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Results 28051-28100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I was favd with yours of the 17th ulto in due time, and should have proceeded immediately upon the business of the enquiry had not General Putnam’s private Affairs required his Absence for some little time : I have appointed Brigr Genl Huntingdon and Colonel Wigglesworth to assist you in this matter and inclosed you will find instructions empowering you, in conjunction with them, to carry on...
On the 14th Inst. I had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 7th of March and also one of the 8th containing a Copy of One of the 5th of March. I Shall pay a particular Attention to forwarding the Work of the Boats designd for transporting Over, as well as to those which are to be improvd for Defence on Hudson’s River. I have orderd all the Boats & other Craft on the River to be collected...
The Congress having by a Resolve of the 28th November last directed that an enquiry be made into the loss of Forts Montgomery and Clinton and into the conduct of the principal Officers commanding those Forts, I have appointed Maj. Genl Mcdougal, Brig. Genl Huntingdon and Colo. Wigglesworth to carry the Resolve into execution. It is more than probable that the conduct of the officer commanding...
There were three Ladies Captured by Barry but he informs no one of the Name of Mitchell they were sent off from New Castle Yesterday with some others having by a Flag obtained permission to send them up by Water in one of our Vessells. We have had the Mouth of the Christiana for some Days blocked up by the Nautilus & some Gallies which has obliged Barrys little Fleet to lye snug here—this...
LS : Harvard University Library; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society One of the Messrs: Beaumarin’s of Bourdeaux some time since told me they intended to send a Packet every Month to America, on their own Account, they having great Concerns there. He offer’d indeed to carry our Dispatches; but as at this Distance we could not know the Captains, nor the Degree of Confidence that might be...
Abstract: Algemeen Rijksarchief Envoyé la Dépêche de Stockholm, sur l’établissement des fabriques de Lames, etc. et l’importante Lettre allemande de Berlin 10e Mars, traduite. The Swedish dispatch was doubtless the one in his above of March 13, and the letter from Berlin a continuation of the earlier one there.
ALS : Harvard University Library Je suis chargé de vous annoncer que vous serés presentés au Roi vendredi prochain, si vous voulés bien vous rendre ici vers dix heures du matin. Mr. Le Comte de Vergennes espere que vous voudrés bien ensuite lui faire l’honneur de diner avec lui. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec la consideration la plus distinguée Messieurs Votre très humble et très obeissant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Misfortune to Inform you that the Dispute Between Mr. B. and my Self was only Determind 15th Inst. After a Detention here of three Months and upwards. The Determination of the Parliment was that I had Leave to Depart Bourdeaux with my Vessell and Each party to pay for what Ever Expence we have been at for the Sute which has made the Matter faull...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon chér papa, monsieur l’abbé de st. non m’a chargé de vous envoyer sa gravure, il prétend qu’elle aura un mérite de plus, offérte des mains de l’amitié; je lui sçais gré de cétte refléction, et de l’occasion qu’il me donne de vous assurér de l’attachement le plus tendre et le plus sincére. St.-Non’s engraving relates this note to hers below of, we are...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Permit me to thank you for your very agreeable Letter of the 7th. of October last, and of expressing my Obligation to you for your kind Inclination of serving Mr. McCreery in the Negociating his Certificates of our Continental Loan Office, but am sorry you were with some reason “ told that our Money had depriciated ” and that therefore “ you could not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having the Honor to act as Governor of this State I take the Liberty of addressing you upon a Case of a most singular Nature. Mr. OBrien a Gentleman of this State had a Son, whose Name is William, at Smith’s Academy, Stoke Newington, about six Miles from London, at School, under the Charge of one Mr. William Telfair an American Merchant resident in London....
28062General Orders, 17 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
One hundred chosen men are to be annexed to the Guard of the Commander in Chief for the purpose of forming a Corps to be instructed in the Manœuvres necessary to be introduced in the Army and serve as a Model for the execution of them—As the General’s guard is composed intirely of Virginians the one hundred draughts are to be taken from the troops of the other States. Varick transcript ,...
It gives me inexpressible concern to have repeated information from the best authority, that the Committees of the different Towns and Districts in your State, hire deserters from General Burgoynes Army and employ them as Substitutes, to excuse the personal Service of the Inhabitants. I need not enlarge upon the danger of substituting, as Soldiers, men who have given a glaring proof of a...
I am favd with yours of the 8th instant inclosing a letter from you to Congress upon the subject of Affairs in the North River department. I agree perfectly with you as to the propriety of drawing every man down the River except the garrison of Fort Schuyler and have backed your opinion forcibly with my own. I cannot think it was the intention of Congress to make the command of the Forts...
In Consequence of a letter I Received from a Court Martial, held at the Park of Artillery whereof Major Forest was President, charging me with Ungentleman and Unofficerlike behaviour &c. as exprest in Said Letter: which I beg leave to lay before Your Excellency; also the proceedings of the Court in part; and mine with Respect to them, from their first Siting to the time of my Receiving the...
I am honor’d with your kind Favor of 28th Ulto, which I only receiv’d by last sundays Post —it gives me the most pleasing satisfaction to find, that those who were endeavoring to Injure you in the Public Esteem, are become sensible of their own insignificance & earnestly hope they may feel the contempt & Scorn of all good men in proportion to the Iniquitous Scheme which they expected to...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 17 Mar. 1778. On 25 Mar., GW wrote Gates : “I was yesterday favd with yours of the 17th by Major Campbell.”
On saturday I had the Honor to receive your favor of the 10th with the Resolutions alluded to. Inclosed I take the liberty to transmit an Extract of a Letter just received from Genl Parsons. This, as well as the Letter which I inclosed you yesterday from Governor Clinton, will shew the confusion in the management of affairs on the North River. I informed Congress then, that I had sent General...
Would not an early attempt upon the city of New-York by part of the Continental Troops, and the Eastern Militia be attended with great probability of success? Indeed if there was but a small prospect of our carrying the city it appears to me, that our collecting a respectable body of men in its vicinity would be attended with many good effects; as thereby we should probably divide the enemy,...
I was just this moment honoured with your Excellencys favour of the 14th instant, in which the Case of the light horse is so clearly stated that I shall immediately dispatch an express to Capt. Arnold with an extract of that part of your Excellency’s Letter. As you must have a constant intercourse with the Congress, I hope your Excellency will excuse my freedom in committing to your care the...
I have received your two Letters in one of which you declare your intention to resign the Office of D. Quarter Master General —I write you to retain it if possible ’till some proper person arrives here to take your place—leaving the variety of business which necessarily comes before the acting person in that department to be managed by those whose knowledge and experience have been altogether...
I have had the honnour to write Several times to your Excellency, to Beg the favour of Being Employ’d under his orders. I can’t Determine my Self to Leave the army in the Begining of a Campaing; tho I think an injustice is made to me in Not Giving me the Commission of a major General, which I think I do Deserve by my Services. Give me Leave to Lay before your Exellency that I have been in this...
For this two Days past the Enemys Fleet have been passing by here, to amount of 150 Sail, of which there were 70 or 80 Sloops & Schoners, some few flat Bottom and a number of Ships Boats on Deck & in Tow besides—there destination not known, it’s said there are Troops on board, but it is not reduced to a Certainty, if any, they were kept below, as there was no great appearance on Deck—The...
Your Favor of the 1 st . Feb y came to Hand last week. It gives me Pleasure to hear you was then at H d Q rtrs . especially on Business so important & perplexed. It is Time that Inquiries and I may add ^ as well as ^ Punishments sh d . become more frequent. I wish better, or rather more use was made of Courts Martial. Why is the the Inquiry directed to be made into the Causes to which
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency I hope will excuse my breaking in upon your full employ’d time, by requesting your leave to introduce to your acquaintance Monsieur Garnier Secretary to the french Embassy to this Court, who wishes for the honour of being known to the greatest Man living. I have had the honour of a strict intimacy with this Gentleman for many years I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon papa, on dit si haut que nous sommes les amis des amériquains, que je commence a croire que cela est aussi vrai qu’il est sure que pérsonne au monde ne vous aime plus que moi. Voila douze gravures de l’abbé de st. non, qu’il me charge de vous envoyér pour les donnér a vos amis en amérique, ou a quelques uns de vos amis de paris. Je suis faché de n’éstre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearers Capt. Dun and Mr. Curlis have lately arrived here from Georgia, and may possibly give you some Information relative to the affairs of our Country. I beg leave to recommend them to your civilities and am with the greatest Respect most dutifully and affectionately Yours Addressed: A monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / LLD / a / Passy Samuel Dunn,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons reçu les lettres que vous nous avés fait l’honneur de nous ecrire le 2 Xbre, 20 janvier, 17 et 20 fevrier dernier. M. hodge nous a remis la premiere dans une des siennes de Bilbao ou nous croyons qu’il est encore. Vous verrés Monsieur par la coppie cy-inclus des deux lettres que nous lui avons ecrit au dit lieu qu’aprés vos ordres et ceux qu’il...
28079General Orders, 18 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
Innoculation for the Small-Pox having been happily performed on all the subjects in Camp it is necessary to guard against the fatal effects of that disorder taken in the natural way, The Commander in Chief therefore enjoins all officers commanding Regiments upon the arrival of recruits or return of absent soldiers to make immediate and strict inquiry whether they have had the Small-Pox, and...
I am favor’d with yours of the 15th which you will find fully answer’d by a letter which I wrote you upon the 14th Inst. by Capt. Huston. as the No. Carolina Troops, now serving on Board the Gallies, are exceedingly wanted with their Regts I must insist that they be sent to Camp immediately on their return from below under the care of some officer of Foot, or one of the officers of Light Horse...
I yesterday received your favor of the 8th Instt, accompanied by so warm a recommendation from Genl Parsons that I cannot but form favorable presages of the merit of the work you propose to honor me with the dedication of. Nothing can give me more pleasure than to patronize the essays of genius, and a laudable cultivation of the Arts & Sciences, which had begun to flourish in so eminent a...
As seven of the Gallies at Bordentown are to be stripped and Sunk, not having men sufficient to work them, I desire you will send down travelling Carriages to remove the fine heavy Cannon belon[g]ing to them. If you have not carriages ready for the whole; send down as many as you have, with orders to remove part of them at first some distance from the Water, and then return for the remainder—I...
I have the honor of transmitting you the inclosed letter from General Smallwood, giving intelligence of the Enemys motions on the Delaware, and his conjectures respecting their object —the account he has heard of troops being on board the Vessels, is confirmed by the relations of deserters and others, who agree that a considerable number of men have been embarked—and add that they took...
General Washington having been informed, lately, of the honor done him by Miss Kitty Livingston in wishing for a lock of his Hair, takes the liberty of inclosing one, accompanied by his most respectful compliments. AL , ViMtvL . The letter was addressed to “Kitty Livingston” at “Peicepany”: William Livingston had a farm at Parsippany, New Jersey. Catharine Wilhelmina (“Kitty”) Livingston...
I trust your Excellency will excuse me for obtruding my Sentiments on a Subject to which I profess myself altogether incompetent. I cannot but think that some of the light Horse would be more advantageously stationed in Gloucester & Salem than at this Place & New-German Town in Jersey, not only because Grain & forage is more plenty in the former, than in the latter which have been almost...
I am favd with yours of the 7th inclosing a letter from the Revd Mr Dwight to whom I have written upon the matter proposed by him. I am sorry to hear that any seeming inconsistency in my letters should among other things have retarded the execution of the Works, but if you will revert to my letters of the 2d and 27th of Decemr you will find that my orders were express to keep the Troops,...
Letter not found: from Col. Thomas Proctor, Capt. Winthrop Sargent, Capt. John Doughty, and Capt. Thomas Clark, 18 Mar. 1778. On 23 Mar., GW wrote Proctor, Sargent, Doughty, and Clark , “Business has prevented my answering yours of the 18th.”
I have this Day Recd your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instant repeating the Orders that I was honour’d with when I had last the Pleasure of waiting on you & must confess that it gives me considerable unneasiness that I should ever give your Excellency the trouble of repeating your Orders. But I can with truth assure your Excellency that upon my return to this Place I Issued Orders for my...
your Letter of Feby 28th is at Hand as also the one by Captn Triplett. Lanphier was here some little time past, after some conversation with him I found he had very little thoughts of worckg here much more—he said money woud not purchase the necessarys of Life and that he must endeavour to make them—findg I coud do nothing better with him, I told him if he wou’d stick to his worck and...
280901778. March 19. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
I have scarcely been able to stand, or sit, without holding fast, with both my Hands, upon some lashed Table, some lashed Gun, the Side, or Beams of the Ship, or some other fixed Object: such has been the perpetual Motion of the Ship arising from violent Gales, and an heavy Sea. In the Course of the last 5 days, We have seen a great Number of Vessells, two of which at least, if not four were...
28091[March 19. Thursday.] (Adams Papers)
March 19. Thursday. Captain McIntosh assured Us that by his Reckoning when he was taken he was in the English Channel, and We had been beating about in it for some time. For the last five days We had been tossed in another Gale: I had been scarcely able to stand or sit, without holding fast with both my hands, upon some lashed Table, or Gun, or the Side, or beams of the Ship or some other...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; autograph copy: Virginia Historical Society I shall be obliged to you for furnishing me with a Copy of the Treaties you have enter’d into with the Court of France, that I may not propose any thing inconsistent therewith to the Courts of Vienna and Berlin for which places I intend to set out on Saturday next. Any information or advice that you may be...
AL : American Philosophical Society Les abbés de Chalut et Arnoux souhaitent le bonjour à leur cher et respectable Monsieur Franklin, ils le prient de recevoir la canne qu’ils lui avoient promise, comme un signe de sa mission, et un temoignage de leur estime et de leur respectueux attachement. Les deux Abbés font leurs sinceres compliments à Messieurs deane et Lée, et ils embrassent l’aimable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer une incluse de notre excellent ami M. Hutton: elle est un peu de vieille datte parce que j’esperois pouvoir vous la remettre moi meme, et j’en ai toujours été empeché par mille objets pressés: je l’avois portée mardi dernier chez M. le Marq. de Mirabeau où on m’avoit assuré que vous deviez diner; et j’eus le chagrin de la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday arrived a Parcel for me from London wherein I found amongst other of my Writings, some Copies of that Pamphlet on the American Affairs, which you express’d Curiosity to see. I ask the favor of your Acceptance of the Inclosed for this Purpose. The Pamphlet had its share of attention at the Time altho it is only a recitation of well known general...
28096General Orders, 19 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief directs that the officers be very attentive to the water their men drink—The little springs about Camp from which they have been accustomed to supply themselves during the winter will in their present state become extremely impure & pernicious in the approaching warm season; as it is a matter essential to health it is expected that officers will without delay take...
As it is found necessary for the purpose of establishing uniformity of discipline and manœuvres in the army to appoint an Inspector General—and in order to form a well organised Body of Instructors it is proposed to have Sub-Inspectors to superinted divisions or larger portions of the army according to their number—and Brigade-Inspectors to be charged with the Instruction of Brigades, which...
Agreeable to General Reeds request I inclose you a list of the Field Officers in the Pensylvania line. The Board of General Officers upon reconsidering Colonel Putnams claim of Rank in the Massachusetts line and having before them his pretentions in consequence of his appointment as Engineer, have determined to place him in the arrangement next to Colonel Wigglesworth. I am With the greatest...
I had the honor to receive Your Excellys favor of the 10th current, The Blanks in the Warrant for the execution of Mansin & Myers were filled up & the execution took place on, Monday 16th Inst. in the presence of Some thousands of the Inhabitants of this County no discoverys were made by either of the prisoners of their accomplices who they Said were numerous & very able Farmers. as they were...
19 Mar. 1778. Since a previous letter of 24 Jan. mentioning “the Injustice done me as to Rank,” he understands that “a reduction and new Arangment of the Army is immediately to take Place.” The effects of his late wound have made him “unfit for the fatigues of another Campain. . . . And as a number of worthy Officers must now be left out think it my duty now to leave the Army in Order that my...