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Results 27851-27860 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Francis will set out tomorrow for Mill-brook . he has his constant health, and has applied himself assiduously & solely to Spanish. he now possesses this so well that reading a little in it every day, he will be in no danger of losing it. in the French he is well established; and the possession of these two languages is well worth the little check he has recieved in his Latin, I think he...
The letter which you were so kind as to write to me the 22d. of May 1786. was not delivered to me till the 3d. of May 1787. when it found me in the neighborhood of Marseilles. Before that time you must have taken your degree as mentioned in your letter. Those public testimonies which are earned by merit and not by sollicitation may always be accepted without the imputation of vanity. Of this...
Your’s of the 6th. is recieved. I have not yet heard any thing from mr Hancocke respecting the syrup of punch.   I remit monies to G. Jefferson by this post, out of which he will answer the 400 D. for which I now inclose you an order. If the proposition you make of the exchange of the lands in Bedford for Lego, involved no further consequence, the difficulties would be lessened. but a...
I recieved a week ago your favor of the 15 th and should sooner have answered it, but that I have been awaiting the issue of a negociation between Jefferson and his uncle T. E. Randolph for a relinquishment of his lease of Pantops . the result of this is too doubtful to detain me longer from notifying my acceptance of your offer of Pantops on the terms of your letter, that is to say, for ten...
[unfavorable change in appearances there, unless we consider as such a procrastination which may be fairly ascribed to other causes. We find from our last information that we shall have one of the finest roads in the world from Athens to Fort Stoddert, which is within 180 miles of New Orleans. This last distance will admit a good road but an expensive one. All the stuff you see in the papers...
I wrote you last on the 1st. inst. and three days ago recieved Maria’s of the same date. we have intelligence which seems to be authentic that the Spaniards have delivered up the posts on the Missisipi. this is the more welcome, as the commencement of war in that quarter seemed more imminent than it is with France. we are certainly more indebted for avoiding it to the good sense & moderation...
I have been so late in getting my tob o to market that I have not been able sooner to remit you the 1 st year’s interest. so dilatory are the means of the farmer & planter.    Francis wrote me that you were willing I should import for him (with some books I am importing for myself from London ) Thomas ’s Coke Littleton & Bacon ’s abridgment. these are dear books and with the loss by exchange,
I am this moment arrived here with Ellen & Cornelia , and find Francis who arrived last night. I will take care and attend him to the Academy & see to every thing necessary for him. we will keep him with us as long as we stay (a week or 10. days) and rub him up in his French. I learn with great concern the state of your health, but can prescribe nothing by but patience & the springs with good...
By the post succeeding my last letter to you , I recieved one from my counsel in Livingston’s case requesting me to prepare a statement of all the facts which will be to be proved in that case to be forwarded with commissions to N. Orleans to have the depositions regularly taken. this it is not in my power to do without the aid of the statement of the case sent to mr Giles & yourself, of which...
I have detained Martin a little longer than you intended because my waggons were to set off this day for Bedford and I concluded to send him with the work he had done by one of them. it was but one day’s journey of their way, and saves your waggon a trip of 5. days to come for them. by Martin ’s count there are 129. knobs. their tops will require to be kept well painted, as they present the...