John Jay Papers

To John Jay from William Carmichael, 1 December 1781

From William Carmichael

[Madrid] 1st. Decembr. 1781


Immediately on the receipt of your Excellencys last note I dispatched my Servt to the Chevalier de Bourgoyng requesting him to send me a copy of the Gazette containing the Capitulation of Ld. Cornwallis. I have this moment his answer in which he informs me, that the only copy the Embassador reserved yesterday, was sent last night to the Consul at Cadiz— I am exceedingly sorry that any circumstance arising from an misapprehension of mine should have deprived your Excellency of this Satisfaction— When I had the honor to receive your first note, I was engaged in Company of the Dutch Secretary and Several Other Visitors, which occasioned the Detention of your Sert a quarter of an hour & the mistake in the Date of my card in answer to that of your Excellency— I saw yesterday your Carriage in the Calle de Atocha, apparently on its way to the Embassador in the Calle de Isabel & this Circumstance & the perswasion that you would pay him an early visit on his arrival in Town Induced me to think you would see the Gazette which I was then on the way to your house to show you—

I met Mr. Tabarrie & informed him that I had this Gazette & that I was carrying it to you, But not expecting to find you at home until near the hour of Dinner, to which I knew you had company Invited & fully perswaded that you would read the Capitulation at the Embassadors whom I had just left, I made no difficulty in obliging Mr Cabarrus and the Ct de Campomanes at the same time, by sending it to the Latter. I have already mentioned the Disposition I finally made of it. Permit me to add that yesterday at Dinner with the Embassador I was so fully convinced of your having been there, that I spoke of it at Table & the Embassador called in the Sevts and reprimanded them severely, for having been denied to you— At five in the afternoon the Gazette was read there in my presence & you were then expected. This Circumstance with others that may happen of a similar nature will induce me in future never to subject myself to similar misapprehensions— I shall have the honor to wait on you in the morning or this Night if you have any commands for Your Excys. Most Humble Sert

Wm. Carmicheal

His Excellency John Jay

ALS, NNC (EJ: 7580).

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