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Results 27851-27860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your Favour of the 13th Feb’y last. Your other Letter has not reached me. I am so Circumstanced at present so much to do & no Body to assist me that I can hardly steal a Moment to write to my Friends tho their Letters always afford me the greatest Pleasure. May I then hope Sir that you will continue to write me frequently tho I shoud not prove a very punctual Correspondent....
It gives me pleasure to inform you that Mr Boudinotte has been able to effect your exchange for a Doctor Mentzes. Allow me to congratulate you on the event. We are again on the business of a general cartel with Mr Howe He seems inclined to meet us on fair ground. Commissioners from us meet an equal number from him the 10th instant. One great and preliminary point to be settled is the...
[ Valley Forge ] March 5, 1778 . Urges Parks to remain in service in spite of temporary disability. Df , in writings of John Laurens and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parks was a major of the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment.
L : Harvard University Library Dr. Franklin presents his Respects to Mr. A. Lee, is sorry he can not do himself the honour of waiting upon [ him ] on Monday next, being pre-engaged. If Tuesday or Wednesday will suit Mr. Lee’s Convenience, Dr. F. will [ be ] happy to accept his Invitation. Addressed: Honble Arthur Lee Esqr. / Chaillot Notation: March 5th. 1778 In WTF ’s hand. He was perhaps...
ALS : The late Arthur Bloch The interview to which this brief note is a summons was the one that the commissioners had requested the day before, to discuss making the treaty public. Gérard met them on schedule, and opened the conversation by taking Lee to task for misquoting him to Aranda about another matter; Lee put the blame on Deane, who refused to take it. Franklin then recalled them to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Not being favor’d with any of your Dispatches since the Arrival of Doctr. Franklin (except a few Lines under Date of the 7 June) I have become very apprehensive of the Fate of the many Letters that I have from Time to Time done myself the honor of writing, and which have generally been addressed under Cover to Messrs. Delaps at Bordeaux. Your not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I intend to set out, as soon as my Gout and the weather will permit me, for the Court to which I have the honour of being appointed by Congress. It will be proper for me to be acquainted with such parts of your proceedings at the Court of France as will be of any assistance to me in fulfilling the objects of my Commission. You will therefore be pleased to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à Monsieur franklyn, en lui envoiant la nouvelle traduction sur laquelle il a bien voulu lui promettre de jetter les yeux; il le prie de vouloir bien la lui renvoier lorsqu’il aura eu la bonté de l’examiner et de la corriger: il le prie aussi de vouloir bien, si par hasard il avoit eu quelques nouvelles,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been honored with several Letters by the Hands of sundry Gentlemen coming here with a View to serve our Cause; but from the Numbers of our own Officers and the foreign Gentlemen not being possessed of our language it was impossible for us to find Places or for them to distinguish themselves in our Service. You are conscious of this and therefore ’tis...
AL : American Philosophical Society I beg to recommend the bearer to your best patronage, friendship, and advice. I shall say nothing more of him, than that to warm benevolence and good parts, there have been joined a virtuous education and public principles. In these times and upon the plan on which he goes, his success is fundamentally important to his family. Particulars he will explain;...