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Results 27841-27870 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : Harvard University Library I arrivd at this place last night in forty four hours from Paris. The Vessels which it was intended I should stop saild eight days ago, and it is most probable that the court knew of that circumstance because it is confidently asserted a french Frigate convoyd them as far as Ushant. Mr. Williams immediately took the proper steps to profit by your advices had...
I this day received the Letter your Excellency did me the honor to write me the 25th. Ulto. and in consequence I have made an application for the passports requested. Until I see the Gentlemen in question I cannot give my opinion of the probable success of their Business. I hope that in their instructions, proper Attention has been paid to the friendly offers of this Court. If not I foresee...
I did myself the honor of writing to you last Post in answer to yours of the 8th of April, at that time I had suspicions that a Sir John Dalrymple who has now been here near three weeks, was imployed by G. Britain to sound the Disposition of this Court and in the mean time to work under Ground for the interests of his own Country. I have been hitherto able to trace most of his motions, which...
Since I had the honor to inform your Excellency of the Success of Mr. Barclays mission of which I was advised by his Excy. the Cte. de Florida Blanca, The Treaty of this Court with Algiers has been ratified by his Catholic Majesty. This ratification was signed the 27th. Ulto. The Ct. D’Expilly will set out for Algiers in a few weeks with the presents given on this occasion to the Dey and the...
I did myself the honor of writing to you on the Seventh 10 th & 11 th to which letters I beg leave to refer you. At a very early hour this morning an express arrived from Cadiz with an acct of the arrival at that Port of a Convoy from S t . Domingo. I am not yet certain that the Person whom I mentioned in my letter of the 11 th is the one we expected, altho’ circumstances render it probable....
Copy: Library of Congress I seize the Opportunity of a Russian Courier on his return to Petersburg from Lisbon to transmit you the inclosed Letter from M. Vaughan & to thank you for the Pleasure your Introduction afforded me. He is a promising young Man & seems exceedingly desirous to improve himself, Mr. Jay having no Instructions to administer the oath of Allegiance, declined doing it until...
By a Letter which I received last week from Governeur Morris, I am informed that your Excellency is still at Paris. In consequence I take the Liberty of inclosing to you the accompts of the disbursements made for our Captives at Algiers No. 1–2.—I transmitted to Mr. Jay the first accompt in June 1787, but have not been favored with an answer. On the 11th Inst. I received the second accompanied...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor to answer Your Excellencys Letter of the 26th Ulto. from St. Ildefonso, this Court has judged proper to adopt a measure which it has had in contemplation for some time past, by finally concluding to send Mr Gardoqui late Consul General in England, to represent his Catholic Majesty in the Character of Chargé D’Affaires to the United...
I received on the 30th. Ulto. the Letter which you did me the honor to address me the 17th. ditto. I have purchased such books contained in your catalogue as I judged not too dear. The Moment I am furnished with an account of the price of others which are rarely to be met with I will immediately forward it to you. I Shall make the proper use of the Intelligence you are pleased to give me and...
I wrote you on the 12 th Ins t . since which I have had the honor to receive yours of the 11 th . I yesterday dined with the French Ambassader at a grand entertainment given to 28 of the Nobility of both sexes & the Foreighn Ministers. The Ambassader & the C t . D’Estaing took every opportunity of making their attention to me, and on the whole I was well received. The C t . De F. B. came in...
Mr. Cassenave who means to establish a commercial house at Alexandria in your State will have the honor to present you this Letter. He is strongly recommended to me by the House of Messrs. Drouillet Capital Banquers here and who have always been disposed to render me and every American who has come hither every service pecuniary or friendly in their Power. I flatter myself that you will favor...
I have the honor to inclose your Excellency two Letters which Mr. Barclay requested me to forward by the 1st. safe opportunity. None having offered until the present, the Return of the Duke of Vauguyon to Paris, you will find them of an old date. Mr. Barclay wrote me the 20th. from Alicant. Before his arrival Mr. Lamb had gone to Minorca. He is therefore much at a loss with respect to his...
Copy: Library of Congress An Express which Mr. Gabarus sends to Paris afords me an Opportunity of sending you the latest Spanish Gazettes & to apologize for not having yet sent the Books you expressed a desire of reading— They have been long in readiness to send, but I have not yet been able to find a Person going directly to Paris, who could conveniently charge himself with the Delivery of...
Copy: Library of Congress I did myself the Honor of answering yours of the 17th. of June by a Courier from the French ambassador, but not having the Copy of my Letter to you, with me here, I cannot recollect the Date. M. Jay Sent by the same conveyance Sir John Dalrymples memorial and others papers. M. Cumberland Still remain at Madrid, but as the Count de Montmorin doth not appear uneasy in...
Copy: Library of Congress I am afraid you will think me a troublesome correspondent, because I have no Opportunities of amusing or of giving information that will be agreable to you.— Our Necessities & difficulties are the themes for my Letters & be assured that it is not less disagreable for me to write on these Subjects than for you to be obliged to read what I write— Premising this you will...
Copy: Library of Congress The Prince Maceran’s [Masserano’s] Courier brought me your Favour of the 27. ulto. I am so sensible of the honour and pleasure of your Correspondence not to regret it. Yet when I tell you with sincerity that every Letter which I receive from you adds to my Desire of meriting your Esteem & consequently that of others, you will not I hope think your Indulgence thrown...
M r . Jay waited on the Count de Montmorin this Morning at nine OClock agreeable to appointment the Day before. The Former commenced the Conversation by observing that in his first Conferences with the Minister of Spain at Aranjuez, The Minister divided the Subject into two parts, and spoke largely on that of the Bills drawn on M r . Jay, and on the Treaty proposed to be entered into between...
Immediately on the receipt of your Excellencys last note I dispatched my Servt to the Chevalier de Bourgoyng requesting him to send me a copy of the Gazette containing the Capitulation of L d . Cornwallis. I have this moment his answer in which he informs me, that the only copy the Embassador reserved yesterday, was sent last night to the Consul at Cadiz— I am exceedingly sorry that any...
Since I had the honor to write you on the 4th. Instant I have received from the Ct. de Rechteren the inclosed copy of a letter from the Dutch consul in Marocco which I forward for the information of the commissioners. I am also advised by Mr. Harrison that the Spanish Consul to the Emperor, but now at Cadiz preparing Presents for that Prince, informed him that he was instructed by the Ct. de...
Copy: Library of Congress Since writing a Letter which you will receive by the same Courier which brings this I am informed from good authority that Mr. Cumberland will shortly leave this & take Paris in his way to England— I shall inform you of the time he sets out or any other particular I may hear further with your Notice— He received an express yesterday morning from Lisbon which it seems...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Charles Traverse having been so obliging as to offer to charge himself with my pacquets for your Excellency, I have seized the opportunity of sending you a Discourse of Mr. Iove Llanos, which I mentioned in a former Letter & the Poem of Mr Ths. Iriarte on Musick. I am on an Intimate Footing with the Authors & If their Works give you any pleasure in the...
Dn. Ventura Caro lately appointed Captain General of the Island of Cuba Luisiana &c. and having occasion to go to Paris before embarking for his Government, I take the Liberty of presenting him to your Acquaintance. He is of long Standing, one of mine. As his Stay I presume will be short at Paris, I wish you to profit of it as much as possible, as well on his account as your own. Any Commands...
I received a few days ago the Letter which your Excellency did me the honor to write me the 20th Ulto. inclosing Letters for Messrs. Lamb and Randall. To the Former I have transmitted your Letters. The Latter I suppose you will have seen long before this can reach you and from him you will have learnt more than I wished or chose to put on paper. I am happy to find that two of my bills have...
Madrid, 29 Jan. 1788 . Introduces Francesco de Molinedo , who will pass through Paris on his way to London, where he will act as chargé d’affaires for the court of Spain. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; endorsed.
ALS : Library of Congress Altho Mr Jays acquaintance with Mr Gardoqui, who will have the honor to deliver this to your Excy. Might excuse me from taking the present Liberty, yet I cannot refuse this Gentlemans request to be the bearer of a Line from myself to your Excy; His friendly conduct to me intitles him to every mark of Consideration in my power to shew him & I hope to the many proofs of...
A Conversation which I had this day with his Excellency the Count de Florida Blanca confirms me in the Idea which I lately mentioned That this Court is either really indisposed against the United States or that it affects to be so, in order to spur them on to a conclusion of a Convention conformable to the Instructions given to M r . Gardoqui. Having perceived a delay in the Ministry to...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to address your Excellency some time ago by the Baron le Fort and to advise you that I should find myself under the necessity of calling on you for the advances made by our Bankers here for the Public— After having delayed as long as possible these payments, as well to comply with the request you made Mr Jay to give you all the time in his power at the...
Having been in daily expectation to have the honor to hear from your Excellency, agreable to the contents of your last Letter, I have perhaps been led to a longer silence, than I wished or may be consonant to your Ideas of our respective Situations. A Letter from Mr. Barclay perhaps has contributed to my Error. Since Writing to you Mr. Harrison of Cadiz has transmitted me the Inclosed Letters...
Since I had the honor of conveying to you the communications made to me by the Ct. de Florida Blanca respecting the Mission of Mr. Barclay in Morrocco I have received the inclosed Letter for your Excellency from that Gentleman, the contents of which are known to me. I do not know what Congress may decide with regard to the other Barbary states, But I am persuaded that in our actual...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Before I leave Europe permit me to return you my most unfeighned thanks for the politeness and confidence with which you have treated me since your arrival in France and more particularly for the letter sign’d by yourself and Mr. Deane and addressd to the Committee of Congress for foreighn affairs. If I know my own breast my principal aim has been to...