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Results 28081-28110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I yesterday received your favor of the 8th Instt, accompanied by so warm a recommendation from Genl Parsons that I cannot but form favorable presages of the merit of the work you propose to honor me with the dedication of. Nothing can give me more pleasure than to patronize the essays of genius, and a laudable cultivation of the Arts & Sciences, which had begun to flourish in so eminent a...
As seven of the Gallies at Bordentown are to be stripped and Sunk, not having men sufficient to work them, I desire you will send down travelling Carriages to remove the fine heavy Cannon belon[g]ing to them. If you have not carriages ready for the whole; send down as many as you have, with orders to remove part of them at first some distance from the Water, and then return for the remainder—I...
I have the honor of transmitting you the inclosed letter from General Smallwood, giving intelligence of the Enemys motions on the Delaware, and his conjectures respecting their object —the account he has heard of troops being on board the Vessels, is confirmed by the relations of deserters and others, who agree that a considerable number of men have been embarked—and add that they took...
General Washington having been informed, lately, of the honor done him by Miss Kitty Livingston in wishing for a lock of his Hair, takes the liberty of inclosing one, accompanied by his most respectful compliments. AL , ViMtvL . The letter was addressed to “Kitty Livingston” at “Peicepany”: William Livingston had a farm at Parsippany, New Jersey. Catharine Wilhelmina (“Kitty”) Livingston...
I trust your Excellency will excuse me for obtruding my Sentiments on a Subject to which I profess myself altogether incompetent. I cannot but think that some of the light Horse would be more advantageously stationed in Gloucester & Salem than at this Place & New-German Town in Jersey, not only because Grain & forage is more plenty in the former, than in the latter which have been almost...
I am favd with yours of the 7th inclosing a letter from the Revd Mr Dwight to whom I have written upon the matter proposed by him. I am sorry to hear that any seeming inconsistency in my letters should among other things have retarded the execution of the Works, but if you will revert to my letters of the 2d and 27th of Decemr you will find that my orders were express to keep the Troops,...
Letter not found: from Col. Thomas Proctor, Capt. Winthrop Sargent, Capt. John Doughty, and Capt. Thomas Clark, 18 Mar. 1778. On 23 Mar., GW wrote Proctor, Sargent, Doughty, and Clark , “Business has prevented my answering yours of the 18th.”
I have this Day Recd your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instant repeating the Orders that I was honour’d with when I had last the Pleasure of waiting on you & must confess that it gives me considerable unneasiness that I should ever give your Excellency the trouble of repeating your Orders. But I can with truth assure your Excellency that upon my return to this Place I Issued Orders for my...
your Letter of Feby 28th is at Hand as also the one by Captn Triplett. Lanphier was here some little time past, after some conversation with him I found he had very little thoughts of worckg here much more—he said money woud not purchase the necessarys of Life and that he must endeavour to make them—findg I coud do nothing better with him, I told him if he wou’d stick to his worck and...
280901778. March 19. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
I have scarcely been able to stand, or sit, without holding fast, with both my Hands, upon some lashed Table, some lashed Gun, the Side, or Beams of the Ship, or some other fixed Object: such has been the perpetual Motion of the Ship arising from violent Gales, and an heavy Sea. In the Course of the last 5 days, We have seen a great Number of Vessells, two of which at least, if not four were...
28091[March 19. Thursday.] (Adams Papers)
March 19. Thursday. Captain McIntosh assured Us that by his Reckoning when he was taken he was in the English Channel, and We had been beating about in it for some time. For the last five days We had been tossed in another Gale: I had been scarcely able to stand or sit, without holding fast with both my hands, upon some lashed Table, or Gun, or the Side, or beams of the Ship or some other...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; autograph copy: Virginia Historical Society I shall be obliged to you for furnishing me with a Copy of the Treaties you have enter’d into with the Court of France, that I may not propose any thing inconsistent therewith to the Courts of Vienna and Berlin for which places I intend to set out on Saturday next. Any information or advice that you may be...
AL : American Philosophical Society Les abbés de Chalut et Arnoux souhaitent le bonjour à leur cher et respectable Monsieur Franklin, ils le prient de recevoir la canne qu’ils lui avoient promise, comme un signe de sa mission, et un temoignage de leur estime et de leur respectueux attachement. Les deux Abbés font leurs sinceres compliments à Messieurs deane et Lée, et ils embrassent l’aimable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer une incluse de notre excellent ami M. Hutton: elle est un peu de vieille datte parce que j’esperois pouvoir vous la remettre moi meme, et j’en ai toujours été empeché par mille objets pressés: je l’avois portée mardi dernier chez M. le Marq. de Mirabeau où on m’avoit assuré que vous deviez diner; et j’eus le chagrin de la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday arrived a Parcel for me from London wherein I found amongst other of my Writings, some Copies of that Pamphlet on the American Affairs, which you express’d Curiosity to see. I ask the favor of your Acceptance of the Inclosed for this Purpose. The Pamphlet had its share of attention at the Time altho it is only a recitation of well known general...
28096General Orders, 19 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief directs that the officers be very attentive to the water their men drink—The little springs about Camp from which they have been accustomed to supply themselves during the winter will in their present state become extremely impure & pernicious in the approaching warm season; as it is a matter essential to health it is expected that officers will without delay take...
As it is found necessary for the purpose of establishing uniformity of discipline and manœuvres in the army to appoint an Inspector General—and in order to form a well organised Body of Instructors it is proposed to have Sub-Inspectors to superinted divisions or larger portions of the army according to their number—and Brigade-Inspectors to be charged with the Instruction of Brigades, which...
Agreeable to General Reeds request I inclose you a list of the Field Officers in the Pensylvania line. The Board of General Officers upon reconsidering Colonel Putnams claim of Rank in the Massachusetts line and having before them his pretentions in consequence of his appointment as Engineer, have determined to place him in the arrangement next to Colonel Wigglesworth. I am With the greatest...
I had the honor to receive Your Excellys favor of the 10th current, The Blanks in the Warrant for the execution of Mansin & Myers were filled up & the execution took place on, Monday 16th Inst. in the presence of Some thousands of the Inhabitants of this County no discoverys were made by either of the prisoners of their accomplices who they Said were numerous & very able Farmers. as they were...
19 Mar. 1778. Since a previous letter of 24 Jan. mentioning “the Injustice done me as to Rank,” he understands that “a reduction and new Arangment of the Army is immediately to take Place.” The effects of his late wound have made him “unfit for the fatigues of another Campain. . . . And as a number of worthy Officers must now be left out think it my duty now to leave the Army in Order that my...
In Consequence of an Order from Mr Thos Bradford (One of your Commissaries) to Mr Emanuel Eyre of Trenton to Ship 50 Barrels of Pork⟩ for the Use of the Prisoners in Philadelphia, and two Tons of Hay for their Cattle, Mr Eyre on the 6th Instant wrote to Mr Ferguson requesting him to apply to me for a Passport for the Shallop Polly, Isaiah Robinson Master, manned with 3 Hands, to proceed hither...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. Adam Hubley, Jr., 19 Mar. 1778. On 22 Mar., GW wrote Hubley , “I recd yours of the 19th inclosing proceedings of a Court Martial against Docr Smith.”
I yesterday received information from Genl Smallwood at Wilmington, that a number of Vessels, mostly sloops and Schooners, had gone down the Bay with Troops on board, their destination uncertain. Several deserters this day inform me, that the number of men embarked are four regiments of British which are at most one thousand. We have had it reported from different quarters that an expedition...
To submit to injuries wilfully commited would be implicitly giveing up the point, as well the honour we mean to support on this stage of time; Especially where characters are wounded, and secretly vilefied. The matter I wish to convey to your Excellency is the infringements of Colonel Crane, and his Colleigues, to sully the honour of my Regiment, by insinuations through different channels. I...
It having been judged expedient to appoint an inspector General with a proper number of Sub inspectors for the purpose of introducing a regular System of Discipline and Maneuvres into the Army; The Baron Steuben an Officer of great experience is pitched upon to execute that important Business, and as he is intirely unacquainted with the merits of the Gentlemen of the Army, he has desired me to...
Having recd information that the Enemy has sent a Body of Troops said to be four Regiments, down the Delaware, which I am apprehensive are either designed to collect Forage and Cattle in Salem, Cumberland and Cape May Counties, or to go round and destroy the Salt Works upon the Sea Coast: I desire that you will march immediately with all the Men of your Regiment that are in Camp and fit for...
28107March 20 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Yester Afternoon, the Weather cleared up, and the Wind came about very fair. We had a great Run, last Night. This Morning spyed a Sail, under our leward Bow, chased and soon came up with her, a Snow from Amsterdam to Demarara, and Essequibo. I made Enquiry to day of our Prisoner Captn. McIntosh, concerning the Trinity House. He says it is the richest Corporation in the Kingdom. That Lord...
28108[March 20 Fryday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
March 20 Fryday. 1778. Yesterday afternoon the Weather cleared up and the Wind came about very fair. We had a great run, last night. This Morning espyed a Sail under our leward Bow, chased and soon came up with her, a Snow from Amsterdam to Demarara and Essequibo. I made Inquiry to day of our Prisoner, Captain Mclntosh, concerning the Trinity House. He says it is the richest corporation in the...
His Excellency has received good information, that there is a number of arms and spare Bayonets, at Bordin Town in New Jersey. This he thinks a very improper depositary for them, and desires you will have them removed thence, without delay to one of the Laboratories on this side the Delaware, Allen Town, Lebanon or elsewhere. I am Sir   Your most hum serv ADfS , George Washington Papers,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Recevez, pour les Etats-Unis, et pour vous-mêmes, les sinceres félicitations d’un de leurs plus fideles serviteurs, sur le grand coup d’Etat qui vient d’être frappé. Dieu les bénisse, et leur Alliée, et tous les Amis de cette heureuse Union. L’excès de ma joie ne me permet pas d’en dire davantage. Que vos nobles coeurs...