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Results 281-290 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
This morning we received your letters of the 26. Jan. and 18th. Feb. Your plan of leasing your lands is exactly what I would wish to adopt with Edgehill after reserving a farm of 400 acres for myself and what I should put in execution immediately if I could get tenants. Do not you offer yours on very low terms? I have had very lately an application for a farm in the S.E. angle of my tract...
In a late communication from Col Hawkin⟨s⟩ I received copies of a corrispondence between him & the Govr. of Florida by which it appears that the Govr. had notified Col Hawkins of his having been informed that Bowls had crossed the line into the Territories of the United States, and requested the Col to make every exaction in his power for having him apprehended. I have written to Col Hawkins...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; Copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours dated the 7th. Inst. acquainting me with the Presentation of several more Bills drawn on Mr. Laurens. I think you will do well to accept them, and I shall endeavour to enable you to pay them. I should be glad to see a compleat List of those you have already accepted. Perhaps from the Series of...
I sincerely hope that you have, on your arrival, found Mrs. Eppes in a fair way of recovering. The weather and city have been gloomy enough since your departure; and Mrs G. is anxious that I should take her to New York. If I can possibly complete in time the business and arrangements resulting from the laws of last session, I will try to do it early enough to be back here when you shall...
Mrs Bingham has done me the honor to deliver me your Letter of the 15 March with the Seal you have been so polite as to present to me—and for which you will please to accept my thanks I could only wish the object had been more worthy the great talents shewn in the invention and execution of the Seal. You will however believe that I feel my self extremely flattered by this mark of attention and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous me trouverez bien ingrat de n’avoir pas encore été me mettre à vos pieds et vous témoigner ma reconnoissance. Une multitude d’occupations m’a dérangé jusqu’à présent et m’a privé du plaisir que j’aurois eu à remplir ce devoir. Je vous prie, Monsieur, d’en croire ces protestations et tous les regrets que j’en ai. Je me dédomagerai au premier moment en...
The President’s message in answer to the call of the House respecting Genl Wilkinson has condescended to notice me. It is expressed in such a manner as not to leave it altogether certain, whether it does not hold me accountable for a bundle of Mr. Clark’s papers, before the public. On the one hand I place a value upon a good name, and on the other am elevated above much anxiety, by the...
The distressd situation of Officers and seamen obliges me as one of their Comanders to call on your Excellency for Redress. I can asure you Sir it is with greatest unesiness I undertake the disagreeable task of writeing to you on [a] Subject so distressing to every friend to his Country, and particularly to your Excellency under whome we fight and whome we look up to for Justice. This is the...
Remarks on the Resolution of Congress of the 25th February 1780—requiring each State to furnish certain species of supplies for the support of the Army. The measure seems to be calculated, more for the convenience of each state, than for the accommodation of the service. The aggregate quantity ordered, tho’ far short of the demands of the army, is proportioned on the states, in such a manner,...
Being just returned from German Town, I beg leave to inform your Excellency that I was happy enough to perfect the Exchange of the following Officers, for those of equal Rank due to us from the Enemy, which I hope will meet with your Excellency’s Approbation. I have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Obedt Hble Servt ALS , DNA:PCC , item 152; copy, DNA:PCC , item 169. The accompanying...