George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 4 March 1758

To Sarah Cary Fairfax

Mount Vernon [4 March 1758]

Dear Madam

Letters which I have just receivd from the President,1 and others from Winchester render it necessary for me to set out for Williamsburg tomorrow—If you, or any of the young Ladies have Letters to send, or other Commands that I can execute, I shoud be glad to be honourd with them, and you may depend upon my punctuality—please to accept my Compliments yourself, & offer them to the young Ladies, and believe that I am with great truth & Sincerity Dr Madam Yr most Obedt & Obligd

Go: Washington

Saturday Morng

ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection.

1GW wrote John Stanwix from Mount Vernon on Saturday 4 Mar. that he was leaving for Williamsburg the next day to consult doctors about his health. This letter to Mrs. Fairfax could not have been written before 31 Jan. 1758 when GW received his first letter from President John Blair or after 5 Mar. when GW left Mount Vernon to be gone for the rest of Blair’s tenure as president of the colony. The only Saturday morning between 31 Jan. and 5 Mar. that GW could possibly have intended to leave Mount Vernon the next day for Williamsburg was, it seems, 4 March.

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