Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Jacob Wagner to Mr. Barry, [ca. 5–22 December 1810]


Jacob Wagner to Mr. Barry

[ca. 5–22 Dec. 1810]

Mr Law’s paper came duly to hand. He was to have been answered by one of the editors who is now indisposed. All we can say is that Mr L the only fact within his own knowledge1 vizt writing the letter. The remarks made by Mr Fox depend upon the veracity of a Gentleman not to be compared for scrupulous truth & strict honor with Mr Jefferson without injury to the former. No eulogium on Mr Jefferson’s impartiality towards England if ever any man chuses to believe it is admissible in the Fedl Repn. The denial cannot be painful to Mr Law whilst he has so many other means at his elbow to proclaim such opinions. Whatever Mr Law might have to say to the advantage of himself would be cheerfully published in the F. R. On this occasion he has no such claim Mr J. & not Mr L being implicated.

Tr (DLC: TJ Papers, 191:34059–60); in Law’s hand; undated; at head of text: “Mr Wagner’s note to Mr Barry”; subjoined to Tr of preceding enclosure.

Alexander Contee Hanson was probably the editor now indisposed.

1Thus in manuscript.

Index Entries

  • Barry, Mr.; letter from J. Wagner to search
  • Fox, Charles James; alleged remarks on TJ search
  • Hanson, Alexander Contee search
  • Wagner, Jacob; letter from to Barry search