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Results 27931-27960 of 184,431 sorted by author
Thomas Jefferson Esq. 1802.   Dr January 29 To Thomas Carpenter— Putting new facing to an under Waistcoat $1.50 To 3 pr linnen drawers & 3 pr fustain Drawers 13.50 To a pr Overhawles of Quean’s rib 5.50 March 22 Making a Silk Coat & trimings 3.25 6 Pearl Buttons 25
Thomas Jefferson Esqr. Dr. 1805 to Thomas Carpenter. November 18. D. C.
Dr. Sage of whom I had the Cassimere for your Waistcoat & small clothes desired me to inform you the Cost of it to the Manufacturer (including dyeing, fulling, dressing and every expence) does not exceed 1 dollar 50 cents per yard. I paid him 3 dollars for it, and it is fully as cheap as any foreign Cassimere is sold for of the same quality. There can therefore be no doubt of the increase of...
Mr Jefferson Dr  1806  to Thomas Carpenter
Thomas Jefferson Esq. 1804 October 1. To Thomas Carpenter Dr To a pr of Nankeen Sheravaloes $3 .25 Decr 5. 2 pr of Suspenders 3 .75 To a blue Superfine Cloth Coat 22 .50 To a pair of black Cassimere Breeches 8 .50 Putting fustain sleeves to an under waist 1 .75
Thomas Jefferson, Esq. Dr. 1805 June  1. to Thomas Carpenter To two pair of Nankeen Sheravaloes $  6. 50 To a Silk Nankeen Coat and Breeches 22. – To making 4 Coats & furnishing all materials @ 34/3 18. 27 1½ Yd Scarlet Cassimere for facing @ 15/ 3. – 1 Yard of lace, there not having been enough sent
1805 to Thomas Carpenter December 9. To making a Coat and materials $5.00 1806 April To a Pr of black Cassimere Breeches 7.50 July 1st. To a Superfine blk Cassimere Coat 18 –– To a Pr. of Do. Breeches 7 –– Novr 8 To a Pr of Milled Cassimere Breeches 7,50
J’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer un exemplaire du mémoire du Sr Cazeau qui n’a point été publié ni communiqué encore à personne qu’à M. Le Mis. de la fayette, par la raison que nous sommes convenus d’attendre votre retour, pour conférer sur cette affaire. En conséquence je vous prie de vouloir bien nous donner cette semaine un rendez vous pour mercredi ou jeudi prochain, et j’aurai L’honneur...
Paris, 8 Dec. 1787 . Has been charged with a memorial concerning Cazeau, a Canadian, in relation to a debt which Congress acknowledged by resolutions of 6 Feb. 1783 and 18 Mch. 1784; asks for an appointment to present them to TJ. RC ( DLC ); 1 p.; in French; signed: “Carra de la Bibliotheque du Roi, rue de la michodiere, à coté de la rue projettée.” Recorded in SJL as received 9 Dec. 1787. For...
I have just recd your letter of the 25th—Perry’s bond, on which you were to pay me money, was put into my hands for collection; it was expected by the holder that I should have to travel through a course of law, before the money could be gotten—the arrangement made with you brings it earlier than a suit could have done—I suppose therefore, that I may with propriety give the time you wish—& I...
A bond of Mr Perry’s to Mrs Carter, for the hire of some negroes, has been put into my hands for collection—to discharge this, he has drawn the inclosed draft on you—If it be correct, you will be so good as to accept it, & return it to me. My mother who is with me, requests to be mentioned affectionately to you. Yrs &c ViU .
I rec d last evening your letter of the 19 th ins t . Accept I pray you, my best thanks, for it’s contents—they are perfectly satisfactory— If I could ascertain with certainty, that Girardin in his continuation, of Burks history, has taken that notice of my father , which you suggested to him; I should doubt, whether it ought to be repeated, in M r Wir t’s book—in conveying to him, the...
You requested that I would get a copy of the costs in the qui tam vs Johnson —I suppose you wanted only Johnson’s costs—they amount to fifty one dollars, & twenty one cents.—Johnson has applied to me to day on the subject, & I told him that I should write to you immediately & expected that you would make arrangements to pay him the money in a very short time All your friends in this quarter...
your letter of Feb. 27 was received by the last mail. Mr Randolph , was in this place, when I came to it last fall, & had resided here for some time previous; but soon after that, he left it, & has been since, as I am to be, with his son in law, Mr B. Taylor in Jefferson County , not far from the little village of Charleston : Being informed this morning, that Doctr Grayson , of this Town, was...
I am greatly in arrears to you my Dearest friend: nor can I now discharge the debt. This you will readily believe when I tell you that my darling little Jane is very ill, that I was up with her the greatest part of the last night; & am now suffering under serious apprehensions for her fate—Can any thing wring a father’s heart more severely, than to see a child whom he doats on, parched up with...
When I last saw my lamented brother Peter (then on his death bed) we were conversing about our father , & particularly of the motion made by him in the Virginia Assembly , for appointing Committees of correspondence—I remarked, that I thought it, but justice to his memory, & a duty on his Sons, to make this fact, known to the world— & suggested, that the life of P Henry , which Mr Wirt was...
When I saw you yesterday I entirely forgot to mention to you, a circumstance, in which I feel some interest. An intimate friend of mine Mr. David Yancey, apprehending a breast complaint, has determined on a voyage to some of The Islands, Madeira if he can meet with a passage He wishes a protection. The President informed me, that a certificate of citizenship, & a passport from the Secretary of...
The enclosed note was deliverd. to me by Mr Kinney at our last Court,—with a request that I would either shew it to you, or from it, make a verbal statement of the facts. If you find it convenient to give the indulgence asked for, you can either say so in a letter to Mr Kinney, or authorise me to inform him of it. Yrs &c MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I intended to have waited on you, at your Office, today, on the subject of the enclosed letter; but unluckily deferred my walk, till I found, that you had returned to your own house. I am obliged to leave the City this evening, & have therefore thought it best, to communicate with you on the subject in this mode. If in doing this, I make a faux pas , it will, I trust, be attributed to my...
By todays mail, I recd. a letter from Mr Thomas L. Preston, of Rockbridge, mentioning that he had written to you in recommendation of a young Gentleman who had applied for a Lieutenancy. as Mr Preston had no personal acquaintance with you, he wished me to state what reliance might be had in his representations—with Mr Preston’s family I presume you are not entirely unacquainted—they are among...
I regret extremely, that absence, has prevented my earlier reply to your letters of 3 d & 16 th instant. On the last of March, our Court, adjourned for a month; & determining to take advantage of this vacation, for a short tour of health; I left home on 3 d Apl, for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, & West Point; from which trip, I have but, this day returned. I cannot express to...
You will receive enclosed a Draft drawn by Perry for £100. with interest payable by monthly instalments beginning with May. This he says will not interrupt his work, nor break in upon the funds necessary for carrying it on Yrs &c ViU .
The inclosed Deed was this moment delivered to me by mr Randolph , with a request, that I would forward it to you: I do so without loss of time, as I know that you are anxious to receive it, & to close the business to which it relates. you will see that it has been reacknowledged by mr R. & ordered to be certified from this County—this was done at the last County Court—It is very well that...
I rec d by the last mail your letter of July 30 th . The notice now, seems to be perfectly correct—The Deposition shall be taken agreeably to it, & forwarded to you—you were certainly right to leave nothing to Michie s honesty— with respect to the $60. I knew I could get it, at any time; & never finding myself particularly in want of it, did not think it worth while to mention it. We, of the...
I have hesitated for some time, whether I should write to you, on the subject of this letter. I am sure you will do me the justice to believe that what I shall say is dictated by an anxiety for your repose. I have seen in pretty free circulation here, a letter written by you to a M r Kercheval , on the subject of calling a convention, & discussing the topicks which would probably come before...
I rec d a few days past your’s of M’ch 11 th inclosing an advertisement for workmen . We have two papers published here, which I believe, pretty nearly, divide, the population in this part of the valley; few men taking more than one—I have a thought of publishing the advertisement in both; but I observe you seem to contemplate, a single publication in one paper ; I have therefore confined...
The deposition of Dabney Carr taken de bene esse at his dwelling house adjoining or near the town of Winchester between the hours of ten in the forenoon and four of the afternoon of Saturday the 26 h day of August in the year of our Lord 1815, by virtue of a Commission to us directed from the County Court of Albemarle in behalf of Thomas Jefferson in a Certain matter of Controversy (expected)...
M r Hollins being obliged to be absent from the City this evening, desired me to enclose the within letter to you; which was delivered to him to day by the two Italians who were sent you by M r Appleton and arrived this day after a passage of ninety days from Leghorn in the Brig Strong . We were unable to get them on board the Steam Boat for Norfolk this morning owing to their not having...
I recieved your letter on the subject of the Wine per Ship Mandarin. and upon inquiry at the Custom House, find that the Wine has been carefully put away for you in the Public Store. The Collector tells me, he forwarded the letters which accompanied the Wine, to you with an indorsement shewing by what vessel it came. I suppose that these letters have miscarried. or perhaps you did not observe...
Necessity compels me to call on you, for money at this time I am here on my way to Richmond with out any, and there is none to be had in town. If you can furnish me with any it will be particularly acceptable. You can send it by the boy and I will leave a Rec t for the same with any person you’ll name RC ( ViU : TJP-CC ); dateline beneath signature; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Eq r...