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Results 27851-27880 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of yesterday is this moment recd and I take my pen upon the first impulse to tell you not to be uneasy, I will pay you every farthing principal & interest, have patience for my measures to operate & rely yourself with Confidence. The Nature of your debt ties me at all events & it shall be paid. As to Mr Church’s Security how can it be doubted. I told you before that Mr Marshall is...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed three Acts of Congress of this day—One for accepting the Resignation of Brigadier Genl Warnum, another accepting the Resignation of Major Pawling of Colonel Malcolm’s Regiment, and the third authorizes your Excellency at your discretion to settle with the Enemy a Cartel for the Exchange of Prisoners. I have the Honor to be Sir Your Excellency’s...
I have received your several favours of Sept. 23d. Oct. 10th. & Dec. 1st. It appears to me probable that your movement towards Antwerp produced the appearance of a four per cent loan, and I hope from it in the result good effects. Inclosed you will find a copy of a letter of the same date with this to the Commissioners in Holland. You will easily comprehend the motives which dictated the turn...
Le citoyen Legaux mon mari, obligé il y a peu pres huit ans de quitter la goideloupe par les véxations que lon vouloit lui faire éprouver, Se retira a la nouvelle angleterre ou il a eu le bonheur de vous connoitre; dans toutes Ses lettres il ma parlé de vous, citoyen, et combien il avoit été flatté de la bienveillance avec la quelle vous avez accueellis ce quil a fait pour Se rendre util dans...
27855[Diary entry: 9 September 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 9th. Thermometer at 66 in the Morning—72 at Noon and 72 at Night. Clear and rather warm, with but little Wind. Rid up to Alexandria with Mrs. Washington, who wanted to get some cloathing for little Washington Custis; and for the purpose of seeing Colos. Fitzgerald & Colo. Gilpin on the business of the Potomack Company. Returned home to Dinner. GW and the directors, after discussing...
I find that one great cause of the failure of transportation of the salted provisions from Connecticut has been the general want of forage; of private forage I mean. The farmers there in general have not a lock of hay for their own stocks. Your Excellency’s wishes are anticipated. Colo. Hughes went off yesterday from Fishkill by one o’clock for Danbury (which I assure myself he reached last...
Mr Graham has the Honor to present his Compliments to the President and to forward the three inclosed Letters which have recently been received at this Office—he begs leave at the same time to inform him that Commissions have been issued to Mr Porter and Mr Sullivan agreeably to his Instructions DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Yesterday I had the honor to receive your letter of the 15th. Supposing the cold of winter in the climate at Philadelphia to be an antidote to the Yellow Fever as the experience of 1793 seems to warrant, I am of opinion that Congress may hold its next session at Philadelphia without danger to the health or lives of the members. But if at this time it may be too hazardous yet a proclamation for...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. William Heath, 9 May 1777. GW wrote Heath on 18 May : “Your favour of the 9th instant by Capt: Mullen is this day handed me.”
[ New York , December 12 , 1771 . On January 10, 1772, Hamilton wrote to Cruger : “Your agreeable Letters of the 12 and 20th Ultimo were yesterday handed me.” Letter of December 12 not found .]
I received your favor of yesterday at 10 OClock last night and have written to Genl Knox to supply the Ammunition &c. which you want. As the Enemy notwithstanding their demonstrations of an Attack upon the Highland posts, may have it in contemplation to strike this Army (comprehending your division) in its divided & separted state, It will be expedient for you to act with the greatest...
I have the honor to transmit here with the copy of a report intended to be presented to the House of Representatives on the subject of a National Bank. This communication would have been earlier made if it had been in my power; but it has been impossible for me to prepare it sooner. With the most perfect respect I have the honor to be Sir, Your Most Obedient & Most humble Servant LB , DLC:GW ....
you will please to excuse me for taking the liberty to inform you that the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the US. has passed the Senate of this State Uniamous, and in the House of Representatives yesterday 5 of PM by a majority of twenty four. You Sir will believe me to be your real friend and Humble Servant in every Sentiment of Respect RC ( ViW : Tucker-Coleman Collection); at...
I must call your attention once more to the Lakes. You must see the object of the British is to reestablish themselves once more in the united States, if they can be so called, with propriety. I am now Sorry you ever entered into any Negociation But I approved of it at the Time, not that I ever expected any good arising from it, but I hoped it would Silence the Tory Clamour, that is a vain...
27865[Saturday June 1. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday June 1. 1776. Colonel Joseph Read resigned his Office of Secretary to General Washington. Committee of the whole again. Mr. Harrison reported some resolutions. Leave to sit again.
I am this moment honored with yours of this morning containing several peices of intelligence of the Fleet’s having been seen off the Capes of Virginia on the 15th instant. I shall in Consequence of this information halt upon my present ground till I hear something further. Colo. Pinkney of South Carolina paid me a Visit two days ago, he informed me that the Military Stores in Charles Town and...
Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Jefferson of Monticello in Albemarle county of the state of Virginia , by virtue of the powers to me given by Thaddeus Kosciuzko late a General in the army of the United States , do hereby constitute and appoin t John Barnes of Georgetown in the district of Columbia lawful attorney under my self of the sd Thaddeus
I take the Liberty of transmitting herewith, the first annual report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to the Legislature of this State. With Great respect, I am, Sir your Most Obedient Servant RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . First Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to the Legislature of Maryland, Made on the 31st December, 1827 (Annapolis, 1828; Shoemaker...
Some days since I had the honor of communicating to you verbally that there were employed in the service of the United States, six hundred & seventy seamen more than the number estimated for by the Navy Department for the present year. For the purpose of giving you a more distinct view of the subject, I herewith transmit to you the enclosed paper which exhibits the details as far as they can...
I am now Imbarkd on a tempestuous Ocean from whence, perhaps, no friendly harbour is to be found. I have been called upon by the unanimous Voice of the Colonies to the Command of the Continental Army—It is an honour I by no means aspired to—It is an honour I wished to avoid, as well from an unwillingness to quit the peaceful enjoyment of my Family as from a thorough conviction of my own...
As I could not be well spared myself, I sent down my Clerk to the Quarries, immediately after writing to you, and as soon as the business would permit, I followed him, and made such arrangements, as that we have now all our most heavy stone in the Yard, and shall not probably be again at a Stand for stone. The architrave is set round the East semicircle, & by Friday evening the three Stones...
278721795 June 21. (Adams Papers)
Lime dissolves all vegetable Substances, such as Leaves, Straws, Stalks, Weeds, and converts them into an immediate food for Vegetables. It kills the Eggs of Worms and Seeds of Weeds. The best method is to spread it in your Barn Yard among the Straw and Dung. It succeeds well when spread upon the Ground. Burning Lime Stones or Shells, diminishes their Weight: but slaking the Lime restores that...
[ Philadelphia, July 12, 1794. ] “The Commissioner of the Revenue will carefully examine these Instructions and note for me any Alterations or additions which may appear to him proper. The Limits of the two departments in these respects not being accurately marked, a spirit of accommodation is requisite.” Copy, RG 58, Records of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, General Records, 1791–1803,...
I was in hopes of meeting you at this session as we were informed of the adjournment of Congress but not of your embassy till I arrived at this place. Your letter of November did [not] reach my hands untill the 6th of Jany. after which it was almost impossible to travel till Spring or you should have what is now inclosed much sooner. Mr. de la Bord was in the Cave with me and I have procured...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Arrival of the inclosed Letter to Mr: Pollard makes it unnecessary for Him to trouble Doctor Franklin with the Parcel intended for England. It comes from the Gentleman to whom that Parcel was directed—his respected Friend Mr: J——s, who had undertaken to procure, if possible, what was necessary for Mr: Pollard’s Return to his Family. How the Efforts of...
Your Volume will not produce Answers or Examinations or reflections: but probably Reproaches, vilifications and Lies and Slanders enough. For there are no greater Liars than Men of Science and Letters Taste and Sense. Try His Observation in the civil political ecclesiastical or rather sacerdotal and phylosophical History of Chaldeans Egyptians, Jews Greeks Romans Zingisians Chinese,...
I received last night your favor of the 22d. Inclosed is the commission to Mr. Woolsey Burton signed. Can you tell me any news of Mr. Brisler my steward & the rest of my Family left at Philadelphia. I am &c. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
At last it is decided—it is as I conjectured in my last Letter to you, the Situation of Mrs Adams prevents their return to America this Season, and obliges mr Adams to decline his Appointment as Judge. I have received from him Several Letters of an old date Since I last wrote to you, but it was not untill yesterday that I received a Letter from my Grandson William Smith, of June 25th in which...
I have been favored with yours of the 12 Feb y Containing a Copy of one of 16 Oct r . last, for which accept my cordial Thanks. Your The Observations res in France respecting my app t . ^ a certain Event ^ coincide exactly with what I expected on that Subject Indeed the many interesting Remarks spread thro’ your Letter appear to me to have Weight. Our last accounts give us Reason to suppose...
2788014th. (Adams Papers)
Finished reading in Wood’s Institutes; a book which has been rendered almost useless by the publication of Blackstone’s commentaries. Dined with Mr. Parsons. Took a long walk in the afternoon, and pass’d the evening with Townsend at Mrs. Hooper’s. Pickman went to Salem this morning.