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Results 28091-28100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
A visit to the Springs for the benefit of my family delay’d the Receipt of your letter until a few days past; otherwise I should have given you an answer sooner; The quarry to which you allude is in the County of Franklin on the Pigg River , about 45 miles from New London , the Road is generally hilly but firm, such as the waggoners are accustomed to carry from 3. to 4000—in the summer, & Fall...
Your letter of Sep. 26. has been duly recieved. with respect to the order of 1802. for the discharge of the supernumeraries of the army, mentioned in your letter, my memory does not enable me to say any thing either of it’s tenor or intentions; nor would any explanation of it’s intention now given by me, be any thing more than that of a private individual. the right of giving such an...
According to the information I recieved from you; I stated to the Postmaster General the situation of Lynchburg as to it’s mails, and it’s claims to a second mail every week: and I am happy to transmit you the information I recieve from him in answer to my letter. After the 1 st day of April next the mails between Lynchburg and Richmond will be as follows. from Richmond by Powhatan C.H.
I am much obliged to you for your consignment of Tobacco ⅌ Adeline, of which I am just advised by Mr Stone, with orders for insurance. It is done at 3 Guineas ⅌ Cent, so as to cover £20 ⅌ Hhd. This market now is so much overdone with Tobacco as to contain nearly double the quantity I ever knew. It is greatly lowered in value & of dull sale. Whenever the Vessell arrive & the cargo be landed &...
I have not been able till this day to collect sufficient information from the French & Spanish authorities, concerning the powers vested in the Governors for the Kings either of France or Spain , to prevent encroachments on the demesne of the crown, & public property in general. I flatter myself however that the following quotations will fully elucidate this point of law. 1 o See Vattel , the...
We have lost an excellent Neighbour and Friend in the death of Mr Black, for more than a Year he has Sufferd great bodily disease but for the last Month, a fever in concequence of his other complaints Seizd upon him, and put a period to his days—he was patient and resignd, and like a good Man who has better hopes beyond the grave, Cheerfull and pleasant to his last tour . Thus have two of my...
10 October 1810, Pointe Coupee. Provides an account of his efforts to become a cotton planter near Baton Rouge after 1803. Owing to his political views, he was forced to abandon his plantation and immigrate to the Orleans Territory. Purchased lands in Pointe Coupee Parish in 1808 and made extensive improvements on them after receiving assurances from Armand Duplantier that his claims would not...
Since my last Letter , I have made an agreeable Tour thro’ the Eastern States:—The encrease of population,—the progress of agriculture and manufactures—in a word, the prosperity of the Country, exceeded any thing, I had formed an idea of! The United States are in truth great and powerful, nor is there a Nation on earth, that has so much cause to approbate its Rulers.— Livingston , I learn, has...
Your Communication of the 20 th Sept r has been received & laid before the Directors . It is their wish to have a personal conference with You on the matter in agitation, & for this purpose they have appointed a meeting of their body at Shadwell Mills on Wednesday the 17 th Instant. I am instructed to request Your presence at that time & place by the hour of 12 o.Clock. RC ( MHi ); notation by...
9 October 1810, Wiscasset. Urges appointment of Gideon Granger to the Supreme Court. Also informs JM that because of ill health he will not seek reelection to Congress. Peleg Tallman of Bath has been nominated by local Republicans for the Twelfth Congress. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Granger”). 2 pp. Orchard Cook was a Republican representative from Massachusetts in the Ninth...