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Results 27881-27890 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Autograph copy: Virginia Historical Society; two transcripts: National Archives In conformity to the general instructions of the secret committee that you should be consulted and advised within all important cases relative to their commercial affairs, and Mr. Thos. Morris joint commercial Agent with me being now dead and as I am just on the point of setting out for Germany, I think it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; autograph copy: Virginia Historical Society I send you the keys of the Trunk containing the late Mr. Thos. Morris’s papers, which were forgot the other day. Please acknowledge the receipt that I may know they are safe. I wish very much to have an answer tonight, if it is convenient, to my Letter to the Commissioners relative to the Commercial Agents, as I...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: Harvard University Library; two transcripts: National Archives I return the Keys by the Person that brings them from you. I had rather your Brother should keep them while he stays in France. Your proposition about appointing Agents in the Ports shall be laid before the Commissioners when they meet. In the meantime I can only say, that as to my...
ALS : Yale University Library I am sorry I could not be at home to receive you yesterday. To-morrow morning at 9 O Clock, you may certainly find me. I name that Hour as a Time when I am least likely to be interrupted, and hoping to have the Pleasure of your Company at Breakfast. I have the honour to be, very respectfully, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: A Monsr / Monsieur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Algemeen Rijksarchief J’ai reçu l’honneur de la Lettre de Mr. Deane. Comme il dit fort bien, de grands événemens sont à la porte; et ici, comme par toute l’Europe, nous ne sommes pas peu en suspens à cet égard. Je suis charmé, mais nullement surpris, du plaisir que lui fait le personnage avec lequel il a plusieurs fois diné: similes similibus...
LS or ALS : American Philosophical Society We begg leave to referr you to our last respects of the 2d. of past month. Since are deprived of your much esteemed Letters, this will be principally to inform you, that there are laÿing at Amsterdam two vessles in Loading for our Colonies, the one for Curacao, and the other for St. Eustatia. The first Shall Shut his bagg for letters the last of this...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I recieved your kind lettre at Brussels with several papers contained in it, which all gave me a great satisfaction and did serve verry purposely to the end, which I intended to make of the contents. I thank you most hardily for them. I am allready 5 weaks here, and would have wrote a long while to you, if I had been able to fulfill your commissions. I...
27888General Orders, 6 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . An entry in Lt. Col. Aaron Burr’s orderly book for this date announces, “Writing Paper to be sold at the Virginia State Store Near the Bull Tavern” ( NHi ).
However inconvenient, & distressing to the Service in this quarter it may be to part with another Majr General, yet, in obedience to a resolve of Congress I must do it, if neither Genl Putnam nor Heath, in the judgment of the Comee, will answer the purposes of the Command at Rhode Island. The Comee best know the designs of Congress in assembling a body of Troops in that State; consequently,...
Upon considering the Matter referred to the Committee by your Letter of this Morning We are of Opinion that a very able Officer should have the Command on Hudson’s River. And if Either Putnam or Heath must be sent to Rhode Island we should prefer the former. A new arrangement may be made by Congress before the opening of the Campaign especially if Genl Gates should (as we suppose he will)...