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Results 27961-27990 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27961 Hewson, Mary (Polly) Stevenson Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Mary Hewson, 11 March 1778 1778-03-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society My mother had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 11th....
27962 Lee, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee, 11 March 1778 1778-03-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Harvard University Library, Virginia Historical...
27963 Washington, George General Orders, 11 March 1778 1778-03-11 At a General Court-Martial whereof Lt Coll Hubley was President held at Lancaster Feby 24th...
27964 Washington, George Burgoyne, John From George Washington to Lieutenant General John … 1778-03-11 I was only two days since honored with your very obliging Letter of the 11th of February. Your...
27965 Washington, George Fairfax, George William From George Washington to George William Fairfax, 11 … 1778-03-11 Immediately on my appointment to the command of the American Army and arrival at Cambridge (near...
27966 Washington, George Flower, Benjamin From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin … 1778-03-11 I have received your Letter of 27th Ulto inclosing your Instructions from the Board of War...
27967 Washington, George Forrest, Thomas From George Washington to Major Thomas Forrest, 11 … 1778-03-11 I am favd with yours of the 9th: I cannot conceive how you can think yourself injured by the...
27968 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 11 … 1778-03-11 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 11 Mar. 1778. On 20 Mar., GW wrote to Gates , “I...
27969 Washington, George Gibson, George From George Washington to Colonel George Gibson, 11 … 1778-03-11 I am favd with yours of the 8th Mr Boudinot has wrote to Mr Atlee and has given him directions...
27970 Lacey, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John Lacey … 1778-03-11 I have made two attempts to destroy the forrage in the p[o]int, the party was one time...
27971 Washington, George Lutterloh, Henry Emanuel From George Washington to Col. Henry Emanuel Lutterloh … 1778-03-11 Letter not found: to Col. Henry Emanuel Lutterloh, 11 Mar. 1778. Lutterloh wrote GW c.16 Mar .,...
27972 Navarro, Diego Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Diego Joseph Navarro, 11 … 1778-03-11 Dn Juan de Miralles one of the most honourable Inhabitants of this City, as well by his personal...
27973 Washington, George Officers of Colonel Thomas Proctor’s Regiment From George Washington to the Officers of Colonel … 1778-03-11 I yesterday recd yours of the 9th inclosing the Copy of a representation made to Colo. proctor of...
27974 Sherman, Isaac Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Isaac … 1778-03-11 Having solicited Your Excelly for a Court to examin into the Behaviour of Colo. C. Webbs Regiment...
27975 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 11 March … 1778-03-11 Since my last the weather has been Wet, first Snow, in a day or two after rain until now, and I...
27976 Wharton, Thomas Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Wharton, Jr., 11 March … 1778-03-11 The enclosed is copy of a letter written by the Navy Board of Pennsylvania; which the Council...
27977 Hamilton, Alexander Clinton, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, 12 March … 1778-03-12 Capt. Coleman delivered me your two letters of the 5th & 6th, instant. The pleasure, I have, in...
27978 Franklin, Benjamin Alexander, William From Benjamin Franklin to [William Alexander], 12 March … 1778-03-12 Copy: Library of Congress This letter is interesting both for its sidelight on past history, the...
27979 Ross, John American Commissioners John Ross to the American Commissioners, 12 March 1778 1778-03-12 ALS : Harvard University Library I did myself the honour to address you on the 26th. and 28...
27980 Le Poole, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Le Poole, 12 March … 1778-03-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Amsterdam, March 12, 1778, in English: I have just learned...
27981 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 12 … 1778-03-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society As Mr. Chaumonts Servant is here I embrace the opportunity...
27982 Washington, George General Orders, 12 March 1778 1778-03-12 The sentence in yesterday’s orders respecting one Lieutt Dickason therein set forth to belong to...
27983 Arnold, Benedict Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Benedict … 1778-03-12 I am now to acknowledge the Receipt of your Excellencys Favor of the 20th Jany inclosing my...
27984 Washington, George Barry, John From George Washington to Captain John Barry, 12 March … 1778-03-12 I have received your Letter of the 9th inst. and congratulate you upon the success which crowned...
27985 Cadwalader, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Cadwalader, 12 March … 1778-03-12 I should have troubled you with a few Lines if any thing had occurr’d to me that might, in the...
27986 Chambers, Stephen Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Stephen Chambers, 12 … 1778-03-12 On the 6th Instant I informed the Adjutt General by letter of my proceedings untill that day, and...
27987 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 12 March 1778 1778-03-12 I am honored with yours of the 5th instant, and cannot sufficiently express my thanks for your...
27988 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Maj. Gen. William Heath, 12 … 1778-03-12 Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. William Heath, 12 Mar. 1778. On 6 April, Heath wrote GW , “I have...
27989 Washington, George Howe, William From George Washington to General William Howe, 12 … 1778-03-12 Your Letter of the 10th came to hand last night. The meeting of our Commissioners cannot take...
27990 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 12 March 1778 1778-03-12 On sunday night I had the honor to receive your favors of the 1st & 5th Instant with their...