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Results 27931-27960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Tis with the Greatest Satisfaction Imaginable I inform You of Capturing two Ships & a Schooner of the Enemy. The two Ships were Transports from Rhode Island Loaded with forage One Mounting Six four Pounders with fourteen hands Each the Schooner is in the Engineering Department Mounting Eight Double fortified four Pounders & twelve four Pound howitz Properly fitted in Every Particular & Manned...
I was unfortunately made a Prisoner the day after I had the pleasure of seeing your Excellency at your Head Quarters last month. I was overtaken by a company of new raised Dragoons about twelve miles from town, on my way to my family. I took the earliest opportunity after I was brought here, to inform General Howe of my bearing no commission in the service of the States, & requesting the...
As I am informed that the Power of regulating the Appointments of the Quarter Master Genls Department is vested solely in you, I think it incumbent upon me and therefore take the Liberty to Lay before you my Proceedings in that Department as an Agent for Camp Equipage &c. When General Mifflin the late Quarter Mastr General resigned, the Congress requested by a Resolve that he would superintend...
The receipt of your favor of the 28th last Month gave me much pleasure as it relieved me from a State of the greatest anxiety on account of provisions. I hope you will steadily persevere in sending forward supplies of Cattle and if it is yet possible to put up any salt meat, I beg it may be done, for during our late want we have been obliged to consume most of the little that was cured in this...
Letter not found: from Maj. Thomas Forrest, 9 Mar. 1778. On 11 Mar., GW wrote Forrest , “I am favd with yours of the 9th.”
I have been this day favd with yours of the 27th February and of the 2d 3d and 4th instants, which I shall answer in their order. The removal of so valuable a train of Feild Artillery from Albany to Farmington as to a place of greater security, was certainly a measure highly proper, and you may be assured that every precaution shall be taken to escort them safely thro’ Jersey to this Camp,...
I have your letters of the 14th and 21 of February and the 2d of March, of all which, due notice shall be taken. Particular circumstances occuring make it inconvenient for my commissioners to meet yours at the time appointed: I must, therefore beg to have the meeting deferred, ’till the 31st of March. Mr Boudinotte, who has lately returned to Camp from New York, informs me, that...
Brigadier General Count Pulaski intends I am informed to resign, which I am Sorry to hear, as he is certainly a brave & reputed to be, an experienced officer. He shewd the greatest activity on the late irruption of the Enemy into this State, by marching down with all the cavalry that could be collected in the neighbourhood on the first Intelligence of their landing & a rencounter with them at...
The Officers of Collonel Thomas Procters Regiment of Artillery humbly begg leave to offer to your Excellency a grievance they labour Under—hope from your Usual goodness to find redress. Enclosed your Excellency has a copy of a remonstrance deliver’d to Collonel Procter to which he has given a Verbal Answer to the following purport. That with respect to Annexing two Company’s to his Regiment to...
I cannot avoid embracing the opportunity of Captain H. Faunteleroy’s returning to his duty in Camp, to tell you by way of reply to your last kind letter, That were but my nerves at all times as steady as my friendship is, You should be the last man in the World, that should have cause to complain of but a scrip of Paper to you, as you decently did. Permit me to conclude the remembrance of what...
27941[Tuesday March 10. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Tuesday March 10. 1778. We espied a Sail and gave her chace. We soon came up with her, but as we had borne directly down upon her, she had not seen our Broadside and knew not our force. She was a Letter of Mark, with fourteen Guns, Eight nines and Six Sixes. She suddenly turned and fired a broadside into Us, but did Us no other damage, than by cutting some of our rigging, piercing some of our...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society As soon as the Commissioners to this Court shall have completed any Treaties here and it is in their Power to communicate them, you may depend on their Readiness to comply with your Request. And whenever you shall think proper to appoint a Meeting for the purpose of conferring with them on the other Points mention’d in the Letter you honour’d them...
AL (draft), AL and French translation: American Philosophical Society I am charm’d with the Goodness of my Spiritual Guide, and resign myself implicitly to her Conduct, as she promises to lead me to Heaven in a Road so delicious, when I could be content to travel thither even in the roughest of all the Ways with the Pleasure of her Company. How kindly partial to her Penitent, in finding him,...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Ma fievre est passée mon cher Monsieur franklin et je crois que si je l’avois encor, j’en aurois êtes guerie par le plaisir que votre charmante lettre m’a causé, ainsi que par l’esperence que vous me donnés de vous posseder samedi prochain 14 du courant, jour qui me convient baucoup parce que j’espere que mon fils ainee qui vas mieux poura etre un de nos...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library A la garde de Dieu et conduite du Sieur Moreau voiturier de cette ville, vous recevrez, dans la journée de Lundi prochain la quantité de treize feuillettes de vin recolte 1775, dont six de rouge et une de blanc premiere cuvée toutes emballées, et six de rouge seconde cuvée sans être emballées, le tout bien soutiré et rempli à tirefonds, bondons rasés et...
27946General Orders, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The month’s extra pay and for the month of December may be received tomorrow at the Pay-Master General’s, who has been prevented from paying it this day, agreeable to yesterday’s after orders. At a General Court-Martial whereof Coll Tupper was President (March 8th 1778) Lieutt Tipton of 12th Virginia Regiment tried for embezzling the Country Clothing drawn for the soldiery in the Company to...
The intelligence gain’d by a Miss Myer, respecting a Certain John Robinson who has undertaken Secretly to conduct a body of Tories from this part of the Country to Genl Howe, has been sent me by the Board of War, with a request to endeavour to take him &c. Robinson is but little known to the Whigs in these parts; I have however Sent out an Officer with instructions which may probably have...
Inclosed is an application from Lieutenant Colonel Tudor of Colo. Henleys Regiment for leave to resign his appointment in that Regiment, finding but ill success in recruiting the Regiment. He has for some time discovered an inclination to resign; but having a few days since married a young Lady here, he now appears anxious to do it, and I imagine cannot be persuaded otherwise. I am...
I cannot refrain expressing my Surprise upon the Receipt of your Letter dated on the 9th Instant, desiring that the Meeting of the Commissioners, appointed by yourself to be on the Day following, should be deferred, and to so remote a Period as the last of the Month, when you must be sensible how essential this Meeting is, to the Relief of the Prisoners on both Sides, and particularly of those...
The Petition of Capt. David Kilgore Sheweth That Your Petitioner had the Honor to be appointed a Captain in the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, but finding it most inconvenient, as he has a large Family on the Western Frontiers who are now exposed to the mercy of the Savage Enemy, who have lately commited several ravages within a few Miles of Your Petitioners Plantation. He therefore begs Your...
Letter not found: to Lt. Gen. Wilhelm von Knyphausen, 10 Mar. 1778. In a report dated 24 Mar. 1778, Maj. Carl Leopold Baurmeister wrote of letters captured with the schooner Alert , “On the 10th all these letters were returned from Valley Forge under a flag of truce with a very courteous letter from General Washington to his Excellency Lieutenant General von Knyphausen” ( Baurmeister,...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your two favors of the 19th and 23d February, and hasten to dispel those fears respecting Your Reputation, which are excited only by an uncommon degree of Sensibility—you seem to apprehend that censure proportioned to the disappointed expectations of the World, will fall on you in consequence of the failure of the Canadian Expedition—but in the first place,...
My last to your Excellency was under the 5th Inst. by sharp, the same day your Excellency’s favor of the 27th Ulto came to hand & was presented to Congress, but I have received no Commands respecting the Contents. Inclosed herein Your Excellency will receive two Acts of Congress of the 7th Inst. 1. for restricting the power of granting furlough’s. 2. for holding a general Fast on Wednesday 22d...
In Obedience to your Excellencys Orders, I now enclose you a General Return of all the Public Stores in my Department. The Pack Saddles, I am sorry to Inform your Excellency, never came under the Charge of Myself or any of my Assistants—Such as were not made use of by the Enemy themselves, to Transport their Baggage to Boston, I am told were pillaged by the Eastern Millitia, who made it a...
By my arrival I have fixed with the Waggon Master General Mr Young all the Number of Waggons, and for those he had ordered out of Bucks, Philadelphia and Chester County, he has now ordered 50 Waggons out of York and Cumberland County. as the first will not be able to furnish their demanted quotum. as I was informed a great quantity of Flower caskes are on the shore of the Susquehanna. I have...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. William Palfrey, 10 Mar. 1778. On 10 Mar., Tench Tilghman wrote Palfrey, “His Excellency commands me to acknowledge yours of the 8th and this day” ( MH ).
In pursuance of a Resolve of Congress dated the 21st February last, by which I am directed to order a Major General to take the Command of the Troops in the State of Rhode Island in the place of Maj. General Spencer who has resigned —I have appointed you to that Duty and you are to proceed with all convenient dispatch to enter upon it. Congress have not communicated any thing to me on the...
Annexed is a Copy of my last Letter, which from the tenor of yours of the 7th inst. I am inclined to think you have not received—it was sent by the return of the Dragoon, who brought me your Letter of the 9th February—The Legislature of New Jersey certainly never meant that the Law regulating the Prices of Necessaries should have a retrospective view and invalidate anterior Contracts —you will...
In answer to your Excellencys letter of the seventh instant I beg leave to enclose you extracts of a letter to his Excellency the President of Congress from this Council; and a representation from the Council and the General Assembly to Congress, by which you Excellency will see that attention has been given to the supplying of the army with waggons and what is the opinion of Council...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Capt. James Babson of the Privateer Brigantine General Mercer saild from hence in company with three other privateers for New England the 7th Instant. He has left his affairs here in my care and requested me before his departure to write you on the Subject of his prizes which he took and carried into Nantes which he has been Informed were restored to the...