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Results 27951-28000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
[ New York, November 13, 1789. The catalogue description of this letter reads as follows: “…...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 6th Instant, and should have replyed to the...
Savannah, November 14, 1789. “… In answer to your letter of the 1st. ultimo, I have to inform...
Baltimore, November 14, 1789. “Herewith I will transmit you my Weekly Return, in which you will...
[ New York, November 14, 1789. On November 18, 1789, Willing wrote to Hamilton : “I have just...
[ New York, November 15, 1789. On December 9, 1789, Willing wrote to Hamilton : “We Reced your...
The letr. sent to your care, be pleased to return. Your undertaking is truely arduous but I trust...
Boston, November 16, 1789. “A very respectable Body of the Merchants of this Metropolis having...
[ New York, November 16, 1789. On November 28, 1789, Osgood wrote to Hamilton : “I am to...
Since your Letter of the 31st. of October last, no Weekly Return has come to hand from your...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, November 16, 1789. Encloses “Weekly return of receipts and payments to...
I perceive by your Letter of the 4th instant that I misapprehended you in respect to the question...
Treasury Department, November 17, 1789. “Several of the Officers of the different Ports within...
Philadelphia, November 18, 1789. “Our Collector is much embarrassed on Account of the dutys on...
In Consequence of the Application of the ninth Instant made to us by the Secretary of the...
Boston, November 18, 1789. “I have the honor to inclose you a Letter from the Boston Marine...
You[r] letter of the 7th of November duly came to hand. The mode you have adopted for the...
I have just received your Favor of the 14th Instant. the explanation you have drawn up in the...
I was too much indisposed for some time after the receipt of your favor of the 12 Octr. to comply...
I have recd. a letter of the 6th ult. from Mr. Anspach, stating the necessity of his being...
In the Estimate laid before Congress at their last Sessions, I included as an Anticipation of the...
Baltimore, November 19, 1789. Encloses for Samuel Meredith one thousand dollars in “the previous...
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] November 20, 1789 . “Received yours of the 14th. of...
Inclosed are copies of two letters, one Circular to the several Collectors of your State,...
The bearer will deliver two of your books which have been some time in my hands. I add to them a...
Inclosed is a copy of instructions lately sent to the Collectors of the Several Ports in your...
I have heretofore directed you to receive in payment of the duties the notes of the Banks of...
[ New York, November 21, 1789. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS , sold...
I am directed by the President of the United States to enclose and send to you, a letter...
Treasury Department, November 21, 1789. “I have received the letter which you enclosed to me in...
Not having received any acknowledgement of my Letter of the 26th Septr, transmitting the Copies...
Saturday last in the Afternoon I went to New York & called upon you that Day & next Day agreeably...
Your letter of November 1st duly came to hand as did your two former letters; though from the...
[ Annapolis, November 24, 1789. On December 8, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Davidson : “I have duly...
[ November 24, 1789. On December 8, 1789, Hamilton wrote to Gorham : “I am favored with your...
I have to address you on an interestg subject to my self, and am happy that fortune has placed...
I acknowledge the receipt of your’s of the 11th. instant. The privileges allowed to Vessels under...
Some particular Avocations that have engaged my Attention Since the receipt of your Letter of the...
Answers to Queries concerning the Navigation of the Several States, & foreign Nations 1   Vessels...
I am favoured with your two letters of the 10th and 11th Instant, the former transmitting a...
[ Frenchman’s Bay, District of Maine, November 25, 1789. On December 24, 1789, Jordan wrote to...
I have this day recd. your letter of the 19th. instant. It is in some sort anticipated by mine of...
I request you to procure and send me without delay the revenue laws of your State in force...
The last post brought me your letter of the 14th instant. The bill you inclosed will be presented...
I write you officially by this post; but there is a passage in your letter about which I cannot...
[ New York, November 25, 1789. On November 30, 1789, Willing wrote to Hamilton : “Yours of the...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, November 26, 1789. Asks that a uniform ruling be made on “the...
[ New York ] November 27, 1789 . “With regard to feeling the public pulse about the debt I have...
After having laboured with you in the common cause of America during the late war and having...
Philadelphia, November 27, 1789. “… the Comptroller General of this State hath made considerable...