27941[Tuesday March 10. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Tuesday March 10. 1778. We espied a Sail and gave her chace. We soon came up with her, but as we...
27942The American Commissioners to Ralph Izard, 10 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society As soon as the Commissioners to this Court shall have...
27943From Benjamin Franklin to Madame Brillon, 10 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft), AL and French translation: American Philosophical Society I am charm’d with the...
27944To Benjamin Franklin from the Duchesse de Deux-Ponts, 10 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Ma fievre est passée mon cher Monsieur franklin et je...
27945To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas O’Gorman, 10 March 1778 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library A la garde de Dieu et conduite du Sieur Moreau voiturier...
27946General Orders, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The month’s extra pay and for the month of December may be received tomorrow at the Pay-Master...
27947To George Washington from Major General John Armstrong, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The intelligence gain’d by a Miss Myer, respecting a Certain John Robinson who has undertaken...
27948To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
Inclosed is an application from Lieutenant Colonel Tudor of Colo. Henleys Regiment for leave to...
27949To George Washington from General William Howe, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
I cannot refrain expressing my Surprise upon the Receipt of your Letter dated on the 9th Instant,...
27950To George Washington from Captain David Kilgore, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Petition of Capt. David Kilgore Sheweth That Your Petitioner had the Honor to be appointed a...