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Results 28101-28150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
28101 Hamilton, Alexander Enclosure: Schedule K, [9 January 1790] 1790-01-09 SCHEDULE K Estimate of the Probable Product of the Funds Proposed for Funding the Debt and...
28102 Enclosure: [An Act Repealing Duties Laid Upon Distilled … 1790-01-09 An ACT repealing, after the last day of next, the Duties heretofore laid upon distilled Spirits...
28103 Hamilton, Alexander Draft of an Act Imposing Certain Inland Duties on … 1790-01-09 An act imposing certain Inland duties on foreign Wines. A A   Be it enacted by the Senate and...
28104 Ducher, Gaspard Joseph Amand Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gaspard Joseph Amand Ducher … 1790-01-10 Les representants du peuple de la caroline du nord assemblés a fayetteville ont adoptée la...
28105 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 11 January … 1790-01-11 [ Philadelphia ] January 11, 1790 . “Inclosed is the Total amount of goods imported & the duties...
28106 Howard, John E. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John E. Howard, 11 January … 1790-01-11 [ Annapolis ] January 11, 1790 . Encloses a statement of Maryland’s public debt. ALS , RG 56,...
28107 Randolph, Beverley Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Beverley Randolph, 11 … 1790-01-11 Richmond, January 11, 1790. Encloses a statement from Virginia’s auditor which shows how the...
28108 Fosdick, Nathaniel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Nathaniel Fosdick, 12 … 1790-01-12 [ Portland, District of Maine, January 12, 1790. On February 8, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Fosdick :...
28109 Woodruff, Aaron D. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Aaron D. Woodruff, 13 … 1790-01-13 Trenton, January 13, 1790. “In the Action of Carter agt. Kearney … I have repeatedly pressed the...
28110 Lee, Charles Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Charles Lee, 15 January 1790 1790-01-15 [ Alexandria, Virginia, January 15, 1790. On February 18, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Lee : “Your...
28111 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 16 January 1790 1790-01-16 By order of the President of the United States, I transmit you the copy of a Report from the Post...
28112 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 18 January … 1790-01-18 [ Philadelphia ] January 18, 1790 . “… There is one branch of Revenue which if it did not...
28113 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 18 January 1790 1790-01-18 By order of the President of the United States, I do myself the honor to transmit you a letter...
28114 Jefferson, Thomas Jay, John Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 27 August 1789 1789-08-27 I am honoured with your favor of June 19. informing me that permission is given me to make a...
28115 Willink, Wilhem Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Wilhelm and Jan Willink, Nicholaas and Jacob … 1789-08-13 We had the honor to remit Your Excellency £169,718.16 the 10th. Inst. in 23 Bills of Exchange and...
28116 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 19 January … 1790-01-19 I am favored with your letter of the 16th. of last month; which I would have replied to sooner if...
28117 Hamilton, Alexander Report on the Petition of Christopher Saddler, 19 … 1790-01-19 [To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] In obedience to the order of the House of...
28118 Anspach, Peter Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Peter Anspach, 20 January … 1790-01-20 New York, January 20, 1790. Transmits “several Estimates signed by Col. Timothy Pickering late...
28119 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 20 January … 1790-01-20 [ Philadelphia ] January 20, 1790 . Sends accounts and abstract of duties. Encloses “opinion of...
28120 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 20 January … 1790-01-20 A Petition from Christopher Sadler, with a Letter from you to Mr. Ames, has been referred to me...
28121 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 20 January … 1790-01-20 Treasury Department, January 20, 1790. Instructs Lincoln to reimburse John Coffin Jones “for Oil...
28122 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 20 January … 1790-01-20 Boston, January 20, 1790. Discusses the type of boat that should be used to prevent smuggling....
28123 Osgood, Samuel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Osgood, 20 January … 1790-01-20 In obedience to the orders of the Supreme Executive, I have the honor of laying before you such...
28124 Treasury Department Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1790-01-20 Motives friendly to the Interests of the Officers of the Customs, as well as to the advancement...
28125 Hamilton, Alexander Alden, Roger From Alexander Hamilton to Roger Alden, [21 January … 1790-01-21 If you have in the Office the laws of North Carolina, I will thank you for the perusal of them....
28126 Hamilton, Alexander Davidson, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Davidson, 22 January … 1790-01-22 Treasury Department, January 22, 1790. “I am favored with your letter of the 2d Instant Enclosing...
28127 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, 22 January … 1790-01-22 [ Philadelphia ] January 22, 1790 . “I inclose you the Exports of flour for the last year & our...
28128 Livingston, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Livingston, 23 … 1790-01-23 [ January 23, 1790 . On February 8, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Livingston : “I had the honor of...
28129 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 24 January 1790 1790-01-24 In obedience to the commands of the President of the United States, I have the honor to transmit...
28130 Delany, Sharp Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Sharp Delany, [25 January … 1790-01-25 From the Journals of Congress I see You have reported a Bill to the consideration of the...
28131 Hamilton, Alexander Huntington, Jedediah From Alexander Hamilton to Jedediah Huntington, 25 … 1790-01-25 Treasury Department, January 25, 1790. “I am favored with your letter of 9th. instant,...
28132 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 25 January … 1790-01-25 As it has become my duty to prepare a plan for the consideration of Congress, respecting the...
28133 Peters, Richard Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Richard Peters, 25 January … 1790-01-25 I should sooner have acknowledged the Reciept of your kind Letter respecting Mr Smith but I hope...
28134 Williams, Otho H. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 25 January … 1790-01-25 Baltimore, January 25, 1790. Discusses the official value of the rix-dollars of Denmark, Sweden,...
28135 Willink, Wilhem Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1790-01-25 We had the Honor to address you the 29 Ulto. since when we have not received any of your...
28136 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 26 January … 1790-01-26 Boston, January 26, 1790. Discusses the problems involved in the re-exportation of imported...
28137 Mifflin, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Mifflin, 26 January … 1790-01-26 Philadelphia, January 26, 1790. Encloses a statement of Pennsylvania’s public debt. States that a...
28138 Hamilton, Alexander Steuben, Baron von From Alexander Hamilton to Baron von Steuben, 26 … 1790-01-26 [ New York, January 26, 1790. “Among the documents which relate to the circumstances of your...
28139 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 27 January … 1790-01-27 [ Boston ] January 27, 1790 . “Your faver of the 20th respecting Christopher Sadler is before us....
28140 Hamilton, Alexander Randolph, Beverley From Alexander Hamilton to Beverley Randolph, 27 … 1790-01-27 Treasury Department, January 27, 1790. Acknowledges receipt of a certificate from the auditor of...
28141 Steuben, Baron von Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Baron von Steuben, 27 … 1790-01-27 The Letter which you did me the honor of addressing to me Yesterday I have received, and am...
28142 Treasury Department Collectors of the Customs Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1790-01-27 The adoption of the Constitution of the United States by the state of North Carolina, having...
28143 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 27 January … 1790-01-27 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 27, 1790. Encloses the New Hampshire statutes relating to...
28144 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 28 January … 1790-01-28 Treasury Department, January 28, 1790. Directs Lincoln to distribute ship registers to the...
28145 Short, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Short, 28[–31] … 1790-01-31 I had the honor of addressing you a letter on the 30th. of November last in answer to yours of...
28146 Hamilton, Alexander Huntington, Jedediah From Alexander Hamilton to Jedediah Huntington, 30 … 1790-01-30 By an act of the last Session, provision is made for the payment of pensions to Invalids, for the...
28147 Hamilton, Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin From Alexander Hamilton to Benjamin Lincoln, 30 January … 1790-01-30 [ New York, January 30, 1790. On February 7, 1790, Lincoln wrote to Hamilton : “I received last...
28148 Hamilton, Alexander Whipple, Joseph From Alexander Hamilton to Joseph Whipple, 30 January … 1790-01-30 [ New York, January 30, 1790. On May 31, 1790, in a letter to Hamilton , Whipple referred to...
28149 Hamilton, Alexander Williams, Otho H. From Alexander Hamilton to Otho H. Williams, 30 January … 1790-01-30 Treasury Department, January 30, 1790. Informs Williams of regulations on payment of invalid...
28150 Morris, Gouverneur Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gouverneur Morris, 31 … 1790-01-31 I did expect that in congratulating you, which I do most sincerely, upon your Appointment, I...