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Results 27901-27950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, March 7, 1778, in French: The shippers of this...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur de présenter à Votre Excellence Messieurs...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho’ I have not hitherto assumed the liberty of troubleing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you last post and am still without anything from Mr....
27905General Orders, 7 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief orders and directs that Captures of Provisions actually going into...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 7 Mar. 1778. On 20 Mar., GW wrote to Gates , “I...
I am favd with yours of the 2d instant, inclosing Copy of your requisition to the Deputy Qr Masr...
Instructions were given a few days ago to Colo. Baylor to proceed to Virginia and in concert with...
In a letter from Genl Putnam of the 13th ulto he informed me that there were two large Scows and...
The Writer of the Letter herewith transmitted you, is Chaplain of the Brigade under my Command:...
Having a Dragoon just riding to Camp, I am induced to trouble your Excelleny with a line on...
Upon the repeated Application of Adjt. Pearl of my Regt for a Discharge from the Service, and he...
There is nothing I have more at Heart than to discharge the great Duties incumbent on me with the...
279141778. March 8. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The same Wind and Weather continues, and We go at 7 and 1/2 and 8 Knots. We are supposed to be...
27915[March 8. Sunday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
March 8. Sunday. 1778. The same Wind and Weather continued and We went at the rate of seven and a...
Tis a little more than 3 week s since the dearest of Friends and tenderest of Husbands left his...
AL : Pierpont Morgan Library Mr. Franklin presents his Compliments to M. Lotbiniere, has receiv’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is the first letter in the volume that offers services;...
27919General Orders, 8 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Bradley was President (March 6th 1778) Thomas Hughes...
I wrote your Excellency the 5th Instant informing you of the little Success I had in procuring a...
I am favd with yours of the 20th Feby and am sorry to find from it that the ill state of your...
Capt. Greybill of the German Battn arrived here from Yorktown he Brought with him three Brittish...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. William Palfrey, 8 Mar. 1778. On 10 Mar., Tench Tilghman wrote...
Below you will receive a copy of my last dated the 5th to which I will add a thought which has...
I received your Favor of the 6th Inst., & in reply to that part relative to the British...
279261778. March 9. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Last Night the Wind shifted to the N. West, and blew fresh. It is now still fairer for Us than...
27927[March 9. 1778. Monday.] (Adams Papers)
March 9. 1778. Monday. Last night the Wind shifted to the North West, and blew fresh. It was then...
I hope in God this will find you safe arrived at your desired Port, and that you are happy in...
[ Valley Forge ] March 9, 1778 . Asks that meeting of commissioners for the exchange of prisoners...
27930General Orders, 9 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Cloathier General will have particular regard to Morgan’s Corps, the Artillery, the sixteen...
Tis with the Greatest Satisfaction Imaginable I inform You of Capturing two Ships & a Schooner of...
I was unfortunately made a Prisoner the day after I had the pleasure of seeing your Excellency at...
As I am informed that the Power of regulating the Appointments of the Quarter Master Genls...
The receipt of your favor of the 28th last Month gave me much pleasure as it relieved me from a...
Letter not found: from Maj. Thomas Forrest, 9 Mar. 1778. On 11 Mar., GW wrote Forrest , “I am...
I have been this day favd with yours of the 27th February and of the 2d 3d and 4th instants,...
I have your letters of the 14th and 21 of February and the 2d of March, of all which, due notice...
Brigadier General Count Pulaski intends I am informed to resign, which I am Sorry to hear, as he...
The Officers of Collonel Thomas Procters Regiment of Artillery humbly begg leave to offer to your...
I cannot avoid embracing the opportunity of Captain H. Faunteleroy’s returning to his duty in...
27941[Tuesday March 10. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Tuesday March 10. 1778. We espied a Sail and gave her chace. We soon came up with her, but as we...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society As soon as the Commissioners to this Court shall have...
AL (draft), AL and French translation: American Philosophical Society I am charm’d with the...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Ma fievre est passée mon cher Monsieur franklin et je...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library A la garde de Dieu et conduite du Sieur Moreau voiturier...
27946General Orders, 10 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The month’s extra pay and for the month of December may be received tomorrow at the Pay-Master...
The intelligence gain’d by a Miss Myer, respecting a Certain John Robinson who has undertaken...
Inclosed is an application from Lieutenant Colonel Tudor of Colo. Henleys Regiment for leave to...
I cannot refrain expressing my Surprise upon the Receipt of your Letter dated on the 9th Instant,...
The Petition of Capt. David Kilgore Sheweth That Your Petitioner had the Honor to be appointed a...