Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Craven Peyton, 6 December 1810

To Craven Peyton

Monticello Dec. 6. 10.

Dear Sir

I have recieved a letter from Colo Charles Lewis now of Kentucky expressing apprehensions that 3– or 4. old domestics which he holds from you on hire, and who have been with his children from their infancy may be called for by you, in which case the family would be in infinite distress and without any aid or means of subsistence, and requesting me to speak with you on the subject. being an entire stranger to the whole matter, I can do no more than mention it to you, and ask the favor of you to enable me to explain to him your intentions, which I have no doubt are as favorable towards them as their distressed circumstances seem to plead for. I had intended to court on Monday in the hope of meeting you there, and of mentioning this subject to you, but the day was such that I could not go out. Accept the assuran[c]es of m[y gr]eat esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); corner torn; at foot of text: “ [. . .] Peyton”; endorsed by TJ as a letter to Craven Peyton.

Missing letters of 10 Mar. and 7 June 1811 from Peyton to TJ are recorded in SJL as received from Monteagle on 10 Mar. and from Milton on 9 June 1811.

Index Entries

  • Kentucky; slaves in search
  • Lewis, Charles Lilburne (TJ’s brother-in-law); financial situation of search
  • Peyton, Craven; and Lewis family search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters from accounted for search
  • Peyton, Craven; letters to search
  • slaves; in Ky. search