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Results 27861-27870 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I deferred answering your letter of July 11 because I had learnt there were several points of difference of opinion between mr T. E. Randolph and yourself as to the conditions of the lease of Pantops , & I thought it proper that these should be explained & settled between yourselves before a third party intervened. I wrote to mr Randolph accordingly, to ask his understanding of the lease that...
Your’s & Francis’s of Feb. 14. were recieved in due time. you have seen by the newspapers what our legislature has done on the subject of an University. the centrality & salubrity of Charlottesville excite strong expectations that the site of the Central College will be adopted for that. but this cannot be known until the next session of the legislature. in the mean while we shall go on with...
M r Estin Randolph has shewed me a letter from you, proposing to sell him Pantops , o i n order to lay out the money in lands in your neighborhood for Francis . I had hoped that we had concurred in our purposes on that subject, altho’ we did not in the immediate execution of them. my view & wish was when Francis should come of age, or the Pantops lease expire, or whenever else you pleased, to...
I wrote to my dear Maria on the 1st. inst. and covered it in one to yourself on the 3d . I have not yet recieved any letters either from you or Monticello since I left home, now five weeks.—you will have seen the debates on Logan’s law, as it is called. the forged paper they endeavored to palm on the H. of R. as if written & presented by Logan to the French directory, being made appear to have...
Martin arrived here the night before last & delivered safely yours of the 22d. I learn with great pleasure the good health of yourself & the good family of Eppington & particularly of our dear Francis. I have little fear but that he will out grow those attacks which have given us such frequent uneasiness. I shall hope to see him well here next winter & that our grounds will be in such a state...
Not understanding the conveyance to you by post beyond Richmond, I have thought it safest to remit the 100. D. for you to Gibson & Jefferson, subject to your order, which is done this day. I was never better pleased with a riding horse than with Jacobin. it is now really a luxury to me to ride.   The early prevalence of sickness here this season will probably drive us hence earlier than usual,...
Yours of the 6th. has been duly recieved. but the printer has been slow in making up for me the documents you desired. they are now inclosed. the Census is not yet printed. the bill for the Military establishment , on the scale proposed by the Executive, passed the H. of R. yesterday by about 58. or 60. votes against 12. a proposition to strike out the Brigadier General had a good deal divided...
Your departure hence is so recent that nothing has occurred worth communicating to you. The object of the present letter is merely to inclose to you an account presented me by Peter Gordon the shoemaker, who supposed you had forgotten him. As I know that there is sometimes a forgetfulness on the side of the Creditor, I told him I would pay the account if you should admit it to be just. You...
Your favor of Jan. 1. came to me on the 18th. that of the 12th. was recieved yesterday . the one you mention from the Hundred has never been recieved. none of these acknolege the receipt of mine of Dec. 21. the day I left Monticello. on the 30th. of Dec. I inclosed you some pamphlets, not writing as you know I mentioned my design of writing little for a year to come. on the 17th. inst. I wrote...
I wrote to Maria on the 14th. of Dec. My occupations are now so incessant that I cannot command a moment for my friends. 7. hours of close business in the forepart of the day, and 4. in the evening leave little time for exercise or relaxation. Congress have not yet done anything, nor passed a vote which has produced a party division. the sending a message, instead of making a speech to be...