James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Walter Jones, 27 July 1799

From Walter Jones

July 27th. 1799

Dear Sir.

Mr. Ogilvie,1 intending Soon to pass thro yr Part of the Country, is desirous of the acquaintance of a Person, whose Character he respects as much as yours—it is with pleasure I facilitate his wishes by this Introduction—he is a most ardent Lover of Science and republicanism, and is most assiduously employed in imparting the Principles of both to a respectable & increasing School of promising Youths. Yours dear Sir with great regard

Walt: Jones

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers). Addressed by Jones to JM and marked “Mr. Ogilvie.” Docketed by JM.

1James Ogilvie (d. 1820), a Scottish immigrant, opened a school in Milton, Albemarle County, Virginia, and founded another later in Richmond. For his outline of a school curriculum, see Ogilvie to Walter Jones, 19 Jan. 1798 (Papers of Gallatin [microfilm ed.], reel 3).

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