Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Carrington, 8 June 1799

From Edward Carrington, 8 June 1799

Richmd Suprs Office June 8. 1799


Since I enclosed you, on the 31st. Instant the plan which I had formed for Recruiting divisions of Virginia, I have seen Lt Colo. Bentley who satisfies me that Abingdon which I arranged as in Colo. Parkers circle, more properly applies to the other. I have therefore written to Colo. Parker that this Station is to be considered as arranged in Colo. Bentleys circle, and that this plan is so far altered.

I am very respectfully Sir Your Most Ob Sr

E Carrington

Supr DV

General Hamilton.

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). On the cover H wrote a draft of his reply: "Rect. acknowleged. I have no objection to the change." Letter not found.

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