviting, in the name of the Committee of arrangement, my presence at the celebration in the Metropolis of the U.States, of the fiftieth anniversary of their Independence. I am deeply sensible of what I owe to this manifestation of respect on the part of the Committee; and not less so of the gratifications promised by an opportunity of...
Enclosed is the bond for the duties on the marble capitals, which has been paid. I regret the Com, relinquishing the duties, had not passed sooner, as it would have saved you much trouble. ViU : Thomas Jefferson Papers (Proctor’s Papers).
I have been earnestly engaged in disposing of my concerns in Fredericksburg—that I might comply with the promise I made you to be at the University by the first of July—The term of the Chancery Court, in which I was constantly employed, was protracted a fortnight longer than usual—which deprived me of so much of the time that I had laid off for the settlement of my private concerns—The wagoner...
Mr Walker delivered me your Laconic epistle of the 3d. instt. promising an answer at an early day to my Letter of the 25th. ulto—for which answer I am patiently waiting—I made suitable allowance, for the accession to your necessary occupations, occasioned by the Session of the Legislature—From which however you will have been relieved before you shall receive this— Your Accounts for the...
I have just recd. yours of the 14th. and inclose $15. in discharge of the acct. transmitted. When I became a subscriber for the Franklin Gazette My letter to Mr Bache mentioned that it was a departure from a rule I had found it expedient to lay down, and that my subscription was not a permanent one. As no special request however has been made for a discontinuance of the paper, I very...
I here with send you the Bill of James Oldham against the Rector & myself and my answer to it for your perusal and to answer such parts as you may think proper on the part of the Rector it is necessary for my answer to be filed in the Chancery court by the 10 th day of the court (25 th of the present month) therefore you will see the necessity of returning it as soon as possible CSmH .
I do myself the satisfaction of sending a copy of my book—I think I should hardly have ventured to put it forth had not your opinion on the matter of a letter addressed to Col. Randolph, induced me, instead of continuing to write him, as I had proposed to do, to put it into the form of a book I cannot anticipate whether it is well or ill done, or whether it is dull or interesting. I think that...
I recieved your letter on the subject of the Wine per Ship Mandarin. and upon inquiry at the Custom House, find that the Wine has been carefully put away for you in the Public Store. The Collector tells me, he forwarded the letters which accompanied the Wine, to you with an indorsement shewing by what vessel it came. I suppose that these letters have miscarried. or perhaps you did not observe...
This will be handed you by Mr. Cramer, a gentleman of respectable commercial connections in St. Petersburg; who is prosecuting his travels in this country. Having had some acquaintance with his family connections, while at that place, some years ago, he called on me here, and expressing a particular desire to pay his respects to you, I have, at his request, given him this note of introduction....
I am upon the eve of my departure for Europe in prosecution of my professional Studies as an artist, and Shall Visit Italy, France and England—Neither my acquaintance with you nor any distinction I have acquired entitles me to the Smallest claim on your Kindness, but as a Virginian it would be peculiarly flattering to carry Some memorial that I was not entirely unknown to you—A letter to any...
I am deeply sensible of all your kind feelings towards me, as express’d in your affectionate Letter of the 24th Ultimo. my wishes are in union with yours, that we were nearer each other, than we are, the sigh, is at present vain—I often contemplate a possiblity that if I sent my carriage & Thos. Alker a faithfull & well experienced driver, & you could feel strong enough to bear a ride of 10...
I have faild in the sale of my lands in this county, or of any part thereof, and in consequence, being informd that there were several persons desirous of purchasing, tho’ not willing to give the price I asked, I have advertised both tracts for sale, to the highest bidder, on the 18th & 20th. of the next month. My hope is to produce thereby a competition among them, and a result, satisfactory...
I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed note from a Committee of the Corporation of the City of New York. I am Sir with great respect Your He. Servt. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . Morton enclosed Richard Riker and others to JM , ca. 16 June 1826. Jacob Morton (1761–1836), a graduate of the College of New Jersey and a New York City lawyer, held a number of public positions throughout...
The Corporation of this City intend to celebrate the ensuing Anniversary of American Independence; and it would be pleasing to them to draw around them those who by their devotion to their Country’s weal, have gained the affection and esteem of their Fellow Citizens. The distinguished station you have held in the Government of our Republic and the important Services you have rendered in its...
I should be glad to know, what I am to make Students coming at this time pay for Dormitory and University rent—whether a dedication is to be made or whether they are to pay rent as for the whole session—Some Law Students will be coming in soon and I wish to be informed on the subject before they get here, your Opinion as soon as possible is requested CSmH .
For your kind and consolatory Letter of the 6 th Inst. The style and spirit of its indiction, would have betrayed its author to men less acquainted with the sage of Monticello, the Author of the Declaration of American Independence, the friend of Washington, the Friend of Science and of Liberty.—None but he, who, has experienced the smiles and vicisitudes of Life, could duly appreciate your...
I have seen Mr Willard, and given him your order for a clock and bell: in consequence of my conversation with him on the subject, some time since, he procured castings of the principal wheels, and made other preparations, at his own risk, which involved him in some expense and make an advance desireable; at present all he asks is 100 dls, and the work done amply warrants the payment of such a...
No definitive order has been given as to the substitutes for arms for the students attending the military school. because of the doubtfulness of our funds. considering however that the number of 55. or 60 only as at present sufficient, I will consult with mr Brockenbro’ whether we may not venture order that number to be made. Accept my salutns DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
It was my intention to have called on you this evening, and to have presented in person M r Goodwyn, who will have the pleasure to deliver to you this letter, but have been prevented by the rain. He is a son, of M r P. Goodwyn, a member of Congress, I believe, during your service, in the gov t , as well as mine. Having purchased a part of my land here, he will become your neighbour, and I am...
As chairman of a committee appointed by the citizens of Washington to make arrange for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of A can Independence in a manner worthy of the M tropolis of the nation, I am directed to write re as one of the signers of the ever memorable Declaration of the 4th of July 1776, to honor the city with your presence on the occasion. I am further instructed to inform...
The enclosed is your account for the Franklin Gazette. Mr. Todd paid up to May 1823. You will perceive that one year, up to next May, is charged in advance, in order to make the sum easy of transmission by mail, and because the charge is one dollar less than if it were paid at the end of the year. With earnest prayers for a continued life of happiness and tranquillity for years yet to come, I...
As chairman of a committee appointed by the citizens of Washington to make arrangements for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence in a manner worthy of the Metropolis of the nation, I am directed to invite you, as one of the former Presidents of the United States, to honor the city with your presence on the occasion. I am further instructed to inform you, that, on...
Will you be so good as to inform me what arrangements have been made with respect to furnishing the students with Arms—If they could be procured and lent to the students who attend my school within a week or two I should be pleased, as it is assential in order to enable me to discharge my duty; that they have them soon. I should consider it a great favour done me if exertions were made to...
As chairman of a committee appointed by the citizens of Washington to make arrangements for celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence in a manner worthy of the Metropolis of the nation, I am directed to invite you, as one of the signers of the ever-memorable Declaration of the 4 th of July 1776, to honor the City with your presence on the occasion. I am further instructed...
I take the liberty of troubling you with a small commission of enquiry to which I will not add that of a long preamble. Mess rs Dodge & Iznard of Marseilles, by a letter of Feb. 18. 26. advised me that they had shipped 2 casks of wine for me on board the ship Mandarin A. M. Norman Master, bound to the port of Baltimore, and consigned for me to the Collector of that port. that letter I recieved...
Your very polite and cordial letter of invitation, written to me in behalf of the City Corporation of New York, has been gratefully received, through the kindness of Genl J. Morton. The Anniversary you propose to celebrate “with increased demonstrations of respect,” in which you invite me to participate in Person, is an event sanctioned by Fifty years of experience, and it will become...
Not being able to find such a Cask of Sicily Madiera Wine as I liked, concluded to send but ten gallons at present, & wait until a better parcel was rec d , before I send a larger quantity—if you will let me know when this is out, will send you some better which is expected. I expect to go up in the stage with this, on my way to Lexington for a week, & shall regret if I am unable to call on...
So many months are past Since I received a Single line from Massachusetts—in former days I was now and then remembered with kind regard by mrs Quincy—my frend Tyng allways men tioned to me the State of your health now and then your beloved Emily honoured me with Some information about her beloved Relatives—and—now—I appear worse as a Stranger—of one thing I remain nevertheless confident, that...
Y r fav r of the 31 st Ult. address d to our M r H. was rec d in due Course M r Hilliard left for V a last week & will proby be at Charlottsville about the 20 th inst; we shipped, Cases [GRAPHIC IN MANUSCRIPT] 5.6/ German [GRAPHIC IN MANUSCRIPT] 8. 9. 10/ English
being very disirous of obtaining some Information relative to the University of Virginia I have taken the Liberty to address you on the subject. I was at a loss to know to whom I should apply until it was suggested that a Communication to you would meet with attention. Please inform me what will be the annual charges for Board and Tuition and at what time in the year the course of studies...
The undersigned Commissioners, appointed “to select a proper site in the District of Columbia, on which to erect a Penetentiary for the said District; and also to select a Site in the County of Alexandria, for a County jail,” have the honor to report in part,— That they have selected as a site on which to erect a Penetentiary for the said District, so much of the Northern part of the public...
Your favor of May 31 came safely to hand, covering one from Mess rs Taylor & others a commee of the corporn of the city of N. York, and I ask leave through the same channel to return the inclosed answer. with the assurance of my esteem & respect. MHi .
I have for some time entertained the hope that your affairs being once wound up, your mind would cease to look back on them, and resume the calm so necessary to your own happiness and that of your family & friends, and especially that you would return again to their society. I hope there remains no reason now to delay this longer, and that you will rejoin our table and fireside as heretofore....
I recieve, Gentlemen, with great thankfulness the Medals you have been pleased to send me, commemorative of the completion of the Erie canal. this great work will immortalize the present authorities of New York, will bless their descendants with wealth and prosperity, and prove to mankind the superior wisdom of employing the resources of industry in works of improvement rather than of...
To the Committee of arrangement of the Corporn of the city of N.Y. I have to acknolege Gentleman the honor of your letter of the 31 st ult, inviting me, in the name of the Corporn of the city of N. York to a participation with them in the festivities with which they propose to celebrate the approaching Anniversary of our indepdce. the few surviving signers of memorable instrument which...
I take the liberty to forward to you a copy of a communication to the American Academy on the subject of Longevity &c., and shall be happy if it affords you any gratification. You will see, Sir, that it has been an object in making the communication to excite some attention to the mode of taking the Census of the United States. Should the remarks on this subject, meet your approbation, perhaps...
Your letter of the 3d Instant, written on behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, for the approaching celebration of our National Independence; inviting me to dine, on the fourth of July next, with the Citizens of Quincy, at the Town-Hall, has been received with the kindest emotions. The very respectful language with which the wishes of my Fellow Townsmen have been conveyed to me, by your...