James Madison Papers

Account with St. Mary’s College, 7 December 1810 (Abstract)

§ Account with St. Mary’s College

7 December 1810. Lists charges to JM for John Payne Todd between 9 June and 7 Dec. 1810 amounting to $193.99 and a credit from former accounts of $18.66½ for a balance due of $175.32½. The charges include doctor’s fees, educational supplies, postage, and money advanced to Todd to pay his washerwoman, tailor, and bootmaker as well as for travel and sundries.

Ms (MdBS: Account Book, 1809–11). 1 p. JM remitted $175.33 to pay this account to William Castel, agent of St. Mary’s College, on 20 Dec. 1810 (MdBS; 1 p.).

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