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Results 27811-27860 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS and copy: National Archives I have delayed writing to your Excy in Expectation of having it...
Since I had the honor to address you the 18 th. Ult o. I have received an Answer from his Ex cy....
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society In my last I transmitted you an account of the Extraordinary...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to receive, altho Somewhat Late the Communications you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor to receive your Excellencys Letter of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I send you the last Spanish...
(I) and (II) Copy: Library of Congress The Duke De Crillon, and who hath not heard of the Name of...
ALS : New York Public Library I have this day renderd an account to Mr. Deane of the Sums...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received some days ago a Letter from the Cte de Campomanes...
Copy: Library of Congress The Count De Montmorin is so obliging as to offer me an Occasion of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On the 3d. Instant I received from the French Embassador...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Boyetet Consul General for France in this Country has...
M r Barry delivered me some days ago your Excellencys favor of the 20 th Nov r. at the Same time...
On the 23 d instant I came to this place & on the 26 th had an opportunity of speaking to his Ex...
ALS : Library of Congress I had the honor to address your Excellency the 2d of this month by...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D.,...
Copy: Library of Congress A Courier which the Ambassador of France dispatches from hence gives me...
Mr. Harrison who has resided in Cadiz in the Character of Consul more than five years and...
I have, since I had the honor to address you by the last courier of the Cabinet from hence, made...
Copy: Library of Congress I received by Mr. Jay’s Courier who returned last night your favour of...
Colonel Humphreys delivered to me your Letter of the 6th of August on the 18th of the last month;...
I received on the 2d. Inst. from the Person to whom it was inclosed your favor of the 18th. Ulto....
In the course of the last month I reed a letter from Mr Richard Harrison established at Cadiz...
I forward the inclosed Letter from Mr. Lamb for your Excellencies information: That Gentleman has...
I inclose a copy of a Letter which I had the honor to address you the 9th of July. I hope I may...
I did not receive until the 26 th Ins t. the Letter you did me the honor to address me the 3 d of...
Copy: Library of Congress I did myself the Honor of writing to you from Cadiz and since by M....
I had the honor to address you after a long silence the 14 Inst. You will receive that Letter by...
Copy: Library of Congress I sincerely grieve for the Cause that hath deprived me of the honour of...
I did myself the honor of writing to you by a Courier whom the French Embassador dispatched to...
ALS : Harvard University Library I arrivd at this place last night in forty four hours from...
I this day received the Letter your Excellency did me the honor to write me the 25th. Ulto. and...
I did myself the honor of writing to you last Post in answer to yours of the 8th of April, at...
Since I had the honor to inform your Excellency of the Success of Mr. Barclays mission of which I...
I did myself the honor of writing to you on the Seventh 10 th & 11 th to which letters I beg...
Copy: Library of Congress I seize the Opportunity of a Russian Courier on his return to...
By a Letter which I received last week from Governeur Morris, I am informed that your Excellency...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor to answer Your Excellencys Letter of...
I received on the 30th. Ulto. the Letter which you did me the honor to address me the 17th....
I wrote you on the 12 th Ins t . since which I have had the honor to receive yours of the 11 th ....
Mr. Cassenave who means to establish a commercial house at Alexandria in your State will have the...
I have the honor to inclose your Excellency two Letters which Mr. Barclay requested me to forward...
Copy: Library of Congress An Express which Mr. Gabarus sends to Paris afords me an Opportunity of...
Copy: Library of Congress I did myself the Honor of answering yours of the 17th. of June by a...
Copy: Library of Congress I am afraid you will think me a troublesome correspondent, because I...
Copy: Library of Congress The Prince Maceran’s [Masserano’s] Courier brought me your Favour of...
M r . Jay waited on the Count de Montmorin this Morning at nine OClock agreeable to appointment...
Immediately on the receipt of your Excellencys last note I dispatched my Servt to the Chevalier...
Since I had the honor to write you on the 4th. Instant I have received from the Ct. de Rechteren...
Copy: Library of Congress Since writing a Letter which you will receive by the same Courier which...