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Results 27811-27840 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
As it is contemplated to attempt bringing before you for decision an occurrance between the creek and cherokee Nation of Indians which transpired in the spring of 1809 Candour impels me to communicate an attempt of the injured Party for redress through me as their agent to Col Benjamin Hawkins principal agent of Indian affairs South of Ohio. Sir the vouchers which will be submitted to you will...
at the request of one of our Woman Friends Anne Miflin , resideing in the City of Phillidelphia , who was on a religious Visit in this State and haveing a Concern that bore on her Mind respecting the Black Colonisation of the Black people on the Coast of Africa and that some plan Might be adopted for that purpose and for relief of this State, from so heavey a Burthen, (a like Concern lay on...
You will no doubt have seen the Proclamation by the President , which made it my duty to take possession of the Country extending from the Mississipi to the Perdido , in the name & in behalf of the United States .—In the discharge of that duty I now occupy the Fort of Baton Rouge , its dependencies & the Several adjoining Districts.—On my arrival at Baton Rouge, I had reason to apprehend...
I arrived here last night indisposed and must return in the stage to morrow or should have the pleasure to call on you. It was necessary that I should be present at the transfer of my property from one overseer to another, for which purpose I obtained leave of absence for a few days. M r Ritchie informed M r Coles that an anonymous communication had been sent him, stating that you had had a...
Le Commandeur de Maisonneuve a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madame Adams qu’Elle est invitée ainsi que Mademoiselle Johnson sa soeur, au bal qui aura lieu, Demain Lundi 12. chéz Sa Majesté L’Impératrice Mère, à sept heures et demi du soir. MHi : Adams Papers.
I take the liberty of sending Your Excellency a Copy of a trifling Production which may perhaps derive some Interest from the Circumstances of the Moment. If You will receive it with Indulgence and on Perusal should think well of it I shall be highly gratified. I have the Honour to be with great Respect Your Excellency’s most obedient St. RC ( DLC ). Bollmann probably enclosed a copy of his...
In taking the liberty of requesting Your acceptance of my Book upon Wool I can with much sincerity assure you that my principal motive has been to acknowledge the high esteem & respect I feel for your public character and to express my gratitude for the pleasure I have experienced in contrasting the humane and enlightened policy of your late Government with the destructive and infatuated...
The enclosed paragraph entitled “an authentic anecdote” implies that the communicator recieved it from the parties in Great Britain . I have therefore considered whether I ever wrote to my Brother as mentioned & though I do not remember particulars it is probable that I did so; for I have uniformly expressed what I sincerely believed that the President had not any bias in his mind hostile to...
M r Law’s paper came duly to hand. He was to have been answered by one of the editors who is now indisposed . All we can say is that M r L the only fact within his own knowledge viz t writing the letter. The remarks made by M
Ca. 22 December 1810, Santa Fe de Bogotá. The political changes occurring in “the Capital of this New Kingdom and its Provinces since the 20th July of this year” have made it possible to open communications with JM, “now that we are free from the odious restrictions, which kept us as it were insulated in the middle of the world. From this time forward we may extend our views, and offer our...
Having been shewn a Paragraph in the Federal republican—Headed An authentic anecdote I thought it incumbent upon me, to write the enclosed to M r Wagner , as and to desire him to insert it in his paper— as he did not reply, I sent another Copy to M r Barry , hoping that M r Wagner would have more pleasure in inserting the antedote than the bane, I also desired
We read of Hurricane Months in the West Indies. Men of business are exposed to them no less than the West India islands. I am now in the height of Mine. For a few minutes only, I have torn my eyes from the tumultuous Scenes that surround me & turned them towards Woolaston in Massachusets. I see you in your Arm Chair—surrounded by your family. How do you do? And you! good madam—the faithful...
21 December 1810, Tompkins, Delaware County, New York. “I have been sick these twenty one years Just so much strength as to be able to keep a bout and ride a bout but unable to do any labour and always very uncomfortable.” Describes his plan for a perpetual motion machine conceived of in 1800. “I do now request you sir to use your influence to obtain some money of congress and for the world’s...
I have the honour of acknowledging the receipt of the two notes which you were so condescending as to write me relative to a constitution for the United States drawn up by the late Gen. Hamilton. I much regret that your kindness should have occasioned you so much trouble. Had I suspected it, I should have forborn a request the granting of which was to confer a favour upon me at the expence of...
20 December 1810, No. 6 Cheapside Street, New York. Anticipates arguments that might have been made in opposition to his letter of 15 [16] Dec. advocating the establishment of a national brewery in Washington. Believes Washington is the best place for this establishment; the production of “good Malt liquor of every Kind there … would necessarily induce a spirit of emulation as well as...
20 December 1810, Washington. Encloses a letter from Mr. Eccleston that arrived in the U.S. some time ago. Has heard rumors of a change “in the Situation of the Post Master General” and mentions that his friend Mr. Fairfax, a gentleman of integrity and “firmly attached to the Government,” would be gratified to receive the appointment. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Fairfax”). 1...
I have to acknowledge your favour of the 13 July, which Mr Harris did not deliver till last week— Nothing could afford me more pleasure, or flatter me more, than so obliging an instance of recollection from a gentleman for whom I entertain so high a respect & so much regard— To Mr Harris and his companion Mr Bruce I shall be happy in shewing my best attention—Before the delivery of your letter...
I am favour’d with your letter of this date inclosing your check for $63.22/100 amount of charges on your pipe of Madeira wine from Messrs. Murdoch. When your stock of that article will require being replenished, will thank you to inform me of it, if you are satisfied with that received. I am very respectfully Sir Your most obedt. Servt. RC ( DLC ). Letter not found. On 9 Jan. 1811 Cazenove...
19 December 1810, Copenhagen. “I am yet unadvised of the fate of my Letters that were put on shore at Gottenburg; and such of the Duplicates that I have sent to replace them … save that these last have passed safely into Sweden. I therefore give this an entirely different direction.” In a postscript lists the papers enclosed: Joy to JM, 8 Oct. 1810 and October 1810; cabinet secretary to Joy,...
Knowing the interest, you take in the state of our foreign relations and the solicitude, you feel for your old and sincere friends, I hasten to transmit to you a copy of the documents, which accompanied the late message of the President . They shew the Course, we have been steering in a sea of difficulties. As the principles, which I have feebly endeavoured to maintain, are, in truth, but a...
I had the honor of writing to you from Washington . I shall send you by todays mail, some brochures — I had the pleasure of being informed, at the Department of State , that my communications to the secretary and my public and private conduct were always approved, and that no charge, nor insinuation has been made against me— Mr. Brent and others informed me that mr. Mc Crae will not remain at...
I have the honour to inform you that, I am going to send a vessel to Madeira, & shall be happy to take charge of any thing you may wish to send there. Should you be disposed to favour me with an other order for some of Messrs. Murdoch’s wine, would be glad to be able to send it by this conveyance. I beg leave to annex an account of the charges on the pipe received, & am very respectfully Sir...
Judge Griffin, of the Michigan Territory, is solicitous for an exchange with me of our local situations. I have no objection to accommodate him, provided it be agreeable to government. Indeed, from the experience I have had of ill health in the Illinois Territory, I am induced to wish for the exchange. I believe, that Kaskaskia to him, and Detroit to me, would be more salubrious. If I rightly...
18 December 1810, Department of State. Acknowledges Turreau’s letter of 12 Dec. in answer to his inquiries about certificates of origin and the admission to France of American agricultural products. Concludes from the letter that the importation of American cotton and tobacco is “specially and absolutely prohibited.” Also notes that the decree of 15 July effectively prohibits the importation...
Letter not found. 18 December 1810, Washington. Offered for sale in Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 484, “The Alexander Biddle Papers” (1943), pt. 2, item 202, which notes that the one-page letter of about one hundred words “regards his nephew who was ill, and is consoled that he is receiving the attention of Dr. Rush and Dr. Physick.”
Since I wrote you last, I have not had the pleasure of receiving a line from you, but as you are the most constant and most frequent correspondent that I have beyond the seas, besides the rule which I have followed of answering every letter by one in return, I shall add that of writing to you by every opportunity that occurs during the Winter—I now write by a namesake of ours a Mr: Adams, from...
The proclamation of the 2d. of November is doing good here, and may perhaps bring this Ministry to Reason. I enclose Cobbets last Number, which touches upon our Relations with this Country, & Bell’s weekly Messenger of yesterday, which treats of the same Subject. My Letter to Ld. W. of the 10th. Instant wd. have gone into it more fully (though I was straightened for Time) but that I was afraid...
We have received your favor of the 13 th with the note inclosed— Tobacco has yet come in very slowly, and such qualities as suit the taste of our present shippers have been eagerly bought up at 7 ½ & 8$ to 8 ½ $ indeed in one instance 10 ⅛ $ was given for a crop of 6 hhd s by M r Kerr of
Since we last had communication with you Circumstances have very much Chang’d. at that time we could borrow of the Banks on any emergency that pressd us indeed we had borrowed more or less all along until lately we have had to pay it off and it leaves in A very disagreeable situation as we had vested much of our property in Manufactories of Iron and Steel both of which we carry on to A...
16 December 1810, No. 6 Cheapside Street, New York. Solicits JM’s assistance in establishing a brewing company in Washington as “a National object” in order to improve the quality of malt liquors and to “counteract the baneful influence of ardent spirits on the health and Morals of our fellow Citizens.” “The Capital that might be made sufficient to give a begining to such an establishment need...